Tomb Raiders: Treasure Raiders

Chapter 237 Young Hero

Chapter 237 Young Hero (3)
Han Feng smiled and said to Mimi: "Are you planning to return to Wushenzong?"

Kuang Wu looked at Han Feng earnestly and said: "Now I believe in your ability, your elder brother's method of cultivating spiritual power may really be able to cure me. It has been ten years, and I want to go back and see them, but I am always worried that the self that appears at night will hurt them, people are not plants, how can they be ruthless?"

Han Feng broke free from Kuang Wu's embrace and said, "Now I understand why you are called Kuang Wu. You don't care much about I have a way to cure your illness, but you are so excited about a lost marksmanship. It's not good for you to be like this. Nothing will ever compare to the happiness of a family."

Han Feng expressed his feelings, but Kuang Wu nodded perfunctorily. As long as Han Feng can display his marksmanship, he won't mind even pointing at Kuang Wu's nose and scolding him.

Han Feng's stomach started to growl. In the past two days, Han Feng only ate a piece of bread, and after doing such strenuous exercise, his stomach began to protest.Kuang Wu quickly ran to the castle and said, "I'm going to prepare something to eat, you rest first."

The breakfast prepared by Kuangwu was simple, bread, bacon and coffee. The Korean wind wiped out most of the food, and then he walked comfortably to the room where he stayed overnight.Kuang Wu stretched out his hand to keep Han Feng, he couldn't wait to start to open up Han Feng's extraordinary meridians immediately.

Han Feng said without looking back: "The afternoon is ready, I want to find something left by my father."

Kuang Wu hurriedly stuffed the bread into his mouth, and said vaguely: "I know this place very well, what are you looking for?"

Han Feng scolded himself for being stupid. Kuang Wu has lived here for ten years, and he probably searched every nook and cranny. Han Feng said, "I want to find a contract, a contract to buy a mine, have you seen it?"

Kuang Wu thought about it and said: "It seems not. I have read all the books here, and there is no such thing as a contract, but there is one room that I did not enter. It is the bedroom of the owner and the couple. I occupied it uninvited." That’s all for now, but there’s no reason to enter the master’s bedroom privately.”

Han Feng said: "Then what are you waiting for? Take me there quickly."

The master bedroom is at the end of the long corridor on the left side of the second floor. When you open the dusty door, a warm bedroom appears in front of Han Feng. The sheets and curtains are decorated with light yellow tassels. This is Han Feng’s mother. My favorite color, this is how Han Feng's home is arranged. Seeing this bedroom, Han Feng suddenly returned to his home.

On the wall above the bed hangs the wedding photos of Han Feng's parents. In the photos, the couple with happy smiles on their faces seems to be the happiest in the world.

Han Feng suddenly understood why his father never brought him here. This is the place where they spent the happiest time. His mother's death made his father unable to face all this. Sadly, so all these years he has been working like hell to vent out the pain in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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