Tomb Raiders: Treasure Raiders

Chapter 202: A Litter of Snake Rats

Chapter 202: A Nest of Snakes and Rats (3)
Lan Mei is a time bomb arranged by the Holy Martial Empire around her, the Kester Republic is a shameless means of framing, and the Holy Martial Empire adopts this gentle method of planting spies.Han Feng, who has undergone great changes in his family, has hated to the bone the behavior of others calculating the mine under his name.

There was no anger on Han Feng's face, and he was so calm that it was unbearable. Qu Mowei noticed this keenly. After getting in the car, he obediently hid in the corner with the suitcase containing Magellan. It stayed at home alone, resolutely protesting to follow, even if it was packed in a suitcase.

Lan Mei sat in the seat next to Han Feng knowingly and didn't say a word. The stalemate between the two of them allowed Brown and the others to see clearly that there must have been a conflict between the two little ancestors. Everyone lived in awkward silence along the way.

The antique market that Brown chose is not small, but it looks very messy. There are only some low-rise buildings here, which can be regarded as luxurious stores here, and other vendors are setting up stalls on the ground. It seems that most of the people who choose antiques are ordinary citizens of Lillesal, and there are few real big buyers.

Han Feng was thinking about how to make Lan Mei back out without losing face. After all, Lan Mei and himself had jointly excavated the treasure in Salzburg, and the charming Lan Mei seemed like a cute doll, so Han Feng couldn't bear to hurt her However, what Han Feng hated was the person who made Lan Mei engage in "spy" work, not the "poor" Lan Mei who was used as a tool.

Among Han Feng and his group, only Han Feng can be regarded as an "expert". When the others came to the antique market, their eyes were smeared, and they couldn't tell the authenticity. Han Feng sat in the front and looked around, Lan Mei was on his left, Qu Mowei was on his right, and behind him was a neat line of people, looking mighty and imposing.

Wherever Han Feng went, the stall owners yelled vigorously, and the yelling one after another made the antique market suddenly lively. A pair of dazzling golden boys and girls followed a large number of followers, and anyone could see who was the big buyer. .Qu Mowei was carrying his suitcase and showing his non-existent rich belly, posing as a big boss, but the stall owners with venomous eyes could see that he was Han Feng's senior follower, because as long as Han Feng stopped, Qu Mowei immediately leaned forward and put on a gesture of taking out money.

Han Feng does not have the ability to use the ring, there are too many things here, and the real and fake antiques everywhere are dazzling, Han Feng needs to find something that looks good before using the ability of the ring.Brown followed closely behind Han Feng, posing as an expert, and he was waiting for Han Feng to create an opportunity for him to become an expert.

Han Feng walked and stopped, more than half an hour passed, Han Feng still did not find something that moved his heart, Han Feng's spiritual sense was always searching for the surrounding situation based on the principle of not using it in vain, suddenly Han Feng felt Someone was watching him, and when Han Feng turned his head to look over, he saw Media in a bright red dress.

(End of this chapter)

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