I asked the lord to rebel in advance

Chapter 395 Two "Qin Youran"

Chapter 395 Two "Qin Youran"

"Yes!" Dou Jiayi said quickly, "I'll go right away."

Just two steps away, the dormitory supervisor's door was already under the leadership of the female teacher, and the female guards rushed over.

Only then did Qin Youran open the door, and it was Jiang Wanlian who took the lead.

Under the light of a dozen torches, the woman tied up on the ground was actually Qin Youran.

Jiang Wanlian was taken aback, "What's going on?"

Qin Youran smiled, "Master Jiang, the one below is Qin Youran, and the one on the ground is Ou Qian'er, she wants to kill me and live as me, with ulterior motives..."

Qin Youran's words caused an uproar among those who heard and saw it.

"Take them away." Jiang Wanlian looked at "Qin Youran" who was tied up on the ground, and then at Qin Youran, "Take both of them away, seal their rooms, no one is allowed to come in and out, and four people are kept tightly at the door." guard."

Some things are not suitable for interrogation in front of all the students, and they should be brought to the interrogation room of the academy for further interrogation.

"Qin Youran" was tied up and taken away, while Qin Youran followed behind Jiang Wanlian.

Although both of them have Qin Youran's faces, anyone who has been in contact with Qin Youran can recognize Qin Youran's voice and believe Qin Youran's words.

Dou Jiayi was in a hurry, "Youran, don't be afraid, I will deliver a letter home at dawn."

Miss Qin Qi was not worried about Qin Youran, but worried that Ou Qian'er was caught so early, and some things in her previous life might not happen. Is it good or bad for her?

Alas, this uncertainty keeps her awake at night.

With the support of her dormitory classmates, Min Lian'er limped out of the room, "Cousin Youran, don't worry, I believe you are definitely not beating people indiscriminately."

There are a few people who have a good relationship with Ou Qianer. They looked at Qin Youran with hostility, and some rushed over and asked, "Master Jiang, before you check clearly, it may not be Ou Qianer's fault. There is no need to tie him up." Ou Qianer? Maybe... maybe it's just a joke?"

Qin Youran looked at these ignorant girls, did he really think that he was a messenger of justice?

Hehe, if she and Ou Qianer hadn't shared a dormitory so that it would be convenient for Ou Qianer to attack her, Ou Qianer's claws would definitely reach out to other people.If you change your face, you will be safe and sound, and those ignorant and ignorant noble girls will die.

Jiang Wanlian frowned and glanced around, "Go back to sleep immediately, and let you know what you should know, and won't tell you what you shouldn't know if you ask."

After speaking, she brought Qin Youran and Ou Qianer out together.

Ou Qian'er's jaw was removed at this time, even if she wanted to bite her tongue and kill herself, she couldn't do it.

Seeing Qin Youran being taken away, Min Lian'er choked up and said, "Cousin Youran... what's wrong? Could it be a joke?"

Dou Jiayi said in a cold voice: "Min Lian'er, Youran has a good sense of things. It's obvious that Ou Qian'er did something. If you don't know the truth, don't talk nonsense. You know that you are Youran's cousin, and you won't deliberately speak ill of her. , but those who don’t know will definitely misunderstand Youran because of your words, and it will appear that you have bad intentions.”

Miss Qin Qi snorted coldly in her heart, this Min Lian'er can do many things without limits, so it is considered light to speak like this, "Everyone, go back to the house quickly, or the masters will definitely lose their temper if they see it."

Although everyone was curious, they also knew that it was dark now, so they stayed in their rooms for safety and went back one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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