Chapter 943
"Go, get out of here quickly!" After Mu Yuqian finished thinking, she immediately said to the people around her.

In fact, when Yuqian led Feng Fan and the others out of that room, she felt those eyes watching their situation.

She also knew that Ming Qi would not be so stupid that she did not expect that they would go to rescue Feng Fan and the others.

Mu Yuqian was certain that Ming Qi must have counted on their coming, so she set up a vision around the room where Feng Fan and the others were imprisoned, so that they could arrive in time when they arrived.

However, Ming Wenjie became the accident of this incident.

However, Mu Yuqian estimated the time, and Ming Wenjie couldn't last long. Once Ming Qi killed those rebellious children, then his next target would be them.

The moment Yu Qian's words fell, Feng Fan and the others quickly realized what she was thinking, and after that, everyone present couldn't help speeding up their steps.

At this moment, the Mingzu is outside the hall.

Ming Wenjie also exerted his strength to fight against Ming Qi. At the beginning, he confidently believed that with his mid-level strength as a warrior god and the defense against shields, he could dodge Ming Qi's attack.

It's just that he didn't expect that Ming Qi would swing another huge force towards him the next second after launching the attack.

It was because Ming Wenjie ignored that Ming Qi still had a backup, so at the moment when the second force fell, Ming Wenjie still received a huge attack.


That domineering force directly broke through the defensive shield in Ming Wenjie's hand without any precautions, and then directly attacked his body.

"Vo...vomit..." A mouthful of blood spit out from Ming Wenjie's mouth immediately.

Similarly, the scope of Ming Qi's final power is quite wide. At present, not only Ming Wenjie is alone, but Ming Wenjin and those disciples standing behind Ming Wenjie have all suffered the most fatal blow from Ming Qi. .

Afterwards, all the disciples who stood on the opposite side of Ming Qi, like Ming Wenjie, all vomited blood after bearing Ming Qi's attack.

What's more, they didn't know that the attack they suffered contained the most vicious death energy!
"Ming Qi, you vicious person, even if you die, I will definitely get rid of you!" The disciples standing behind Ming Wenjie were about to rush towards Ming Qi for a duel.

Now, with one person taking the lead, more people will participate.

As a result, the disciples who were standing behind Ming Wenjie rushed towards Ming Qi at the same time with sharp swords in their hands.

However, before they got close to Ming Qi, the death energy entering their bodies began to take effect. The next second, when Ming Wenjie and Ming Wen entered the scene in front of their eyes, both of them unconsciously Take a few steps back.

At that moment, those disciples who were afflicted with death all stopped two meters away from Ming Qi's body. Afterwards, under the puzzlement of Ming Wenjie and the other two, the disciples in front of them all started to twitch.

Gradually, the expressions on their faces also began to change, and their bodies slowly turned black at the speed of the naked eye...

Seeing this scene, Ming Wenjie and the other two immediately became terrified, and quickly took a few steps back until they realized that the man in front of them was a real devil. They wanted to escape, but they could no longer escape. !
(End of this chapter)

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