Chapter 221 The Kid Selling Fruit
After Ye Zhiqiu asked someone to hang up the tents on both sides, more people came outside. Those caravans who didn't believe that there would be rain before, and continued to drive unhurriedly were all drowned, the rain was so heavy, The people who poured water couldn't open their eyes, so how could they continue on their way? Chenliu County couldn't go, so they had to go to Shitouzhai nearby to stay overnight.

There were so many people who came to Shitou Village, which was never visited by anyone. The people in the village almost mobilized collectively, as if they were celebrating the new year, and they were happy to make room for the people who came to stay. These people came later, and the original empty space The house had already been occupied by Ruan Zhixuan and her group, and then several people could only squeeze into one room. Fortunately, it was not winter, so it was still bearable.

"What the hell weather, if it rains, it will rain!" The fat man took off his clothes and only wore a pair of trousers. There was a firepit in the house, which was already on fire at the moment, a group of big men They were all drying clothes around there, and some people took off their boots. After a long journey, there were few clean ones, and suddenly a smell of foot odor spread out. However, the houses here are all connected, and a row of houses will soon disappear. I was overwhelmed by this smell.

I almost fainted a few people who love to be clean.

Several guards of Ye Zhiqiu passed by outside the room of this group of people with a deer on their shoulders, and they also smelled that smell. Even if they are not very particular about a group of big men, they were also smoked and quickened their pace.

"Hey, is there any fresh meat here?" The fat man saw the deer carried by those people with sharp eyes: "Hey, brothers, did you buy this deer or hunt it yourself?" Such heavy rain, Shouldn't he be out hunting?
"I bought it from the people in the cottage." The guard was also very talkative, and said with a smile: "Someone of them sells things over there, fresh prey, and picked wild fruits. If you want to eat, you can also go and see look."

It is rare for people to come to Shitou Village. In the past, if they hunted prey, they could only go to Chenliu County to sell it. The people there bullied them, poor mountain people, and gave them a very low price. This time the guards were really generous. A lot of money was paid for each prey, and the mouths of the mountain people couldn't keep their mouths closed. If it wasn't for the heavy rain, it was not safe inside the mountain, and they might have to go hunting in the rain.

When the merchants heard this, they immediately ran out in a noisy manner. Sure enough, many people in the cottage were selling things, including fresh prey, bacon and the like left over from usual, as well as nuts, wild fruits and wild vegetables. Bargain around.

"I didn't expect to encounter such a heavy rain." Ye Zhiqiu changed his clothes, dried his hair, and sat by the fire to drink ginger soup: "But in this way, the drought will probably be relieved!"

"The effect of a single rain is still negligible, and it depends on whether God will reward him in the future, or we will continue to dig wells across the country." Ruan Zhixuan had already changed her clothes, her hair was loose, and she held a soft cloth in her hand. Xiaobai wiped his white hair with a cloth towel, Guoguo giggled and tried to intervene, but Xiaobai ruthlessly threw him on the bed with his paw.

The guards washed and peeled the deer, divided them and sent them to each room. Everyone gathered around the firepit and began to barbecue, and the tempting aroma immediately dispersed.

It was pouring rain outside, and the gloomy sky felt like it was already evening. Shitouzhai was silent between the sky and the earth, and it felt like I would stand still despite the wind and rain.

"Master, do you want some fruit?" Seeing that the venison was cooked, Ye Zhiqiu took out a dagger and cut off the most tender part, put it on a plate and handed it to Ruan Zhixuan, but he heard someone knocking on the door, and a child asked timidly outside. .

"What's going on?" Master Ruan Zhixuan heard it, and also heard the voice of the guard outside not allowing anyone to approach: "Looks like a child?"

"Let him in!" Ye Zhiqiu took a dagger and divided the barbecue into small pieces for Ruan Zhixuan to use, and ordered to the guard.

The door opened, and a gust of cool wind swept in from outside, which shocked people instantly. The tall guard stepped aside to open the door, revealing a skinny child.

The child looked about eight or nine years old, frighteningly thin, with extra large eyes, and a basket on his arm, looking at them in horror.

He just heard that the old man here is generous, and he bought a deer and gave a piece of silver. He wanted to try his luck, but he didn't expect them to be so scary. Those outside who looked at the door were so tall, taller than the strongest man in the village. prestige.

"Son, don't be afraid, come here!" Ruan Zhixuan could see that the child was terrified. Although the guards did not show hostility, Ye Zhiqiu could keep Ye Zhiqiu's fancy and stay by his side, not to mention experienced in many battles. He had seen blood before, and he couldn't hide his fierce and murderous aura.

The child saw a beautiful woman in the room, brushing the fur of a small white-haired animal, and a cute fat doll lying on the bed giggling, so he relaxed a lot and walked over slowly.

Xiaobai narrowed his eyes and stared at the child, the claws hidden in the pads showed faint signs of protruding.

It's a stranger, if he dares to make any changes, Uncle Xiaobai can go over and deal with him at any time.

Ruan Zhixuan dared to call this unidentified child over because she relied on the excellent ability of the little beast beside her: "What's your name? What's in the basket? Can I have a look?"

The child put the basket on the ground, which contained more than half of the basket of fruits. The green peel, the size of a fist, looked a bit like the green peel on the outside of a walnut: "My name is Zach, I, I just want to ask if you want to buy fruits. "

"Zack!" The old village owner hurried over with a cane, and he was relieved to see Zack here: "Young master, madam, this child is from our village, and his father broke it while hunting." Legs, his mother has run away, so I rely on this child to pick some fruit and sell some money to support his father, offended the son and wife, I am really sorry for you!"

"It's okay, this is a good boy." When Ruan Zhixuan heard this, she immediately felt pity for the child, and she had to take on the task of supporting the family at such a young age: "What kind of fruit are you?"

Seeing that the beautiful woman spoke very softly, Zach became more courageous: "I found it on the mountain, and no one in the village knew it. I called it Daqingpi. This can be opened, and the water inside can be sucked out. It's delicious!" He said while taking out a green fruit, peeling off the peduncle vigorously, revealing a small hole, and sucked it vigorously, indicating that it is not poisonous to drink.

Ruan Zhixuan looked at this fruit named Daqingpi with great interest, and it felt a bit like a small coconut: "How do you plan to sell this?"

Zach held the big green skin and blinked blankly: "I, I don't know..."

The old village owner couldn't help but sigh, how much can a few wild fruits sell for?With this child alone, the father and son don't know if they can survive, seeing that the child is skinny and skinny.

(End of this chapter)

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