Carrying Lingquan: Abandoned Concubine must turn over

Chapter 116 Ye Zhiqiu PK Shangguan Hao

Chapter 116 Ye Zhiqiu PK Shangguan Hao
Mrs. Li and Wu Yushu both went to stare at the new house. Building a house is a big deal. They were worried that if they didn't watch it, the workers would not work hard, and they would pass by after eating every day.

Wu Wang was the only one left in the family, and even Guoguo was taken to the farm by Ruan Zhixuan.

As soon as Ruan Zhixuan entered the door, two furry puppies rushed over and circled around her feet, whining and whining as if they were particularly wronged, and scratched her legs with their fat paws.

"Okay, okay, I know you've been wronged, and I'll give you bone soup tonight!" Ruan Zhixuan bent down and patted the heads of the two puppies, and with a light swipe of her foot, the two fur balls were pushed aside.

She made the noise outside on purpose, and the people inside definitely heard it too. Whether it's an enemy or a friend, it's time to find out if it's an enemy or a friend.

It was not the guest who heard the voice, but Wu Wangshi. Her face was pale, as if she had been greatly frightened. When she saw Ruan Zhixuan, she came up and grabbed her hand: "Why are you back? Hurry up!" Go! The farther you go, the better! Take Guoguo to the mountain to hide first, and ask Mr. Ye to help cover the cover!" The voice was even lower: "Shangguan Hao is here!"

Ruan Zhixuan's hands trembled slightly. If the Shangguan family was the number one enemy in her mind, then Shangguan Hao was the one she was most afraid of among these enemies.

It was too late to leave. Since Shangguan Hao came, he naturally got the conclusive news. Everyone has already come to the door. Where else can he hide?

He must have been waiting in the house for a long time!
Ruan Zhixuan patted Wu Wang's hand and took a breath: "No, since we've already found this place, it's useless to hide no matter how much you hide, it's okay, I'm already a concubine, what else can I do to them? Is there a threat? Shangguan Hao condescended to come here, and our family can be regarded as flourishing."

Wu Wangshi watched her go in with a worried face, gritted her teeth, turned around and went out, regardless of whether it would be useful or not, go and tell Ye Zhiqiu about this first, maybe he can help.

Shangguan Hao was sitting in the room. The light transmission of the adobe room was not very good. Even in the daytime, the inside of the room looked a bit dark. Shangguan Hao just sat on the edge of the table without saying a word, with a straight posture and a glass of water in his hand. The desolate environment just made him look like a mansion.

"Are you back?" Shangguan Hao raised his head and looked at the woman who walked in with the backlight. She is much better, but she has a kind of charm that can't be taken away even after she has washed her lead.

At the beginning of Danji, he knew that the flowers were more beautiful, and this sentence suddenly crossed his mind.

Ruan Zhixuan was stunned for a moment when she heard Shangguan Hao's greetings as if she was a family member, and her vigilance suddenly relaxed a lot: "I know you're here, so why don't you come back?"

Shangguan Hao laughed, he looks very attractive, not as seductive as Ye Zhiqiu, nor as tough as Situ Mao, such a man as cunning as a fox, but with a gentle face, makes people bear it at first glance. I can't help feeling good, but I can't raise my guard.

A wolf in sheep's clothing, or a fox in rabbit's clothing.

"I didn't expect to see you in such a place, and I didn't expect that you would still be able to enjoy your life after being reduced to this level." After coming for such a period of time, it was enough for him to feel what Ruan Zhixuan had done. It's clear, I never thought that even if she became a peasant woman, the concubine who used to be a high-ranking concubine would still be able to live a prosperous life.

This may be the unique charm of this woman, and it is no wonder that my younger sister has never been able to match her.

"Why did you come here? Come and catch me?" Ruan Zhixuan sat down and looked at Shangguan Hao. The two of them actually got along and talked as if they were old friends meeting each other. Now, there should be no threat to your Shangguan family, or are you worried that I will threaten your sister?"

Shangguan Hao stared into her eyes, Ruan Zhixuan's eyes were black and white, as deep as a lake: "Why do you think it's Shangguan who refuses to let you go, not me who refuses to let you go?"

Ruan Zhixuan was stunned for a moment, and suddenly panicked: "What are you talking about? We are all clear about the grievances between me and your Shangguan family, but I don't seem to have anything to do with you."

"Is it okay?" Shangguan Hao asked in a soft tone, shook his head with a smile, picked up the water, and laughed at himself: "It's okay to be good!"

The two of them fell into an unspeakable silence. Zhao Geng, who was hiding in the dark, was sweating all over his face, watching them with increased pressure, and he had to be careful not to be discovered by the fox Shangguan Hao.

Why hasn't the master ordered it to be delivered?Now even the members of the Shangguan family have appeared!

"I came here just for you." Shangguan Hao put down the water and finally decided to pierce the window paper: "You don't have to pretend to be confused, for so many years, even if you didn't say it clearly, you should have some points in your heart. You also said that you are not a threat to the Shangguan family right now, so what is the Shangguan family looking for you for?"

Therefore, from the beginning to the end, the person who commanded the forces of the Shangguan family to find her was Shangguan Hao himself. He was the one who used the name of the family to serve his own private affairs.

Ruan Zhixuan clenched her fingers. She did have some guesses, but she couldn't believe it. The relationship between the Ruan family and the Shangguan family, and between her and Shangguan Yue, was simply incompatible. As the heir of the Shangguan family, Shangguan Hao, and How could it be between her
"Actually, I've always wanted to ask you a question face to face. If I don't ask you clearly, I won't be able to let it go for the rest of my life." Shangguan Hao stared into her eyes, and there was an aggressive look on his gentle face: "At the beginning , why did you choose Situ Mao?"

Why did you choose Situ Mao instead of him?In what way is he inferior to that cold man?Is it because the other party is the prince, the blood of the Tian family?
Ruan Zhixuan was really stunned this time, and after a long while, she came to her senses under Shangguan Hao's intense staring: "What are you talking about? Why did you choose him? He was the only one in the first place. !"

Between her and Situ Mao, it can be said that they got married first and then fell in love. Like most couples nowadays, they were not strangers before marriage, but they were not very familiar with each other.

Why didn't she know that before getting married, Shangguan Hao already had thoughts on her?In this way, during that time, they did meet each other frequently, but because of the rigid relationship between the two families, they avoided each other whenever they could.

Shangguan Hao's face changed: "I obviously asked the queen mother's aunt to ask your intentions. If you are willing, I can ask my aunt to marry you!" When he said this, he thought of something in his heart, and his face turned pale.

"Really?" Ruan Zhixuan finally understood, and sneered: "Then please leave this question to your aunt, anyway, I never knew about it."

(End of this chapter)

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