Anti-wear sweet wedding routine

Chapter 976 Still What’s Wrong

Chapter 976 Still What’s Wrong (1)

"Those so-called loopholes show traces of deliberate fraud at first glance, and you can see them when you compare them!"

There was a moment of silence in the car, and if they made a wrong choice, they would have to bear the corresponding price.

But, along the way, there was no movement.

Yang Wang couldn't help frowning, what's going on, it's impossible that there is no movement at all.

And they specialize in the most dangerous sections of the road...

Arrived at the airport and boarded the plane without incident...

At the same time, in a high-end guild hall that ordinary people can't enter at all, there are corpses lying horizontally from the door to the outside, and there is no one in the innermost room.

In the bright corridor, there were blood-red traces everywhere on the walls.

When a black shadow flashed past and went straight to the most secret secret base, the door was pushed open, and hundreds of people inside were shocked, before they had time to react, gunfire rang out.

The scream, the fear has not had time to vent, it is already stuck in the throat!
Immediately after a bang, everything inside was destroyed, including those people...

But after a while, after passing through a series of doors, the black shadow finally stopped at the door of a room.

Push the door in.

Hayato's eyes were horribly violent, and his blood-red eyes were like a desperate wolf. Looking at the man standing in front of him, he had been under his surveillance since he walked in just now, but he didn't choose to escape...

"You're not dead?"

Hei Ming raised the gun in his hand, it was so cold that there was no temperature, "I can't die if you die."

One shot directly crippled his hand.

"Ah!" Hayato let out a dull, painful struggle.

"Tell me, who is the person behind you?" Hei Ming's cold and resolute edges and corners left only a deadly and dangerous aura.

Hayato's forehead was full of painful cold sweat, gritted his teeth and said with a smile, "The person behind me? Don't you know? SR?"

Hei Ming took a few steps forward, "As early as when you did it, I already had people start to investigate. I know what you want to say, so let me tell you who the person behind you is! His purpose..."

"Who do you think I am?"

Before he finished speaking, a gloomy cold light flashed and landed directly on his thigh.

"Since it's useless, let Yang vent his anger. What you have done, killing you a hundred times is not enough!"

Hei Ming could tell at a glance that no news could be obtained from him, and the muzzle of the gun was on his forehead.

Finally, panic flashed in Hayato's eyes, and he tried to calm himself down, "You think you can deal with him casually, if I die today, it will not be easy for you either!"

Hei Ming tightened his grip on the gun, as if he was thinking about something...

"Even if you kill me, so what? For him, I have fallen into a family crisis, and I have lost the opportunity to cooperate. If you kill me, you will not find any benefits, hahaha..." Hayato began to be in a kind of madness status.

Driven crazy by looking up at those bombs.

Hei Ming took a few steps back and turned around, "Then let you live in pain!"

Looking at him, Hayato's eyes filled with crazier ruthlessness!
Hei Ming's feet stopped, and a shot hit his heart.

"I don't want to stay anymore, it's very dishonest." I muttered to myself, and then walked out.

He was going to chase Xiao Yang, after spending so many days, she must be waiting impatiently...

Behind him, Hayato, who was lying in a pool of blood, was still holding on to the action of pressing a certain button.

There was a strong unwillingness in his eyes, his eyes gradually lost their color, as if he could see someone walking towards him...

(End of this chapter)

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