Chapter 246
The urban structure of Philadelphia is very different compared to other cities.

The other cities are the city center and then descending outwards, but Philadelphia is more like a loop.

On the outskirts of the city center is the old city that no one cares about, and then the bustling area.The filming location of this public service advertisement is in this old city.

There are no group performances in this public service advertisement, and all of them are made up by the staff of the filming team.

The trees here have no leaves, and the rest are bare trunks. The unique bleakness of the old city also has a special charm. The environment and atmosphere all day fit the setting of this public service advertisement.

They shot the first half of this public service announcement this afternoon, and the rest will go to another location tomorrow to complete.

The clothing of this public service advertisement was prepared by the film crew, and the clothing style of the endorsed brand does not match this public service advertisement.

An Chen changed into a white shirt and black jeans. Although they were both new, they had been treated to make them look different.

"An Chen, we will throw things down from the third window. You follow the command and control your speed. Be careful, don't get hit, safety first." Qian Kai instructed.

The staff who are going to participate in the shooting have also changed their costumes, and their faces will be blurred in the later stage, which also represents different people in society.

The machine is ready, An Chen walks to the designated place, and a camera will take a close-up of An Chen throughout the process.

"Start shooting!"

An Chen squatted in a corner, holding his legs tightly with his hands, and lowered his head deeply. In the camera, you can also see An Chen's body shaking.

The instruction sound recalled that An Chen staggered up with one hand on the wall, and the camera quickly captured the details of his face. An Chen's lips were pale and bloodless, and his eyes were red, as if he had been stimulated by something.

"Stop! The others take their place."

An Chen still kept his posture unchanged, and the staff stood in front of An Chen, getting ready.

Filming continues.The staff were all dressed in black with red stripes, and everyone wore masks.

The staff spoke the lines according to the script, and pointed at An Chen to make movements.

An Chen kept responding to every staff member's abuse.

Now An Chen is like a real albino. She holds her head, tightly covers her ears with her arms, and shakes her head wildly while shouting.

"Ah! I'm not a monster! I'm not a monster! Ah! You all go away! Go away!"

An Chen took his hand off his head, and frantically pushed and shoved the person in front of him, but there were too many people on the opposite side, and they kept coming forward, An Chen was slowly squeezed into that small corner again.

An Chen finally sat on the ground with his head in his arms, and he kept groaning, like a wounded little animal, trying to struggle, but there was no way to break free.

"Ahhh! Get out of here!" An Chen yelled loudly, and then broke down crying.


The order to suspend came, and all the staff retreated. Someone reached out and pulled An Chen up. At this moment, An Chen's face was full of tears, and his eyes were red, as if what happened just now was real.

"Ah, that's sinful," said a female staff member, and the others echoed.

Facing An Chen like this, although he knew it was not true, he felt an inexplicable sense of guilt.

The shooting just now was really too depressing, An Chen was really immersed in it for a moment, but quickly broke away.

This video will also add a silent scene, and the staff is in place again.

 If the road is right, don't be afraid of the distance, as long as you go all out, you will always get what you want.

(End of this chapter)

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