All-round men's clothing is a girl

Chapter 1308 Grandpa An passed away

Chapter 1308 Grandpa An passed away

"My precious grandson is here." Grandpa said these words with difficulty through the oxygen mask.

An Chen nodded, and held Grandpa's hand tightly, as if Grandpa would disappear as soon as he let go.

Grandpa was awake for a short time, and fell asleep again in a few minutes.

The tears that had been borne for a long time were finally suppressed forcibly, An Chen was reluctant to cry in front of his grandfather.

After a few days like this, An Chen has been guarding beside the hospital bed, and now An Chen doesn't look any better than the grandfather on the hospital bed.

Just when everyone was very worried, Grandpa An woke up suddenly, and he was much more energetic than the previous few days. He could even take off the oxygen mask and chat with everyone.

In the eyes of others, this is a sign that the situation is improving, but in the eyes of Chi Jing and Ling Han, this is obviously the worst omen.

The flashback is completely a sign that the end is approaching.

This improved situation did not last long. Before falling into a coma again, Grandpa left three words, "euthanasia".

In foreign countries, this is allowed. Everyone was surprised when they heard these three words. For An Chen, whether to agree with his grandfather's decision is also a torment.

If you nod, it means losing grandpa forever, but if you refuse, grandpa will still live for a while, but it will still be as painful as it is now.

Respecting Grandpa's decision, Wei Ze's words echoed in his ears again, An Chen finally nodded his head with difficulty after experiencing countless inner struggles.

The world going on is a sunny afternoon, An Chen is sitting on the hospital bed, and Grandpa is leaning on her shoulder.

Seeing that the medicinal liquid had been injected into Grandpa's body, An Chen no longer knew how to describe his mood.

The others have voluntarily left the ward, leaving the last time to the grandpa and grandson.

Grandpa An felt too sleepy to open his eyes now, but he still looked at An Chen hard. He knew that after closing his eyes, he would never see her precious granddaughter again.

"Take care of yourself, Grandpa loves you." Grandpa An really couldn't bear it any longer, leaving the last sentence, Grandpa An closed his eyes peacefully.

An Chen hugged her grandfather tightly and didn't let go. She wanted to keep the last warmth on her grandfather's body, without the sadness as imagined, but she still couldn't bear it.

After an unknown amount of time, An Chen heard voices from the window. They were on the first floor.

What he saw next shocked An Chen.

The window was opened from the outside, and two people came in, a man and a woman. An Chen recognized their identities at the first sight when he saw them. They were her parents who had disappeared for many years.

Seeing the two people walking towards her step by step, An Chen wanted to stand up, but he didn't have the strength. An electric current came from his waist. Before he lost consciousness, An Chen seemed to hear his father saying sorry.

The others were also waiting anxiously outside the ward at this time, and An Chen hadn't come out after a long time, and everyone was very worried now.

In the end, Fu Yanxing couldn't bear to open the door of the ward first. He was afraid that something would happen to An Chen. After all, An Chen had stopped eating or drinking these days, and they forced him to eat.

But after opening the door of the ward, except for Grandpa An who was still lying peacefully on the hospital bed, there was no sign of An Chen at all.

"The window is open!" Out of familiarity with the ward, Ling Han was the first to discover something was wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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