Chapter 1275
After hanging up the phone, the car in front of him finally drove a little further, but the road was still blocked.

It was almost time at the hotel. Although the people who came outside had different purposes, they were here to celebrate the birthday on the surface, and Mr. Zhou could only go out first with his wife and daughter.

As soon as Mr. Zhou showed up in the banquet hall, he was surrounded by people who came from the side, almost half of them had seen him and half of them hadn't, and he couldn't remember his name anyway.

"Mr. Zhou, I am the person in charge of Rongchang Real Estate. This is Gouzi. I brought you today to celebrate your birthday."

"Director Zhou, you still look so young, congratulations on your [-]th birthday today."

"Uncle Zhou, long time no see, how are you doing?"


Mr. Zhou couldn't tell who was talking now, anyway, his ears were buzzing all the time, every time you said something to him, the conversation continued.

No matter who said it, Mr. Zhou responded with a few perfunctory words, and it took him a long time to get out of the encirclement.

As soon as he walked out, a staff member stepped forward to signal Mr. Zhou to give an opening speech for tonight's banquet.

Mr. Zhou thought to himself, if he was surrounded by the middle again, there would be constant nagging in his ears today, so he waved his hand and asked his daughter to replace him.

This is not the first time this kind of scene and situation has happened. Mr. Zhou's daughter is now the person in charge of the entire Zhou's enterprise, and it has long been no surprise.

Standing on the stage, he took the microphone from the staff, "First of all, welcome to my father's 70th birthday banquet. Today's dinner will be held in a self-service format. Please feel free and don't be restrained. If you have any questions, please contact us. Hotel staff are also on site."

In fact, there is nothing to say, just go through a process, there are so many people present, at least 80.00% of them came here for the purpose of networking and chatting about cooperation.

After finishing speaking, Mr. Zhou's daughter got off the stage and sat next to the main table to chat with her parents.

Although they are sitting here, there are not a few people who come to chat and toast one after another, and of course give gifts.

At this type of banquet, everyone pays attention to the gift giving, but it is not the recipient but the giver who is concerned. Some enemies or competitors are still waiting to do something about it. What about the article.

"Eh? It's Mr. Zhou's birthday today, why didn't Mr. Fu come over?" On one side of the banquet hall, several people were chatting.

"Boss Fu? Fu Yanxing?"

"Otherwise? Who else can have Mr. Fu? I heard that they recently bought a piece of land, and they seem to be doing something. I was wondering if we could cooperate with each other."

"Don't dream here, can people fall in love with you? Although I haven't met him yet, I've heard a lot about him. Even though he's only in his 20s, it's such a pleasure to be the boss of Xiao Fu. .”

"Don't tell me, I've heard a lot about it. Mr. Fu can be said to be vigorous in his work, but he is really ruthless in his actions. I heard that the last time Lao Li got involved in a cooperation project, the profit was cut off. Twenty-eight points."

"Don't look down on being cut down so low, but hasn't Lao Li made a lot of money? Now, you don't even look down on us."

After finishing speaking, several people clinked glasses, then dispersed, and now they are chatting with others everywhere.

It's not just those older people who are discussing Fu Yanxing, but also some younger people, who can be regarded as sons and grandchildren, are also discussing.

(End of this chapter)

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