Marriage is not lustful

Chapter 174 The Mysterious 1 Letters

Chapter 174 A Mysterious Letter
Forced herself to sweep away half of the dishes, Chu Ge stopped her chopsticks when she felt that she would throw up if she ate any more: "I'm full."

"Didn't you say you like to eat it? If you like it, you can eat some more." Leng Xize said.

You should spare me!I really can't eat it anymore!Chu Ge said something in his heart, but there was still a smile on his face: "I'm full! The doctor said that you should not eat too much at night, which is not good for the fetus."

"Well, if you don't want to eat, don't eat." Leng Xize saw how satisfied she was eating, so he said, "I'll continue cooking for you tomorrow."

don't want!Please do not!When Chu Ge heard what he said, he broke out in a cold sweat.Today she has already tried her best to eat it, but if she eats it again tomorrow, it will really kill her!
"No, no, you haven't eaten my dishes for a long time, so let me treat you as a treat, thank you for cooking for me today!"

"You are my wife, so it is right to do this for you." Leng Xize said.

"That's why I should cook for you, so it's settled, I'll cook tomorrow's lunch!" Fearing that he would regret it, Chu Ge rushed ahead of him and made a concluding speech.

"Okay." Leng Xize couldn't talk to her, so he could only nod.

After washing the dishes clumsily, Leng Xize walked out of the kitchen, but he didn't see Chu Ge. When he went out, he saw Chu Ge standing in the yard, looking up at the night sky in ecstasy.

"What are you looking at?" Leng Xize asked as he put a thin blanket over her shoulders.

"I'm looking to see which one is Grandpa." Chu Ge looked at the stars in the sky and said to him.

"I think it should be that one." Leng Xize pointed to one of them.

"Which one?" Chu Ge asked.

"That one, the brightest one, did you see it?" Leng Xize hugged Chu Ge from behind, and stretched out his hand to point her to the brightest star in the sky.

"Well, I see!" Chu Ge nodded, "When I was young, I often sat in the yard with a chair, leaning against my grandfather and counting the stars in the sky. After counting, I fell asleep. Kindly carry me to bed and sleep."

Thinking of all the past, Chu Ge had a smile on his face.

"Well, it can be seen that grandpa is your god." Leng Xize hugged her and kissed her hair.

"Yes, my first teacher is also my grandfather. Before I went to kindergarten, my grandfather taught me to read and write!" Chu Ge recalled happily.

"Chu Ge, do you feel happy now?" Leng Xize asked again.He turned down many things in the company and came back here with her just to make her happier.

"Well, I really feel very happy!" Chu Ge replied.

"Xize, thank you for taking me away from the wedding last time." That's why she is happy now.She added another sentence in her mind.

"I also want to thank you, you gave me such courage!" Leng Xize said sincerely.In the past, he never thought that he would do such absurd things as snatching a marriage.If he didn't love her enough, he thought, he would never allow himself to do this.

"Haha!" Chu Ge suddenly thought of something, so he laughed to himself.

"What are you laughing at?" Leng Xize asked.

"I remembered something funny." Chu Ge said, still not stopping his smile.

"What fun thing?" Leng Xize asked.

"It was the last time we came back here, you were wearing my grandfather's suit, do you know how funny you looked then?" Chu Ge felt more funny the more he thought about it.

"What's so funny?" Leng Xize asked dissatisfied.Didn't he owe it to her that time, and went out to lose face!
"I can't help it. Who told you to grow so tall? It looks like Runtu!"

"Runtu?" She actually said he looked like Runtu!How else are they similar except that they are both men?Is he that dirty!
"Yeah! It's really like it!" Chu Ge relied on her pregnancy now, and Leng Xize didn't dare to do anything to her, so he continued.

"Where does it look like? It's not like at all!"

"It's like everywhere, from top to bottom, the more you look, the more you look like it!"

"Are you deliberately challenging my bottom line?"

"No, I'm just talking about the facts!"

"How dare you say it!"

"To tell the truth, you should be angry too..."


The two were arguing with each other.

The night sky tonight is beautiful, the stars twinkle and twinkle, as if watching two people on the ground bicker happily.

The next day, Chu Ge was worried that Leng Xize would have another whim and ran to the kitchen to cook again, so she rushed into the kitchen after ten o'clock.

Leng Xize didn't argue with her, the fact that he suffered yesterday actually made him understand that he is really not a chef, it's just that he refused to admit it in front of Chu Ge because of face.

He turned on the TV and changed several channels, but there was nothing that attracted him, so he went to the bookcase and casually looked at the books on it.

There are four great classics and some other books on it. The cover of the book is a bit worn out. It can be seen that it should have been turned over many times.Does Chu Ge like it, or her grandfather?
Leng Xize thought casually.

His eyes fell on a letter under the bookcase.Because it was placed with some newspapers, I didn't pay much attention to it before.

Leng Xize looked at the date stamped by the post office, it turned out to be two and a half years ago, that is to say, after her grandfather passed away.

He picked up the envelope, which only wrote Chu Ge's name and the address here, but did not write the sender's information.

Because the words are handwritten, it is definitely not sent by some credit card center.In this age, will anyone still use the old-fashioned way of writing letters?

Leng Xize picked up the letter and wanted to show it to Chu Ge, but then he thought again, someone who admired Chu Ge sent it to her, right?Otherwise, how could it be so mysterious?
No, he won't give other men such a chance!

Thinking this way, Leng Xize planned to be a villain for a while, so he opened the envelope to have a look, and if there was nothing wrong, he would give it to Chu Ge.

Leng Xize tore open the envelope and read it out of curiosity, but when he read the contents of the letter, his face became gloomy.

The letter was sent by the attending doctor of Grandpa Chu Ge at that time——

Hello Miss Chu!

After thinking for a long time, I finally mustered up the courage to write this letter to you.What I want to say is that the real cause of your grandfather's death was not a cerebral hemorrhage. The cerebral hemorrhage was just an inducement. The real reason was that someone poisoned your grandfather!By the time I knew it, it was too late.I was about to tell you, but then I was threatened by a stranger, who told me not to tell the real reason, otherwise my life would be in jeopardy.

I hesitated for a long time, and decided to tell you the truth with a conscientious attitude towards my work.I hope you secretly find out who framed your grandfather!Remember, you must not say what I said today!Otherwise we will all die!

Chu Ge's grandfather was murdered!When he read the letter, because he was too surprised, he couldn't believe such a fact at all.

No wonder Chu Ge would say that her grandfather is so healthy that he would not get such a disease so easily. It turns out that someone deliberately played tricks behind his back!Who the hell!
"Am I talking to you? Xize, what are you thinking?" Chu Ge had already prepared the meal and came out.

Seeing Leng Xize standing in front of the bookcase holding a piece of paper with a surprised expression, he asked.

"It's nothing." Leng Xize calmly folded the letter and put it in his coat pocket.He decided not to tell Chu Ge before the truth of the matter was investigated, lest she be too sad.

"What did you hold in your hand just now?" Chu Ge noticed with sharp eyes what he had just folded and put in his pocket.

"Nothing." Leng Xize replied.

"Nonsense, I clearly saw it! Take it out!" Chu Ge said, wanting to grab it.

"It's your love letter, I confiscated it!" Leng Xize said deliberately.

"Love letter?" Chu Ge thought for a while. She did receive some love letters before. Could it be that he found out?
"What did you cook? I'm hungry." Leng Xize changed the subject.

"It's all delicious food, come and eat it!" Chu Ge thought for a while, but it was better not to continue discussing the topic of "love letter". With Leng Xize's jealous personality, she didn't have the energy to explain it to him so much. much.

The two came to the table and sat down together.

Who wants to put Chu Ge's grandfather to death?He lives in the country, so he should have no grudges or enmities with others. Even if he occasionally has some small conflicts with his neighbors, it is not enough to kill him.And judging from the content of the belief, the doctor was threatened by a mysterious person, so he should be quite capable.

How could Chu Ge's grandfather know such a person?Also, how did this letter end up here?Only Aunt Wang will clean here, could it be that she put it here?

A series of questions popped up in his mind, and Leng Xize couldn't connect these questions together.

"What are you thinking? Why don't you eat? Didn't you just say you were hungry?" Chu Ge saw that most of the rice in his bowl had been eaten, but found that Leng Xize had hardly moved his chopsticks , so asked.

"It's nothing, I was thinking about something." Leng Xize was interrupted by her, and then came back to his senses.

"What are you thinking about? Let me listen, maybe I can explain it to you." Chu Ge really wanted to help him.

"You don't understand some things about the company." Leng Xize prevaricated.

"Okay, but no matter how busy you are with the company, you have to finish your meal before thinking about it." Chu Ge took a piece of meat and sent it to his bowl.

"Okay." Leng Xize replied, but his brows were still frowned as before.

This meal was very dull, Leng Xize always frowned, looking thoughtful.Chu Ge thought she was worrying about the company, and didn't want to bother him too much.

After eating, Chu Ge asked her to wash the dishes, but he didn't object.

But she didn't think much about it, she cleaned up the dishes and took the things into the kitchen.

Leng Xize picked up the phone, walked outside the courtyard, where Chu Ge couldn't hear the voice, and then dialed Liu Haonan's number.

"President, what are your orders?" After answering the phone, Liu Haonan asked.

"Haonan, go to the hospital where Chu Ge's grandfather died of illness and find out who the doctor who was in charge of him was, and if you find out, let me know immediately!" Leng Xize said on the other side.

"Okay, I'll do it now!" Liu Haonan nodded.

Why did the president want to check the doctor from that year?Liu Haonan was very confused, but without the slightest hesitation, he picked up the coat on the back of the chair and went to the work that Leng Xize gave him.

After hanging up the phone, Leng Xize began to think about the questions he had just thought about.But after thinking for a long time, he still couldn't figure it out.Perhaps, only after Liu Haonan found out about the doctor and asked about the situation, would he find a breakthrough!
"Xize, did something happen in the company?" Chu Ge came out after washing the dishes, and found that Leng Xize's expression was still as serious as before, so he asked.

"It's okay, I've asked Haonan to take care of it." Leng Xize replied.

"We've been out for so long, why don't we go back?" Chu Ge knew that Leng Xize wouldn't have such an expression if something serious hadn't happened, so he proposed.

"No, I told you to stay here for a few more days to change your mood, and leave the matter to Haonan, I'm also relieved." Leng Xize said.In fact, he really wanted to go back, but thinking that they had just come back here, and it was obvious that Chu Ge wanted to stay here for a few more days, he didn't want to disappoint her.

"Is there really no problem?" Chu Ge was still worried.

"Aren't you still worried about Haonan's ability to handle affairs?" Leng Xize asked.

It seems to be ah, let him handle the matter, I have never heard of it not being done well!Chu Ge felt relieved after thinking about it this way.

"Okay, but don't force it. If something really happens in the company, we can go back at any time. Don't worry about me. We can come back here at any time." Chu Ge said again.

"En." Although he decided to stay here for a few more days, Leng Xize's heart would never be as relaxed as it was when he first came here.

"Shall we go for a walk?" Seeing that his brows were still not loosened, Chu Ge proposed again.

"Okay." Leng Xize nodded.

After the two closed the door, they walked out of the yard.But before he had gone far, Leng Xize received a call from Liu Haonan.

He looked at Chu Ge, walked a little faster, and then picked up the phone.

"President, I just went to the hospital to look for that doctor. The people in the hospital told me that two and a half years ago, he accidentally fell off a cliff and died during a mountaineering activity organized by the unit!" After answering the phone, Liu Haonan report to him.

"What did you say?" Leng Xize never thought that the doctor would die too!How could there be such a coincidence!

"This incident is also strange. He left the camp alone in the middle of the night, and then fell to his death." Liu Haonan continued.

"Okay, I got it, I'll talk about it when I get back." Leng Xize finished speaking, and then ended the line.

Just as he hung up the phone, he dialed another person's cell phone: "Xiao Li, drive your car over here right now, yes, right away!"

(End of this chapter)

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