Marriage is not lustful

Chapter 157 This is the result

Chapter 157 This is the result
"What's going on?" Hearing what the dean said, Leng Xize's expression became more tense.Why is it just a stomachache, so you need to have an operation?

"This lady is showing signs of miscarriage, we have to perform miscarriage surgery on her immediately!" the dean said, and had ordered several expert doctors behind him to participate in the operation together.

"What, abortion surgery? Doctor, what's wrong with my baby?" Hearing what the dean said, although Chu Ge's stomach hurts so much that she was sweating profusely and was about to be speechless, she still endured the pain Asked the words out.

"Miss, please calm down, we will prepare the operation for you right away!" The dean comforted her.

Immediately, a surgical trolley rolled over.

Several people worked together to lift Chu Ge onto the cart.

"Xize, what's wrong with our baby? Why do I have signs of miscarriage?" Chu Ge firmly grasped Leng Xize's sleeve, tears streaming down the corners of his eyes.

"It's okay, don't worry, the operation will be done in a while, the baby and you will be fine!" Leng Xize comforted her while holding her hand behind his back.

At this time, Chu Ge was at the most vulnerable edge, her hand holding Leng Xize's sleeve was trembling, she couldn't imagine, if she really had a miscarriage, would she really collapse! "Is our baby going to be all right?"

"It will be fine! Trust me!" Leng Xize tightened his grip on her hand.

"How did this happen? The doctor told me a few days ago that our baby is healthy! How many days have passed, why did he suddenly tell me that I have signs of miscarriage?" Chu Ge seemed to be affected A huge blow, she kept repeating these few words in her mouth.

"Trust me, you and the baby will be fine!" Leng Xize freed up his other hand to gently wipe away the tears and sweat from Chu Ge's face.Seeing her weeping so fragilely, Leng Xize felt his heart ache.If possible, he really would rather be the one who hurts himself.

Chu Ge just looked at him and kept crying.

The cart was quickly pushed towards the operating room.Leng Xize held Chu Ge's hand all the time, comforting her non-stop.

Soon to the door of the operating room.

"President Leng, please wait outside first!" A nurse said to him very politely.

"Xize!" Chu Ge still refused to let go of his hand, she struggled to raise her head, and looked at him with fear in her eyes, "Promise me, if you can only save one, you must protect the child!"

Leng Xize looked at her, actually wanting to tell her that the fetus is only five months old now, it is impossible to choose to protect the fetus first, but looking at her expectant eyes, he couldn't bear to say such cruel words.

"You promise me!" Chu Ge still did not give up.If it was in the past, she might have felt that her life was more important than the child in her womb, but she felt the fetal movement so clearly, and it seemed that she was communicating with her in this way.With such a lively little life in her stomach, how could she bear to watch herself lose him!
Because she was so excited, she felt her stomach hurt even more.She stretched out her hand to cover her stomach, desperately enduring the pain.Baby, if my mother's pain can be exchanged for your safety by ten times more pain, I will definitely be willing!
"Okay!" Leng Xize didn't want her to enter the operating room uneasy, so he could only agree first.

"Xize!" Chu Ge kept holding Leng Xize's hand tightly, as if unwilling to let go.She was afraid that as soon as he let go of his hand, everything would change.The happy scene of a family of three that she originally sketched will turn into bubbles as the door is closed.

"Miss, please let go of your hand, we are going to prepare for your operation immediately!" The nurse beside her patiently enlightened her.

But Chu Ge didn't seem to listen to her words, still holding Leng Xize so tightly, her eyes kept staring at him, as if he was her only hope.

Although Leng Xize wanted to accompany her in, he also knew the hospital's regulations, not to mention, if he went in, he might interfere with the doctor's operation.

He leaned down and kissed her gently on the forehead: "Chu Ge, do you believe me?"

"En!" Chu Ge looked at him and nodded solemnly.

"I guarantee with my personality, you and the baby will be fine! What you have to do now is to go to the operating room obediently, and then don't think about anything, just think about me. Other things, just leave it to me." Give it to the doctor!" Leng Xize leaned over and comforted Chu Ge softly.

"But..." Chu Ge was still worried.

"Don't worry, I will stay here until you come out with the baby!" He looked at her and forced a smile.

As if encouraged by his words, Chu Ge slowly let go of his hand.Because he said that he would wait for them to come out together, not by herself, but by her and the baby!
Because this is what Leng Xize said, so I believe you!Chu Ge's hand was completely loosened.

Seeing this, the nurse hurriedly pushed the bed and pushed her into the operating room.

Chu Ge kept holding Leng Xize's hand tightly, and he followed two steps forward, watching helplessly as the door of the operating room closed in front of him.

Baby, you must be strong, Dad said, he will always be there waiting for us to go out together!Seeing that the door of the operating room kept him outside, Chu Ge touched his stomach and said silently in his heart.

The dean and several other experts also changed into their surgical gowns and walked towards the operating room.

"Is there a high possibility of confinement?" Leng Xize saw the dean and his party, so he walked over and asked in a deep voice.Because of Chu Ge's presence just now, he was worried that Chu Ge would not be able to accept the result for a while, so he didn't ask this question.

"It's hard to say," the dean didn't dare to hide anything from him, so he replied honestly, "But don't worry, we will do our best. These are the most authoritative experts in obstetrics and gynecology in our hospital. We will discuss the best plan based on the situation of the pregnant woman.”

The dean said, pointing to several doctors following behind him.Seeing Leng Xize looking at him, the doctors also nodded respectfully.

"No matter what, you must keep your lord!" Leng Xize withdrew his gaze from those doctors.Although he also wanted this child very much, and promised Chu Ge that he would protect the child first, in his eyes, nothing is more important than Chu Ge. The child can be reborn, but there is only one Chu Ge in this world. Sorry for the pain of losing her.

"Okay, we understand, the situation is critical, we go first." The dean said to him.

Leng Xize nodded, silently watching the door of the operating room open again, and several doctors walked in one by one.

The door closed again in front of him.

Chu Ge, you must be safe!Leng Xize paced back and forth outside the door of the operating room, looking in the direction of the door every few seconds, looking forward to the early end of the operation.

Although when he faced Chu Ge just now, he had a calm face, but only he knew that it was all because of him pretending to be calm. He told her so surely that she and the baby would be fine, but deep down in his heart he was It is very uncertain.

Only at this moment when Chu Ge couldn't see him did he let go of his strong disguise. He was no longer the all-powerful and strategizing Leng Xize in the mall, but the most ordinary husband in the world.Faced with such a situation, he would feel hesitant, uneasy, and full of apprehension about the unknown outcome.

"What's going on?" Leng Zuohao also rushed over at this time.

"Why are you here?" Leng Xize was obviously surprised when he saw his father.Didn't the father take care of the mother in the hospital?How did he know about Chu Ge's visit to the hospital?What's more, he shouldn't be so worried about her yet, right?

"It was the housekeeper who notified me. How come she feels a stomachache?" Leng Zuohao's expression was also unusually serious, and it was obvious that he was worried at this time.

"I'll find out after we investigate this. Now Chu Ge is still undergoing surgery inside, and the doctor said that he may have a miscarriage." Leng Xize felt his body tremble subconsciously when he said the word "miscarriage".

"How could it be so serious?" Leng Zuohao's face became more and more serious.Originally, he just thought that Chu Ge had eaten something bad, but he didn't expect that he might lose his child.

Now Leng Xize also wanted to know why it was so serious, he shifted his gaze to the word "operating room", praying in his heart that the operation would end soon.

At this time, a rare panic expression appeared on his face. He was afraid that after the operation, the doctor would tell him that the child was not saved, and he was even more worried that Chu Ge would be sad because he did not save the child.

Seeing the panic expression on his son's face that he had never seen before, Leng Zuohao knew how important Chu Ge's position in his heart was.

He stretched out his hand and patted his son's shoulder: "Don't worry, both adults and children will be fine!"

Yes, nothing will happen!If there is one thing, he will never forgive himself!Leng Xize looked in the direction of the door, feeling extremely anxious.This kind of waiting was even more difficult than Ling Chi's.

Time passed in silence.

The lights in the operating room finally dimmed.

The dean took off his mask and walked out from inside.

"How's the situation?" Leng Xize hurried up to meet him.

"The child is saved for the time being, but he has to stay in the hospital for further observation." The dean replied to him.Fortunately, he kept it, otherwise, he guessed that this position would be hard to keep.

Once he heard that it was saved, Leng Xize felt relieved.

"But please be mentally prepared, because..." The dean didn't know what to say next.

"Because of what? Say it quickly!" Hearing what he said, Leng Xize's heart that had just let go immediately lifted up again.

"Because it may cause fetal malformation." The dean hesitated for a while, but still told the truth.

"What? Deformity!" Leng Xize couldn't believe what he heard, how could his child be deformed!

When Leng Zuohao heard this, he also walked towards the doctor.

"What's going on?" Chu Ge felt a stomachache for no reason, and now he came to tell him that his child might be deformed!
"I preliminarily deduced that this lady ate some food that could easily cause miscarriage, but the specifics will not be known until the test results come out." The dean said based on his experience.

"You mean, someone poisoned you?" Leng Xize's expression became more serious.

The food Chu Ge ate every day was prepared in the kitchen at home, and it was almost impossible to poison him.The people in the kitchen have been with him for many years, and his character is trustworthy. Other than that, no one can enter the kitchen.

What's more, even if the people in the kitchen did it, he still ate the same food. Why did Chu Ge have something to do, but he didn't respond at all?
"No," the dean shook his head. "If it was poisoned, the child would basically be unsafe, and even if it could be preserved, the possibility of teratogenicity would be almost [-]%. I suspect that she accidentally ate food that is prone to miscarriage. of."

"Eating food that is prone to miscarriage by mistake?" Leng Xize thought about it for a while, but he really ignored this question.

"Do you know if she often eats food containing aloe vera after pregnancy? Or is it crab or soft-shelled turtle?" The dean reminded him again.

"It's definitely not included in the staple food, but the kitchen will often make some snacks and the like. I don't know if they have added these things." Hearing what he said, Leng Xize's sense of self-blame deepened, if If it was really because of his negligence that the result like this happened tonight, he really doesn't know how to face Chu Ge.

"Our hospital has seen many cases like this. Some pregnant women lack common knowledge about this and have no taboos for this kind of food. Some of them ate processed products containing the things I mentioned. I think this Miss's symptoms are somewhat similar to theirs," said the dean.

"Then have you followed up those previous cases? Are there any deformed children?" Leng Xize was very concerned about this question.

"This is a probabilistic event. We counted it, and 50.00% of the children have deformities to varying degrees." The dean recalled it, and then replied.

50.00%!This probability is great!Leng Xize was shocked by this number.

"Then when will the test results be available?" Leng Zuohao asked from the side.

"Don't worry, we will send the samples for testing as soon as possible, and the results will be available tomorrow morning." The dean added.

At this moment, Chu Ge was pushed out of the operating room by the nurse.

"Chu Ge!" Seeing her coming out, Leng Xize quickly walked towards her bed.

"Xize, is the child really saved?" Chu Ge asked uncertainly.She was afraid that in order to comfort her, the doctor would lie to her and say that she would keep it, but in fact she didn't.

Leng Xize put her hand gently on her stomach: "The child is fine now, isn't he staying in your stomach well?"

"We really saved him, didn't we?" Chu Ge said, tears streaming down again.

"Hmm!" Leng Xize was worried that she would be stimulated again, so he didn't have the heart to tell her that the child might be deformed.

Leng Zuohao on the side looked at the two of them, but also heaved a long sigh.At the same time, I also regretted why I obstructed the two of them in every possible way.Why didn't I realize that they loved each other so deeply before?He even wanted to separate them on his own initiative, and thought it was all for the good of his son.

Leng Xize followed Chu Ge to the ward.After settling her down, he walked out of the ward.

Taking out his mobile phone, he called the butler.

"Master, what are your orders?" The butler saw that it was Leng Xize's call, and immediately answered it.

"Go and investigate right away, what ingredients have been purchased in the kitchen during this period, and who is responsible for purchasing the ingredients. In addition, who is responsible for cooking in the kitchen during this period, even if they only entered the kitchen once, Make a thorough investigation for me!" Leng Xize ended the line after finishing speaking.

"What's your plan?" Leng Zuohao walked over and looked at his son.

"I want to investigate first to see if someone deliberately harmed Chu Ge and wanted her to have a miscarriage." Leng Xize expressed his thoughts.

"It's good to investigate," Leng Zuohao thought of another question, "Aren't you going to tell her that the child may be deformed?"

"Well," Leng Xize glanced at the direction of the door of the ward, "don't tell her for now, I'm afraid she won't be able to accept it for a while. Now that she has just recovered from the shock that she almost didn't keep the child, she should wait Let’s see when the results come out tomorrow.”

"Alright," Leng Zuohao thought for a while, and he really felt that it would be more appropriate to do so, "I don't think there's anything else going on here, I'll go back to your mother first, and when the test results come out tomorrow, let me know right away."

"Aren't you going in to sit down again?" Leng Xize saw that he had come and hadn't said a word to Chu Ge.

"No need, just let her rest well." Leng Zuohao felt that even if he met her, he didn't know what to say. Anyway, knowing that she was safe for the time being, he was relieved.Now he is still very worried about his wife, even though there are bodyguards guarding him, he is still worried.

"Okay, then go back and rest early." After Leng Xize finished speaking, he sent his father to the car before returning to the ward.

Although Chu Ge has repeatedly stated that he does not need to accompany her in the ward, Leng Xize is determined to stay with her, but in desperation, she has no choice but to compromise.

After sleeping on the sofa all night, Leng Xize felt that his whole body seemed to be falling apart, limp and weak, and because the sofa itself was too narrow and short, he almost didn't fall asleep all night.

He looked at his watch, it was past seven o'clock, and then he got up to prepare breakfast for Chu Ge.

After finishing the work in the ward, it was nearly nine o'clock, and Leng Xize came to the dean's office.

"President Leng, why did you come here in person? Didn't I ask the nurse to notify you just now, and I will bring you the test report in a while?" Seeing Leng Xize coming in person, the dean hurried over to greet him.

"I think it would be better to say it here." Leng Xize actually came here because he was worried that some words would not be heard by Chu Ge, "What does the test report say?"

"This is the test report, you can take a look." The dean handed Chu Ge's test report to Leng Xize respectfully. I did eat some of the foods I mentioned in her food. We found crabs and soft-shelled turtles that had not been fully digested in her stomach. Although these two foods are not a serious problem to eat in normal times, pregnant women are very taboo , although crab tastes very delicious, it is cold in nature and has the effect of promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, so pregnant women should not touch it, especially crab claws, which have obvious abortive effects; although turtle has the effect of nourishing yin and kidney, but Its taste is salty and cold, and it also has a strong effect of dredging blood and dispelling blood stasis, so pregnant women should not eat it."

"It really is these things!" Leng Xize looked at the test report, frowning deeply.

(End of this chapter)

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