Chapter 659

Wan Qixi urged the prefect of Lin'an to search for Wanyan Wulu, but the servants searched the entire Lin'an city, but could not find it.

Wan Qixi couldn't figure it out, strange things, where did he go?
He was so angry that he severely reprimanded the prefect of Lin'an.

He was worried that Wanyan Wulu would come to assassinate him again, and he was escorted by guards with strong martial arts when he went in and out.

As for Mu Xuan, he was even more puzzled.

The prefect of Lin'an dispatched almost all the yamen servants, but they didn't find Wanyan Wulu?

"Third son, Wanyan Wulu has been poisoned. If he doesn't detoxify, he will die within seven days. Why don't we go to various pharmacies to check?" Zong Wuji offered a plan.

Luo Fucai clapped his hands and said, "That's a good idea. By the way, we need to check the doctors in the city. Some doctors can gather herbs by themselves."

Mu Xuan narrowed his eyes slightly, and said with a sneer, "You're right, let's act now without delay."

The plan is often good, but the reality is bad.

Mu Xuan's people searched for seven days in a row, but they couldn't find anyone who looked at the poisonous wounds.

"Have you checked all the pharmacies?" Mu Xuan asked his subordinates.

"Go back to the third son, I did check it, no."

"What about other people? Did they go to heaven?" Mu Xuan cursed angrily, "Trash!"


After Wanyan Wulu recuperated in Liuyue Garden for seven days, he was able to move freely.

On this day, the weather was fine, and he wandered around the village on crutches.

He was wearing an ordinary Hanfu and a Dongpo cap on his head.

The beard was also shaved off, making her look much younger and more energetic.

Li Jiaoniang told the people in the village that this is a newly invited gentleman.

Everyone tacitly agreed, and did not ask more questions.

Wushuang was worried that he might get lost, so she followed him every step of the way.

At first, Wanyan Wulu was very disgusted with Wushuang.

But Wushuang has always been free and easy, never caring about other people's eyes, her unrestrained temperament makes Wanyan Wulu look at her with admiration.

Gradually, Wanyan Wulu didn't dislike her anymore.

Although it's not particularly fond of it, it's not disgusting either.

The two get along fairly well.

"What are they doing?" Wanyan Wulu walked to the northwest corner of Zhuangzi, and asked Li Jiaoniang and Luo Cheng who were busy ahead.

Wushuang said, "Oh, they are growing cotton."

Now that spring has begun, it is the season of spring sowing again.

The cotton Li Jiaoniang planted last year had a bumper harvest. She harvested over a hundred catties and got dozens of times more seeds.

After selection, Li Jiaoniang left the plump seeds and decided to expand cotton planting today.

Cotton seedlings are delicate, so she needs to make a nutritional bowl first.

When the little seedlings grow three leaves, she will send some of the nutritional bowls to the Red Maple Villa in Yuezhou.

On the barren hills there, soybeans and sesame are mostly planted, and rice is grown in the valleys.

She plans to grow cotton extensively on the sunny side of the hillside.

Li Jiaoniang sprinkled the seeds, and Luo Cheng used bamboo tubes to make a nutrient mound for cotton seedlings.

A mound the size of a bamboo tube, with a groove left on it, and a cotton seed is placed in the groove.

"What is the use of this kind of seed?" Wanyan Wulu asked curiously, having never seen such a method of planting seeds.

Li Jiaoniang straightened up, wiped the sweat from her forehead with her sleeves, and said with a smile, "This is the seed of the cotton tree. The fruit of the cotton tree contains the same white cotton wool as the kapok, but the yield is higher than that of the kapok. Warmer than cotton wool."

Pointing to the neat land in front of her, she said, "Last year I planted 95 trees here and harvested a hundred catties. This is the second year of planting. I want to plant cotton on a large scale."

"Cotton? Does it have the same effect as kapok wadding?" Wanyan Wulu asked.

"Yes, and it's warmer than Kapok's tidbits." Li Jiaoniang laughed.

Wanyan Wulu was amazed, there really is such a tree in the world.

Wu Linda was also interested in kapok wadding before she was alive. She once said that it would be great if the kapok tree bore more fruits, so that she could harvest more wadding and make more quilts.

Unexpectedly, there really is a tree like kapok wadding!
Seeing him looking at the seeds he had just planted, Li Jiaoniang thought a little, and asked with a smile, "What kind of clothes do you wear for the winter in Wulu's hometown?"

Wanyan Wulu came back to his senses and said, "All kinds of animal skins and a few clothes are made of kapok wadding, which are relatively thin and not warm."

The place where the Kingdom of Jin is located is in the northeast area. In winter, they only wear animal skin clothes, without wearing cotton clothes that are more close-fitting, and the whole body is not very warm.

Seeing him thinking all the time, Li Jiaoniang guessed that he was interested in cotton seeds.

She didn't say anything else, and waited for Wulu to make a request to him.

Sure enough, after thinking for a while, Wu Lu said, "Miss Li, can you send me some of these seeds?"

Luo Cheng immediately raised his eyebrows, "No."

Li Jiaoniang also smiled and said, "We don't have many seeds, so we can't give them away."

No, she harvested a lot of seeds last year, and she got [-] top-quality seeds after removing the shriveled ones.

This year, she planted all the seeds. If the seeds germinate well, at least seven thousand seeds will germinate.

In the future, there will be more than [-] cotton plants.

At that time, several thousand catties of cotton can be harvested.

By next year, the harvest will double again.

Being rejected by both husband and wife at the same time, Wanyan Wulu looked a little embarrassed.

Li Jiaoniang turned her eyes and said, "It's not easy for me to come here by accident on a cliff. And there are not many, so we can't send you off."

Wanyan Wulu nodded, "It's my disrespect to steal someone's favor."

But Li Jiaoniang said again, "But if you want it very much, I can give you some too."

Wanyan Wulu was overjoyed, and immediately said, "I just want to fulfill a wish of my deceased wife. She said before she was alive that she wanted to find a kind of cotton wool that is warmer than kapok to make cotton clothes. No matter how many trees Mrs. Li gives, I will be very grateful .”

Li Jiaoniang's eyes flickered slightly, and she said, "However, my seeds can't be given away for nothing."

Wanyan Wulu said, "Madam Li wants to ask for anything, just say so."

Li Jiaoniang glanced at Luo Cheng, "Luo Cheng, what do you think?"

Luo Cheng patted the soil on his hands, and looked at Wanyan Wulu, "If the Kingdom of Jin and the Kingdom of Song stop the war, we would be more than happy to send this kind of cotton seedlings to help the Kingdom of Jin survive the severe winter."

Wanyan Wulu said, "If I were the benefactor, of course I would stop the war. Every year I go to war, countless people in your country will be killed and injured, and many of my people will also die. It's just..." He showed embarrassment.

"It's just that you are not a benefactor yet, so it is very difficult for you to become a benefactor, right?" Li Jiaoniang asked.

Wanyan Wulu sighed slightly, "You guys know me, you should know my status in the Kingdom of Jin."

Li Jiaoniang said, "Of course, we know everything about you. You are just a beast trapped in a cage. When the time is right, you will definitely be able to take that position, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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