Chapter 486 (Second update)
Huzi smiled and said, "The shopkeeper only watched other people eat in the tavern, and he didn't sit down to eat."

These words hit my heart.

Indeed, isn't the person who runs a tavern just watching other people eat all day long?

When I was so hungry that my chest was stuck to my belly, I could only pick up a bowl of rice to fill my stomach, and then continue to work to make money.

Shopkeeper Liu sighed sadly.

Everyone said that he made a lot of money, but who knew his hard work?

Even my own wife said that he just sits and settles accounts, ordering cooking and serving, how hard is it?
But Huzi, a little guy, understands his hard work.

Seeing that the anger on his face had subsided, Li Jiaoniang smiled and said, "Shopkeeper Liu, sit down and have a drink of hot soup? You are used to the food cooked by the chef in your own tavern, so why don't you try our handicrafts?"

Luo Cheng poured a glass of wine, "Master Liu, would you like a drink?"

Everyone is so enthusiastic, shopkeeper Liu is embarrassed.

He smiled and said, "Okay, okay, sit down, have a glass of wine before leaving."

No one came at night, so everyone sat around in the main hall, eating lively.

Once the atmosphere became lively, Li Jiaoniang took the opportunity to talk about the boat.

Shopkeeper Liu frowned and said, "It turned out that someone broke it, who is so hateful."

Hu Zi looked at Zhao Cong.

Zhao Cong said, "Don't worry shopkeeper Liu, someone has already investigated this matter, and at that time, shopkeeper Liu will be compensated."

When shopkeeper Liu usually saw Zhao Cong, Zhao Cong was a confused person, his eyes and smile were always pure and innocent, but now his face was solemn and his eyes were cold.

Looking at this look, he didn't look confused at all.

He thought of Zhao Cong's true identity, and immediately thanked him, "That's...thank you very much."

Li Jiaoniang smiled and said, "Shopkeeper Liu, why are you being polite to neighbors?"

Luo Cheng also said, "We are neighbors and should help each other."

Shopkeeper Liu was very moved and said, "Miss Li, Mrs. Luo, if you need my help in the future, just tell me."

Li Jiaoniang was waiting for these words.

She worked hard to manage the relationship with her neighbors, and she had contacts with almost all the noble families in Yuezhou City, hoping that they could help Zhao Cong.

"Shopkeeper Liu, I can write down this sentence." Li Jiaoniang said with a smile on purpose.

Shopkeeper Liu is also a straightforward person, and said with a smile, "Remember it as soon as possible."

Huzi was hungry, so he drank a bowl of mutton soup and ate four meat buns.

Shopkeeper Liu only drank a glass of wine and ate a bun.

After eating, they left the clinic and went back to the tavern.

Li Jiaoniang and everyone finished eating, and everyone worked together to tidy up the dishes, tidy up the tables and chairs, wash up and go back to their rooms.

Zhao Cong entered his bedroom.

Luo Cheng and Li Jiaoniang walked over and only said to him, "The brazier is burning in the room, remember to open the windows for ventilation."

Zhao Cong looked at them, smiled slightly, nodded and said, "Understood, parents should go to bed earlier."

Li Jiaoniang closed the door for him, and returned to their own room with Luo Cheng.

As soon as the door was closed, Li Jiaoniang exhaled and stood at the door thinking a little.

Luo Cheng said, "Jiaoniang, are you thinking about Zhao Cong?"

Li Jiaoniang nodded, "He has recovered his memory."

Luo Cheng was not too surprised, because he could also see that Zhao Cong had a completely different expression from the Zhao Cong he saw in the morning.

He said, "Jiao Niang, this is a good thing for him."

Li Jiaoniang said, "Of course it's a good thing, but..." She looked at Luo Cheng, "I'm a little disappointed."

Luo Cheng was surprised, "Why do you think so? Isn't he still the same? He hasn't left yet?"

Li Jiaoniang said faintly, "But I feel that we are separated from him. Especially when talking, there is a sense of distance."

Luo Cheng smiled and pinched her nose, "Jiaoniang, of course there will be a little bit of loss when you are lost, and I have it too. He had amnesia and dementia before, and he behaved like a child. Now he is fine, and he has returned to normal thinking, acting and talking. Like an adult, there is a gap between the front and the back, of course it will make people feel different. But, I found that he is still the same Zhao Cong, the person has not changed."

Li Jiaoniang thought about it, and it seemed to be the case.

Luo Cheng took her hand and walked towards the bed, "Sleep, when I wake up, all worries will be gone."

Li Jiaoniang took a deep breath and comforted herself.

The son will naturally have to leave his mother, and besides, he is not his own. He still has a career and a family, so he will have to leave sooner or later.

When she first took him in, wasn't she thinking about finding out where his family sent him away earlier?

How could it be that after a few months, he was about to leave but still felt lost?

Li Jiaoniang tapped her forehead with her hand, and laughed.


Early the next morning.

Li Jiaoniang and Luo Cheng had just walked out of the bedroom door when Zhao Cong also came out of the bedroom.

"Father, mother, good morning." He greeted them with a smile as usual.

Li Jiaoniang was startled, her heart felt warm, she also smiled and said, "You were tired yesterday, why didn't you sleep more? It's also cold, so there's nothing to do."

He regained his memory, so he didn't have to study the rules and etiquette so hard.

I used to worry about him running around and getting lost, so I didn't have to do the things I arranged to grind the medicine powder and cut the pills.

Luo Cheng also said, "Sleep more, grow taller, and just wake up at midnight tomorrow."

It was just the hour of the hour.

Zhao Cong said, "Huzi and I were rescued by some villagers in Xicheng area after falling into the water yesterday. I want to thank them and give gifts. Neither of us brought any money yesterday, and all our food and supplies fell into the water again. I just said thank you empty-handed. For the grace of saving my life, verbal thanks seem too thin."

It turned out to be like this, Li Jiaoniang smiled and said, "That's why I should thank them, I'll prepare a gift for you."

Zhao Cong said again, "I've already written down the details of the gift, mother, can I see if it's okay?"

He took a piece of paper from his sleeve and handed it to Li Jiaoniang.

Li Jiaoniang shook the paper and looked carefully.

I saw it read: Three families, each with one hundred catties of rice, ten catties of vegetable oil, ten catties of bacon, and twenty pennies.

Yu Wai, the old woman's house, two more pieces of fabric.

One piece of blue, one piece of crimson, both made of fine fine cloth, each piece of material is fifteen feet.

Li Jiaoniang praised secretly in her heart, she never expected that this child would be so careful.

At the end of this year, with all these money and things, it will be a good year.

"Okay, very good, Cong'er is so careful." Li Jiaoniang praised.

Zhao Cong smiled slightly, "Mum said yes, I'm relieved."

The three went downstairs together.

Downstairs, Chun Ya had already opened the door, was sorting out herbs, and fetching water from Erbao.

Zhao Cong also called Miss Chunya and Uncle Erbao as usual.

It's just that he was a little more polite, and his words and deeds were very decent, like the son of a well-mannered and wealthy family.

Chunya and Xiang Erbao stared blankly.

Luo Cheng took Zhao Cong to wash up, and Li Jiaoniang went to prepare gifts.

Some of the gifts are available at home, such as bacon, such as fabrics, and she just finds them out.

Some don’t have it, such as rice and oil. The house is small, and we can’t store hundreds of catties of rice and dozens of catties of oil.

The oil at this time is not like in the modern world, where the oil is packed in transparent and thin plastic barrels, and it doesn't take up much space for a hundred catties.

At this time, the oil is all packed in clumsy jars, which are big and take up a lot of space. Li Jiaoniang only buys ten catties for home use every time, and does not store them.

Besides, the oil at this time is freshly squeezed, without sterilization, and cannot be stored for too long.

Li Jiaoniang called Juan, gave him money, and told him to go to the grain and oil store to buy rice.

Juan yawned, "Master, it's still early, the grain and oil store doesn't open so early."

Li Jiaoniang smiled and said, "You said to buy [-] catties of rice and [-] catties of vegetable oil. Let's see if he opens the door. If he doesn't open the door, our family will go to another house to buy rice and grain next year."

The shopkeeper and couple of the rice shop on this street are a pair of fat people.

It is said that fat people should not be afraid of the cold if they have a lot of meat.

But this big fat couple who weighed tens of pounds were particularly afraid of the cold.

Since the beginning of winter, they have not slept until halfway through the morning at the end of the day, and never get up.

If it wasn't for his family's honest management and never shoddy the good, the business would have been ruined early.

Because of the integrity of the business, the shop has been open for more than ten years, and the business has been good.

Those who are familiar with their tempers followed their wishes and went to buy rice in the afternoon.

However, Li Jiaoniang has something important to do this morning and she has to go out early, so they won't be allowed to sleep in for the time being.

Hearing what Li Jiaoniang said, Ju An grinned, "Yes, Master."

The little boy took the money and happily drove the carriage to buy rice and oil.

Li Jiaoniang rolled up her sleeves and started packing the meat.

There was a lot of leopard meat drying in the house, and Li Jiaoniang cut more than five catties of leopard meat and five catties of bacon pork.

Put them together in one basket.

In this way, three baskets were placed.

Then she wrapped two more pieces of muslin.

(End of this chapter)

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