There is a Wangfu wife at home

Chapter 126 Guarding the Nets and Waiting for the Fish

Chapter 126 Guarding the Net and Waiting for Fish and Shrimp (Part [-])

Zhong stepped forward, looked into the ditch, and asked suspiciously, "Hey, where did you get the net?"

That's a fishing net.

Luo Cheng and Li Jiaoniang were pulling fishing nets to block the one-foot-wide ditch.

Li Jiaoniang smiled and said, "Brother Luo Cheng bought the old fishing net in the village. I cut the net and assembled it into a square net, and blocked it in the ditch."

During lunch, Li Jiaoniang discussed with Zhong Shi how to block the ditch into several sections and how to use the ditch.

Unexpectedly, Li Jiaoniang moved so fast.

She went to the field to pull weeds for an hour, and Li Jiaoniang found a net.

"You guys are really fast." Zhong said with a smile.

She rolled up her sleeves and came to help.

Li Jiaoniang said, "It's okay if you don't hurry up, I'm worried that this ditch will be snatched away by others."

The commotion of her fishing and raising fish and shrimp was so loud that sooner or later the villagers would be alarmed.

If there is jealousy, it will definitely come to fight.

We have to act first.

Zhong said, "That's right, you can't be snatched away." She just found a way to make money, and if someone snatched her away, she would feel heartbroken.

Luo Cheng said at this time, "Aunt Six, don't worry, no one has taken a fancy to this ditch now, it's a wild ditch."

"That's good." Zhong felt relieved.

"Then you have to be careful." Li Jiaoniang said.

"This ditch is near our house, we watch it every day, who would dare to snatch it?" Luo Cheng comforted Li Jiaoniang.

Li Jiaoniang said, "I'm afraid of people with bad intentions behind their backs."

Luo Cheng snorted coldly, "I'll see who dares to snatch it!"

Li Jiaoniang immediately smiled and said, "Ahaha, yes, whoever is going to beat whoever!"

The three of them worked together to block three sections of nets on the ditch.

The open area on the right side of the net is the area where Zhong's shrimps are caught.

The blocked part in the middle is where Li Jiaoniang is preparing to raise ducks.

The section to the left is where Li Jiaoniang raises fish and shrimp.

The area on the far left is used by Li Jiaoniang to grow lotus roots.

The reason for this distinction is that ducks eat shrimps and also peck lotus leaves, and shrimps hold lotus leaves.

If they are mixed together, the output of shrimp will not be much, and the production of lotus root will be reduced without lotus leaves, and only ducks will survive.

This feeding method is uneconomical.

With a fine-meshed net, the shrimps, ducks, and lotus roots grow in their own areas and do not invade each other.

Luo Cheng helped them pull up the net, and continued to chop down miscellaneous trees.

The miscellaneous trees on this wasteland are not thick and not many.

There are less than ten trees as thick as the mouth of a bowl.

Luo Cheng cut down the miscellaneous trees growing in the middle of the wasteland, and left the three rough miscellaneous trees growing on the edge near the ditch.

Most of the other miscellaneous trees are only as thick as a child's arm, and most of them are thinner.

More weeds.

Not too difficult to cut.

Luo Cheng spread the cut trees and weeds on the ground to dry. After the weeds dried up, he kept them for cooking at home.

Thicker branches, etc., can be sold for money after drying and sawing short.

He moved very quickly, and in just three days, half of the wasteland had been sorted out.

Li Jiaoniang measured it with her feet, and the wasteland was about 20 meters wide and about [-] meters long.

Calculated in this way, it has an area of ​​nearly [-] square meters.

Converted by mu, it is the size of two mu of land.

If you lose one piece of two-acre good land, you will get twenty cents. If you work hard to get a two-acre field, and add a ditch for sideline business, there is no loss this year.

Chunya got tired of watching the donkey outside the front yard, so she ran to the ditch again to help Mrs. Zhong catch prawns.

It's just that the number of shrimps is much less than yesterday.

"It's less than yesterday." Zhong sighed.

Li Jiaoniang said, "Fishing shrimp intensively in this ditch will indeed reduce production. This ditch is so long, let's go ahead and fish."

"Good idea." Zhong said happily, and moved to another place with Chun Ya.

Li Jiaoniang switched to another shrimp fishing method.

She made pockets from the extra nets and sewed them on a circle of bamboo slices to make fishnet baskets.

Put some cut earthworms in the net and put them into the water. The other end of the bamboo circle is tied with a rope and tied to the miscellaneous branches on the bank.

She made six in a row, lined up along both sides of the ditch.

"This is called guarding the net and waiting for fish and shrimp." Li Jiaoniang patted her skirt and said with a smile, "I don't have time, I just sit here fishing for shrimp every day."

Holding a bundle of grass in his arms, Luo Cheng piled it aside, looked at her and said, "This method is good, it's easier than fishing for shrimps, you can go and rest, you didn't take a nap at noon."

"No, I want to help you with the work." Li Jiaoniang smiled and walked towards Luo Cheng, "The whole field has to be done quickly, some of the seeds I planted in the pot have sprouted, but you The land has not been finished yet, so that’s not enough. Fish and shrimp can be caught later, and the whole field can’t be delayed. Once the season is delayed, what will we eat in the second half of the year? If we always rely on buying, it will cost too much.”

Li Jiaoniang said, picked up the sickle and started mowing the grass.

She has never done farm work in her previous life, and her movements of mowing grass are clumsy and funny.

Luo Cheng sighed, "I don't need your help. After two days of busy work, the open space will be cleared."

Li Jiaoniang couldn't help it, "No, it's too slow. At the latest, noon tomorrow, the land will be plowed tomorrow afternoon. This land has not been planted all year round, so it needs to be carefully turned over to kill insects and bacteria. It will take another three days. Four days later, All my seeds have germinated and sprouted, ready to be transplanted."

Regarding how to farm, Li Jiaoniang lived in the countryside for some days in her previous life, listened to the old farmers in the village chatting a lot, and wrote down some knowledge.

Luo Cheng was even more surprised when he heard her talking about farming. She even knew how to farm?
Unable to resist her, Luo Cheng had no choice but to say, "Mow the grass slowly, because there are snakes and insects in the grass."

The weeds grow densely in mid-May.

There will be snakes and bugs in the grass, Li Jiaoniang has already thought of it, but she is ready.

"I'm not afraid of snakes. If I catch a snake, I've found money. As for bugs, I'm even less afraid. Look at my weapon." Li Jiaoniang stood up straight and waved her hands triumphantly to Luo Cheng.

Luo Cheng looked up and couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth, she always had a lot of tricks.

It turned out that she wrapped her two white hands with old cloth, and the old cloth stretched to her elbows.

The hands and arms are all tightly protected, and insects really cannot bite.

"Then cut it slowly, it's hot today, be careful of heat stroke." Luo Cheng reminded again.

"I know, I know, Nanny Luo!"

Luo Cheng: "..."


Luo Sunshi was beaten, she was humiliated, and she kept hiding in the house and never came out to see anyone.

Chunya and Zhong are busy fishing for shrimps, while Li Jiaoniang and Luo Cheng are clearing the wasteland.

Chunbao sat in the shade of a tree outside the front yard and grabbed grass to feed the donkey.

"Come, come, eat another piece of grass, this grass is tender and delicious."

The donkey licked it to express its dislike, and turned its head away.

"Hey, where's the donkey?" Someone came up and asked.

Chun Bao turned around and found that it was someone he knew, "Brother Fei Xiang, this donkey was brought back by Sister Jiao Niang."

"Brought by Li Jiaoniang?" Luo Feixiang's eyes rolled around.

(End of this chapter)

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