Chapter 740 Victory, just try to grab a marriage

As soon as An Hao and the others arrived at the gate of the yamen, they heard Guiguzi's shout from inside: "Yan Jiu, you girl, you run so fast, do you want the child in your belly? Why are you so disobedient..."

An Hao looked into the yamen, and saw Yan Jiuhong running out of the yamen, clutching her stomach with eyes wide open.When she saw Yan Yi carried on the stretcher, Yan Jiu ran even faster. As soon as she came over, she touched Yan Yi's breath, seeing that he was still alive, she couldn't help but burst into tears.

Guiguzi looked at it, and couldn't help but moved to Anhao's side and asked, "Yan Yi, could it be..."

Seeing Yan Jiu crying so sadly, Guiguzi only thought that Yan Yi was dead.

As soon as An Hao heard what Gui Guzi said, she knew what he wanted to ask, she looked up at him and said, "Yan Yi is still alive..."

As for other An Hao, I didn't say much, if she said that Yan Yi's situation was still unstable, Yan Jiu might have to guard him all the time.Now that she is pregnant with a child, how can she be tired?

The child they had been looking forward to for a long time finally came, but Yan Yi was injured so badly.

Upon hearing this, Guiguzi quickly looked at Yan Jiu and said, "You girl, why are you crying, as long as you are fine..."

Yan Jiu wiped away her tears, walked over to look at Anhao and said, "Princess, thank you for this matter, if it wasn't for you, Yan Yi..."

An Hao looked at Yan Jiu and said, "It's okay to thank you. When did you become so polite to me? The child you've been looking forward to for so long is finally here. You have to protect him. Yan Yi will be very happy if he finds out. of……"

Listening to this, Yan Jiu shed tears again, shed more tears today than before.

After putting Yan Yi down, Yan Jiu stayed with him the whole time, and didn't leave until lunch time.Although she felt uncomfortable, but thinking of the child, she still ate more.Seeing her like this, An Hao felt relieved.

At noon, Jun Shen came back for lunch and was very happy for Yan Yi when he learned that Yan Jiu had a child.

After eating lunch and talking to Anhao for a while, he rode his horse again to Lingshan City.

As for the busy soldiers in Lingshan City, someone with a kitchen will deliver meals to them.

As soon as Jun Shen left, a Yanjia army came to report to An Hao that Tuoba Yan woke up and wanted to see her.

Yan Jiu, Anhao has already asked her to take a nap, and Yan Yi is here to watch over her.Knowing that Tuobayan wanted to see her, Anhao asked Guiguzi to take care of Yan Yi first.

Tuoba Yan was in another courtyard, when An Hao came over, he was drinking medicine.

He drank the medicine simply, and drank it directly from the bowl.

It was the Yanjia Army who looked after him, and after An Hao arrived, he went out with a bowl.

There are Yanjia troops everywhere outside the door, so they are not afraid of Tuobayan running away.

After the Yanjia Army left, Tuoba Yan began to speak: "Are you Jun Shen's fiancée..."

Anhao heard the words, looked at Tuobayan and said, "You came to me to talk about this. Do you know how many people died in this explosion..."

"I did not do that."

Although he didn't do this thing, it was his brother who did it. Although he didn't ask him, he could guess it in his heart.

"Can you do this by yourself..."

Thinking of the previous incident, An looked at him and became even more upset.

Seeing Anhao looking at him with displeasure, Tuobayan knew that she had misunderstood him.

He subconsciously explained: "I just came to Lingshan City yesterday..."

Hearing what he said, An Hao couldn't help asking: "Before that..."

"The previous chief general was always my elder brother. He left only after I came yesterday."

In this way, the bombing of this mountain is very likely related to his brother.This would also explain why he was also injured by the stone.

"Your imperial brother seems to really not want you to live."

Tuoba Yan pursed his lips and did not speak, he is not stupid, how could he not guess.It's just that my heart is somewhat blocked.

Although no matter how much he wanted the throne, he never thought of killing him.

But he didn't think of brotherhood at all.

Seeing that he didn't speak, An Hao didn't speak either, she sat at the table and poured herself a glass of water, took a sip and put it down again.

After being silent for a while, Tuoba Yan looked up at Anhao and said, "Why didn't you kill me..."

Now that he has fallen into the enemy's hands, Tuoba Lin is afraid that he will not let him go back alive.

"Do you really want me to kill you?"

Tuoba Yan looked directly at Anhao and said, "If I'm destined to die, I'd rather die by your hands..."

"Your life and death are in your own hands."

After Anhao said this, she left.

After Anhao went out, he closed the door. Looking at the closed door, Tuobayan's mind kept echoing what Anhao just said.

Is she calling him treason?

This girl can really say anything.

When Jun Shen came back, it was already evening, and many injured people were rescued from Lingshan City.There are both Yanzhou and Yizhou.

But the search and rescue is still not over.

After dinner, not long after, Jun Shen went out again.

Right now is the prime time for search and rescue, so they can't relax. In addition, Lingshan City also needs to send people to guard it.The city that was captured after paying so many lives, naturally cannot be allowed to fall into the enemy's hands.

In the battle of Lingshan City, Yanzhou Kingdom also lost a lot of people, and Xiliang side also lost some, but compared to Yanzhou Kingdom, their deaths were considered very few.

For the next few days, as long as the Yizhou Kingdom does not move troops, they will not mobilize troops here.After all, many people have been injured, so naturally they will have to take care of them for a while.

Jun Feimo has already ordered conscription.

Anyone whose family has a man between the ages of 13 and 50 must have one of them join the army.

An Yue Village.

An Dahai and the others already knew that Anhao and the others had gone to the battlefield, because Anhao had already written them a letter.

On the morning of the eighth day of September, the county government came to arrest the police and informed Yun Zhengde of the conscription.Yun Zhengde and his family are not separated, so it is fine that there is only one person in the family.

After Yunfan found out, he told him to go.

But Yun Tian said he would go, and they argued endlessly for a while.

On the side of An's old house, the people who agree to the conditions are An Dalang, An Sanlang, and An Dahe.But An Sanlang and An Dalang are about to take a scientific expedition, and they are the sons of An Dahe, saying that in the end old man An only thinks that An Dahe should go.

Lin Qiao naturally refused. She had already lost a man. If this man died again, how could she marry him?

In the end, it was Lin Qiao who paid for someone to replace An Dahe.

On An Dahai's side, the people who agree with the conditions are undoubtedly An Dahai, as well as Yulin and Yufeng.

But An Dahai was worried about An Hao, and wanted to go and have a look, but in the end he decided to go.

After all, he knows both martial arts and medicine.

On the morning of the eleventh day of September, those who joined the army in Anyue Village bid farewell to their families and boarded the carriage to Lingshan City.

It was already September eighteenth when they arrived at Lingshan City.

Knowing that the recruits were coming today, An Hao had been waiting at the gate of the city early in the morning.

Every time a carriage came, An Hao would take a look at it. He looked at more than a dozen carriages in a row, but he didn't see An Dahai and the others.

After waiting for a while, she finally saw them.

After seeing them, Anhao ran over, besides An Dahai, Feng Tianxiang, Yuan Qingyang, Fei Yang, Yuntian and the others all came.

A lot of people came to Anyue Village.


After running close, Anhao called An Dahai in a low voice.

Before An Dahai came, he wrote her a letter, so she came here today to wait.

"Big, big girl, you..."

Seeing An Hao's sallow face, An Dahai couldn't help but feel distressed, wondering if his daughter was tanned.

"Dad, I'm fine."

Feng Tianxiang and the others were talking, but after hearing An Hao's voice, they all looked over.

"Uncle Feng, Uncle Qingyang, Brother Feiyang, Brother Yuntian..."

Now Anhao is not afraid that someone will find out that she is a woman, because Princess Gaoyang has already asked for a position with Junlin for her.

However, she still concealed her face.

After exchanging pleasantries for a while, An Dahai and the others went there to obey the assignment.

An Dahai was assigned to the rear as a military doctor.As for Fei Yang, he was supposed to be assigned to the rear as a military doctor.But since he asked to go to the front to kill the enemy, he was assigned to the Black Cavalry Battalion.

Yuan Qingyang, Feng Tianxiang and the others were assigned to different barracks.

Those who don't know martial arts need to be cultivated for a period of time. Knowing martial arts only needs to understand orders.

During this period, there was no movement in Yizhou Kingdom. Jun Shen sent people to investigate for a long time, only to find out that the emperor of Yizhou Kingdom was dead, and the new emperor had just ascended the throne, and the court was a bit chaotic, so no general was sent to lead the army.

After deliberation, 20 soldiers were left to guard.Jun Shen divided the remaining soldiers into two parts, one led by Dingshan and the other led by Baili Qiancheng, to attack the two tribal countries.

The two tribal countries had lost a lot of people before, and some of their troops stayed in the territory of Yizhou.How can the remaining troops in the tribe be their opponents in Baili Qiancheng? Before the reinforcements arrived, they were wiped out.

Tuoba Lin didn't expect that Jun Shen would suddenly launch an attack on the two tribal countries, which undoubtedly cut off his left and right arms.

If Junshen continues to fight like this, their Yizhou Kingdom will end sooner or later.

Calling his confidants, after some discussion, he selected a few dark guards with high martial arts skills, and sent a message to Yangzhou State, hoping that Yangzhou State would come forward to protect them from Yizhou State.

But he didn't want his wishful thinking to fail.

Because the Yangzhou Kingdom has changed to be the emperor, after the death of the old emperor, Long Tianxing succeeded to the throne, and he directly refused his plea for help.

Don't say anything if you don't help, Long Tianxing also wrote a letter to Junlin, threatening to send troops to help Yanzhou Kingdom fight Yizhou Kingdom, the prerequisite is that Yangzhou Kingdom and Yanzhou Kingdom will have a good relationship forever.If King's Landing agrees, he will send troops.

How could King's Landing disagree.

After Tuoba Yan learned that Tuoba Lin ascended the throne of God, he was naturally very angry.He knew best what his father's body was like, how could he die in such a short period of time.

And his father's favorite prince was not Tuoba Lin at all.No matter what the turn, it will not be his turn to be the emperor.

Thinking about it this way, his father's death must have something to do with Tuoba Lin.

When An Hao came to see him again, he asked to see Jun Shen, and the two met.

After that, Jun Shen raised his troops and attacked Yizhou State.Before the soldiers from Yangzhou Kingdom arrived, Jun Shen had already captured two cities.

Not long after the soldiers from Yangzhou Kingdom came, Beiming Kingdom also sent troops to support them. The new emperor on Beiming's side had already taken over, and the person in charge was Bei Junxuan.

Facing so many soldiers, the morale of the soldiers of Yizhou Kingdom has long been gone, and many of them surrendered before the battle.

On October [-]th, Jun Shen and the others reached the imperial capital of Yizhou Kingdom.

Tuoba Lin knew that the general situation was over, so he didn't make any more struggles, and directly surrendered.

Tuoba Lin undoubtedly became the emperor with the shortest reign in the history of Yizhou Kingdom, only being emperor for more than a month.

Although Tuoba Lin has descended, his fate is still only one death.

As for Tuoba Yan, Tuoba Lin thought he was dead before, and the people of Yizhou Kingdom also thought he was dead, so after the battle, Jun Shen let him go.As for where he went after that, no one knows.

Since then, there has been no Yizhou state in the world.

At the beginning of November, all those who joined the army left for their hometowns.All of them were sent back to their hometowns by horse-drawn carriage, and when they returned, they all received silver rewards.Those who have made meritorious service will be rewarded separately later.

An Hao wants to go with Jun Shen, An Dahai and the others will go back first.

After sending away the soldiers from Yangzhou Kingdom and Beiming Tribal Kingdom, Jun Shen returned to the city and went directly to the place where Fengjing lived.

The place where Fengjing lives is exactly their tent of Yanzhou Kingdom.

When Jun Shen came, the well was closed, and Luo Feng was drinking with other Yanzhou soldiers, as if they had blended in together.

"You stay, you all go out first."

After Jun Shen spoke, the soldiers of Yanzhou Kingdom naturally had to obey the order.

Luofeng didn't leave, after all, his master was Fengjing, not Junshen.

"Luofeng, you should go out first."

"Yes, master."

Jun Shen's ability to find this place at once proves that he knew they were here first.

After Luofeng went out, Jun Shen sat opposite Fengjing.

As soon as he sat down, Feng Jing on the opposite side said, "You're here, do you want a drink?"


Feng Jing listened, glanced at Jun Shen, then picked up a jar of wine and threw it at Jun Shen.He shot, but he used a lot of strength, but Jun Shen caught it lightly.

"You're so cold, you talk so little, and you don't know how to take care of that girl, why did you fall in love with you." Feng Jing said after taking a sip of wine, after looking at Jun Shen.

Jun Shen took a few sips of wine before looking at Feng Jing and said, "She likes me like this..."

"You already knew that I was here."

"I didn't know, but Anhao said, I found you as soon as I paid attention." Jun Shen looked at Feng Jing and said.

"That girl's heart is towards you after all."

After Feng Jing finished speaking, he took a few sips of wine. The wine was very spicy, but he felt better just because he drank it.

After taking a sip of wine, Jun Shen looked at Feng Jing and said, "I knew her before you. We kissed each other the first time we met, so this fate is unmatched by you..."

"She didn't hit you."

Feng Jing couldn't help asking, with An Hao's fiery character, it's really weird not to beat him up.

"No, she even touched me and said I have a good figure."


How did he know that Jun Shen was so thick-skinned that such a lie could be uttered.

But I don't know, this is the fact.

"She and I will get married in the next year. If you have time, you can come to the wedding." Jun Shen pursed his lips, looked at Feng Jing and said.

"Attend a wedding? If you want to come, I'm also here to grab a kiss."

Feng Jing glared at Jun Shen and said, although he knew there was little hope, he still wanted to try.

"A twisted melon is not sweet..."

"I just like to twist." Feng Jing said angrily, and even burst into foul language.Although he didn't admit it with his mouth, he agreed with what Jun Shen said in his heart.

After all, he still likes to see An Hao with a happy face.

But thinking that she doesn't belong to me, my heart feels tight.

"Just try..."

As soon as Jun Shen finished speaking, a voice sounded behind him: "What are you trying..."

The person who came was Anhao.

After hearing that Jun Shen came to Fengjing, An Hao came.She was naturally afraid that the two of them would fight, after all, Jun Shen still had internal injuries.

Hearing this, Jun Shen put down the wine jar, stood up, turned around, looked at An Hao and said softly, "Why are you here?"

An Hao listened, looked at Jun Shen and said, "I'm here to ask you to go home and cook. Didn't you say you'd cook tonight?"

This is indeed the case, but it is still a while before dinner is made.

Feng Jing is very jealous, but he doesn't know how to cook, he only knows how to eat.Compared with Jun Shen, he is really inferior in everything.

Jun Shen listened, looked at Anhao and said, "Well, I'll do it when I get back."

Feng Jing thought for a while and said: "King Rong An cooks, I don't know if this king is lucky..."

"If you want to eat, let's go together."

Jun Shen didn't refuse, his tone was neither enthusiastic nor indifferent.

Anhao was a little surprised that this guy didn't reject him.

Feng Jing also felt that Jun Shen was too talkative this time, what was going on in his head, wasn't he his rival in love.

"Go back first, I'll come later."

Now that Jun Shen already knew his identity, there was no need for him to wear the clothes of a Yanzhou soldier.

"what ever…."

(End of this chapter)

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