Chapter 116
Dabai, who is Xiaobai calling?Seeing the big white tiger thumping in the water, An Hao seemed to have realized the truth.

Anjia looked at the fish on the shore, and they looked a bit like modern yellow croakers, but they looked much fatter and more transparent, and the internal organs could almost be seen.He found a tree vine, and An Hao strung it up.

Hearing a sound from the shore, Xiaobai hurriedly turned his head and saw that it was Anhao who hurriedly swam over like a dog.After landing, he didn't dare to rush over, but stood aside and shook off the water on his body.

He looked around An Hao, but there was nothing, and he didn't bring him anything to eat.

"Master, you don't love Xiaobai anymore."

At this time, Xiaobai was already as tall as her when he stood up. Looking at his chubby appearance, he probably had to go up the mountain to eat a lot.But at this moment, it actually looked at him with its big watery eyes, as if he had abused it, Anhao really wanted to laugh.

Walking over, stroking its head, An Hao held back a smile and said.

"How can I not love you, I just forgot to bring you something to eat, you're already catching fish, catch more and I'll cook some delicious food for you later."

With An Hao's words, Xiao Bai regained his energy and jumped into the water directly.Seeing that Lightning was still acting cute by Anhao's side, he couldn't help but roared at it, and Lightning had to jump into the water to help catch the fish.

These days, they are deeply oppressed by Xiao Bai. They were not very good swimmers, but now they are very good at swimming. If they could talk, they would all cry beside An Hao and complain that Xiao Bai bullied them.

Carrying the fish, they followed Anhao down the mountain.

At this time, another batch of quails in the pen had bred and came out, and Anhao couldn't figure out what the space was like.But seeing more and more quails, she was undoubtedly excited.

"Xiaobai, where did you move my tremella trunk?"

Seeing Anhao's question, Xiaobai took her to the left side of the fence. Not far away, Anhao saw the tree trunks piled up in the corner, and the white fungus bloomed on them at the moment.

"You are so capable, you all know how to put things into categories and go back to make fish."

After fetching some water, Anhao cleaned out the fish. I have to say that the fish in this cold pool are clean, and the fishy smell is not strong.

After the rack was set up in front of the bamboo building, Anhao grilled fish on one side, and with the aroma, Xiaobai, Xiaohei, and Dabai all came together.

After Anhao baked a few strips, he distributed them to them one by one.What Xiaobai ate was called a cloud, and it disappeared in an instant.

"Master, the fish you grilled is so delicious, Xiaobai wants to eat it even after eating it." Xiaobai looked at the fish in Anhao's hand, his eyes were shining brightly.

"You foodie, you can't eat too much, or you'll get fat like a ball sooner or later."

Seeing the master's disgusting gaze, Xiaobai lay down on the ground.It doesn't want to, but it can't help it when it looks at the food.Dabai and the others were eating, although they couldn't speak, their expressions were definitely very happy.

"It's already fat into a ball. Master, you don't know. When you're not around, it grows old and goes to the mountains. It eats up all the fruits on the mountain. It also takes Dabai and them to go up the mountain to catch pheasants every day..."

Xiao Hei actually sued it, Xiao Bai couldn't help but stare at Xiao Hei.

"I've already given the little golden tiger a name. From now on, you can call it Lightning. As for the little white tiger, let's call it Xueqiu. The big white tiger can be called Dabai just as Xiaobai called it."

Lightning, Snowball, their names are much better than it, Xiaobai protested, but Xiaohei did not speak.

"invalid objection."

Thinking about the name is also very sad, and Xiaobai just said that she didn't want to change it, otherwise she would have to think about the names of Xiaohei and Dabai.

After a while, after going to the field to look around, An Hao went to take a bath in the Lingquan Pool, and left the space after washing.She closed the door after entering the house, thinking she was going to sleep for a while, but no one bothered her all the time.

Thinking of what she said to Chen Lianhua before, An Hao hurriedly tidied herself up, opened the door and went out after finishing.

"Da Ya, you woke up just in time. The medicine is no longer hot. Come here and drink it."

Seeing that Anhao's door opened, Mrs. Su got up and brought out a bowl of medicine from the kitchen, and handed it to Anhao.

Chinese medicine, she forgot the medicine that Guiguzi prescribed for her.

"Thank you ma'am."

An Hao looked at Su's gentle gaze, suppressed the throbbing in her heart, thanked her in a low voice, took the bitter Chinese medicine in her hand, and drank it vigorously.

"You silly boy, why did you just say thank you to mother. If you said that, mother should thank you. If it weren't for your family, there would be no changes today."

Su stroked An Hao's soft hair, looked at her tenderly and said.Seeing that An Hao had drunk the medicine, he took the bowl in her hand and went to the kitchen.The daughter became more and more sensible, and she was very happy in her heart.

"You two, mother and daughter, are really interesting. Thank you so much. Girl, come here if you have nothing to do, and help Master distribute the herbs."

(End of this chapter)

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