Chapter 2196 Tattoo is the key
In the ancient family, there will always be a few people who have awakened the memory of the past life, and they will see some ancient totems in the dream-like memory.

It's more like a passing memory.

All the totems in that sketchbook were seen by the girl's mother in that kind of mysterious past life memory.

Among them, the totem of the ghost door key, once tattooed on the body, will become a key.

In other words, the tattoo on the girl's shoulder can be turned into a key, and the girl can freely enter and exit the ghost gate.

The girl's mother has a lot of affection for the dead man. The reason why she tattooed the girl is to find the ghost gate one day and take the child to see the dead man.

Shen Tian asked: "Then your mother also has tattoos on her body?"

The girl nodded.

Lin An'an and Shen Tian's expressions became serious. They finally understood why the outsider chose the girl's mother with so many people.

The reason why the girl was strangled to death was probably because she wanted to be the one with the exclusive key to the ghost gate.

Once the outsider who occupies the magpie's nest is allowed to find the ghost gate, she can enter the ghost gate.

What is the purpose of entering the ghost gate?
Shen Tian asked, "Has Heaven told you the purpose of the outsider?"

"Just like..." The girl glanced at Lin Anan secretly, and said in a low voice, "As you said, her purpose is to destroy the world."

Lin Anan suddenly thought of something, and asked, "There are ghosts in the gate of ghosts, and the source of her cultivation is the power of ghosts!"

This is the same reason that Ten Thousand Years Gu provoked troubled times. In troubled times, wars, and death, those dead souls will become the existence of Ten Thousand Years Gu's improved cultivation.

"Yes, God said that she cannot find the ghost gate. What I have to do is to find the ghost gate before her, and enter the ghost gate, and help the ghost king completely change the totem of the ghost gate key, so that person can never enter the ghost gate."

"So that's how it is..." Shen Tian frowned: "Can you help the ghost king change the totem of the ghost door key?"

The girl hesitated for a moment, then said in a small voice: "I also dreamed about some magical totems, and I... seem to be able to draw them very smoothly."

Lin An'an and Shen Tian finally understood why Tiandao chose this girl.

It turned out that the girl had awakened the past life memory like her mother, and was able to dream about those totems in a dream-like way.

"We know where the ghost gate is." Shen Tian's eyes lit up: "Since you can draw totems, you can also get tattoos, right?"

"Well, I will."

She has been with her mother since she was a child. When her mother opened a shop, she always sat beside her mother obediently, so she learned to tattoo since she was a child.

"Can you tattoo me a totem of the ghost door key?"

Shen Tian's eyes are full of anticipation, as long as she gets the ghost gate key tattooed, she can also enter the ghost gate and meet Bai Shi!

Lin Anan guessed Shen Tian's thoughts, but she didn't stop her.

It is also a good thing that there is a shortcut to see Bai Shi earlier without having to wait until the gate of hell is opened.

The girl was a little unconfident: "Although I know how to do it, I only tried it on some raw meat skins, and have never tattooed on real people."

Shen Tian raised her sleeves and stretched out her arms: "You can do it, don't be afraid! I believe in you!"

"I...don't believe in myself." The girl flinched.

"It doesn't matter if you fail. Practice makes perfect. If you fail here, just get this tattoo." Shen Tian raised the sleeve of the other arm.

"If both sides fail, there are still thighs! You can get tattoos all over your body! You can always succeed!" Shen Tian said very boldly.

(End of this chapter)

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