Chapter 577 Another member of the girl group

"Your domineering makeup looks cute to me, I feel as if you are going to eat me, okay, let's go in and sit down." Xiao Zhai joked.

After the three of them sat down, Han Feifei couldn't wait to listen to the story.

"Looking at the curious faces of you two, isn't it more suitable for listening to stories while eating a bag of melon seeds?" Miao Miao teased.

"I really have melon seeds, I'm so hungry during pregnancy, I bought a lot of snacks to eat at home." Saying that, Xiao Zhai opened the drawer of the coffee table, and took out a pack of milk-flavored melon seeds from a drawer full of snacks.

"You two, that's enough!" Miao Miao couldn't help but rolled her eyes, then stretched out her hand and said, "I want to eat too."

So the three of them ate melon seeds and began to listen to Miao Miao.

"I'm in this group, there are four people in total, the other one is of the same nationality as me besides the two Koreans. After meeting, I feel a little familiar, but I can't tell what it looks like, and she always bullies me, she There was a lot of hostility towards me in his eyes, so I was puzzled, I will call my husband later... Oh, no, it’s just a boyfriend now.” Miao Miao smiled awkwardly.

"Say it quickly, it arouses my curiosity." Han Feifei urged.

"My boyfriend checked it for me, and found that not only did she change her name and surname, but she also had plastic surgery." Said Miao Miao and gestured with her hands on her chest.

"It can't be... Li Ziyou?" Xiao Zhai asked suddenly.

Miao Miao's eyeballs were about to pop out, "God, I can guess all of this."

"You said that we all know each other and are hostile to you, so she is the only one." Xiao Zhai said.

Miao Miao couldn't help giving her a thumbs up, and then glanced at Han Feifei, "See, she has such an IQ."

"Could it be that Li Ziyou also found a financial backer? He even made his debut in Korea." Han Feifei muttered, a little unhappy that I threw the melon seed shell into the trash can forcefully, "Why are you so easy to find a financial backer? For a long time, I thought I found a phoenix, but it turned out to be a crow."

"Pfft ha ha!" Miao Miao couldn't help laughing, "But I don't know if Li Ziyou has found some kind of financial backer, and he has been mysterious all day long."

"You group, will you add more people? Like me." Han Feifei straightened her chest and said in a concave shape.

"Actually, our group has been looking for a more cute style to add, such as Xiao Zhai, but unfortunately we haven't found a suitable one." Miao Miao said, and continued to eat melon seeds.

"I can be cute too!" Han Feifei said cutely, holding her cheeks in both hands.

Miao Miao reached out and poked her forehead, "Auntie, forget it!"

"But to be honest, your lives are good. One married a rich man, and the other found a rich man to enter the entertainment industry. Only me... Poor, no one loves me and I have no money." Han Feifei sighed. .

"Feifei, work hard, don't always think about jumping into the sky." Miao Miao said.

Xiao Zhai also wanted to say this, but she didn't dare to say it so bluntly, afraid that Han Feifei would be sad, and also afraid that she would feel that she was mocking her.

"Got it." Han Feifei sighed and looked up at Xiao Zhai, "By the way, Xiao Zhai, I have something I want to tell you."

"What's the matter?" Xiao Zhai asked suspiciously.

"Let's talk in a whisper, I'm sorry, Miao Miao, you really can't hear this matter." Han Feifei said.

"Okay, okay, talk while you go." Miao Miao rolled her eyes and continued to eat melon seeds.

(End of this chapter)

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