Chapter 521 The Bar 1
Liu Yangyang: Why did you go to France?Over there in France... I really don't know anyone, what happened, is it serious?

Ning Yuan: For the time being... I don't know yet, I'll talk to you tomorrow!

Liu Yangyang: Okay, then be careful!Please contact me.


Ning Ning'er hasn't had any contact yet.

The two set off to a nearby bar and started asking people.

From the few bars mentioned by the passers-by, I am going to go and have a look one by one.

The two took a taxi to the first bar.

It was indeed very lively. There were many sexy girls standing at the door, talking on the phone and smoking.

"It shouldn't be here." Ning Yuan looked at the bar in front of him.

It's only two floors high, and these two floors are the bar, so it probably doesn't fit what Ning Ning'er said.

"Let's go, let's go to the next one." Ning Yuan said, holding Xiao Zhai and waiting for the car by the side of the road.

"Okay." Xiao Zhai said, leaning his head on his arm, "France is really cold."

He stretched out his hand and touched her cheek distressedly, "Poor little girl, we will start traveling after we find Ning Ning'er."

"Really?" She looked at him expectantly.

"Well, we're all here anyway, is there any place you want to go?" Ning Yuan asked.

She pursed her lips and thought, "France... the banks of the Seine, the fallen leaves of the Champs Elysees?"

"Okay." He stretched out his hand and gently scratched the bridge of her nose.

After a while, we set off to another bar.

This bar is in a relatively lively street, and there is a hotel next to it, which seems to be more in line with what Ning Ning'er said.

But Ning Ning'er has not responded to the message, he is a little worried.

"Do you want to call?" Xiao Zhai asked.

Ning Yuan was hesitating, then saw a telephone booth next to him, and dragged Xiao Zhai over.

In the public phone booth, I called Ning Ning'er.

A man answered the phone. He was speaking French, but he didn't understand it, so he hung up.

After hanging up the phone, Ning Yuan frowned tightly.

"What should we do now?" Xiao Zhai asked worriedly, "Why don't we call the police!"

"Wait a minute, the other party is French, and we don't know anything if we call the police. I'm afraid the police won't be able to help. If she really encounters a problem, she should contact me again." Ning Yuan said.

"Where are we going now?" she asked softly.

Ning Yuan looked at the bar next to him, "I've come here, let's go in and have a look."

"Bar?" Xiao Zhai was a little puzzled.

"Well, let's kill some time and see if we can find any clues." Ning Yuan sighed, but he didn't know what to do now.

Then the two walked into the bar.

The air conditioner was turned on very high, and she was sweating a little while after entering, so she took off her thick coat and looked around carefully. There were women with heavy make-up, and they were all dressed sexy. She was wearing a plain face The conservative oriental face appeared here, and suddenly felt a little out of place, which also attracted the eyes of many people to look over and size up the two of them.

In fact, these eyes are not surprising. When you see these foreigners in China, everyone will look more often.

"I'm going to the bathroom." Ning Yuan said and got up.

"Okay." Xiao Zhai nodded, stretched out his hand to hold the glass, took a sip of cold beer, and immediately didn't feel so hot.

Suddenly, the music in the bar changed, and then the lights suddenly dimmed.

The MC spoke French with a microphone, but she didn't understand anything. A few seconds later, the spotlight suddenly hit the stage, and an iron cage appeared.

(End of this chapter)

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