Chapter 315 A Warning Card
Everyone was booing in the office just now, saying that they were eating dog food.

But I didn't expect to hear such a conversation when I came out.

Liu Yangyang and Chen Feng were naturally the most uncomfortable.

After all, they have been teammates for so long, and they have also experienced hundreds of professional games together.

"Of course, apart from this, there is also good news to tell everyone. I originally wanted to wait until the end of the game to tell everyone, but since...forget it, let's tell everyone now." Ning Yuan said.

Holding Xiao Zhai's hand and walking in front of everyone, "The team will continue to do it, and I will inject capital into it to customize a star professional player plan, and soon your value will double."

"Really? Great!"

"For the sake of money, let's be happy." Liu Yangyang also smiled through his tears.

Everyone is very happy, only Dongfang Heng has an ugly face.

"Are you okay, Dongfang Heng?" Ning Yuan asked.

At this time, big beads of sweat appeared on Dongfang Heng's head.

"It's okay, I, I just have a stomachache." Dongfang Heng said, then turned around and walked anxiously to the toilet.

"You two tidy up the office and go out to have a big meal later." Liu Yangyang said, and dismissed Bai Qianyu and Leng Yan.

There were four people left in the corridor.

The door of the office was also closed by Chenfeng.

"Dongfangheng probably didn't expect this, right? I'm afraid the benefits here are far better than those offered by others." Liu Yangyang said.

"Yeah, judging from his reaction just now, it is basically certain that he has already signed a contract with another company, but he doesn't know which one he signed with." Chenfeng said and rubbed Liu Yangyang's shoulder, "Go and find out?"

"What are you asking for? I already knew about it, Team TL." Liu Yangyang said with a sigh, "This slot jump is really good, we just jumped out of it, haha, funny."

"Oh!" Chen Feng also sighed.

The four of them stood side by side, looking at the road downstairs, with mixed emotions.

Xiao Zhai was naturally the most uncomfortable one, but he tried his best to hold back his tears and not let himself cry.

Ning Yuan clenched her hand a little more, she lowered her head and silently wiped away her tears.

In the evening, we went to the barbecue restaurant that we often go to. The location is not far away, and the taste is very suitable for everyone's taste.

After sitting down, only Xiao Zhai and Dongfang Heng were silent.

Xiao Zhai blamed himself, while Dongfang Heng's lips were purple and he was sweating coldly.

"Xiao Zhai, why don't you eat?" Ning Yuan asked, gently put his arms around her shoulders, and comforted her, "It's okay, don't be sad."

She shook her head, "I just lost weight."

"No, you are in such a good shape and still lose weight, you look at our Dongfang Heng and say it again." Liu Yangyang said, looking at Dongfang Heng as if watching the excitement is not a big deal.

"What?" Before Dongfang Heng could react, he didn't listen to what everyone was saying, and pulled a few tissues to wipe the cold sweat off his face.

Liu Yangyang picked up a few pieces of grilled pork belly and put them in his bowl, saying, "I told you to eat more meat. I've been sitting there for half an hour. You haven't moved your chopsticks yet. Doesn't it suit your appetite?"

"No, no." Dongfang Heng said, and he picked up the meat and stuffed it into his mouth. As soon as he stuffed it in, he screamed, "Ah, it's hot!"

"Hehe, what are you thinking? You'll burn your mouth after eating something." Liu Yangyang said in a mocking tone, and then called the waiter, "Here's a bottle of iced Coke, our colleague's mouth is burning, hurry up."

Everyone's gazes came over, and Dongfang Heng was sweating even more, and he kept wiping with paper towels, his eyes flickering.

(End of this chapter)

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