Chapter 219 Quarrel 3
"I just think that you are too sensitive, and it will irritate you whether you accept it or not." He had a helpless expression on his face.

Xiao Zhai nodded, "Well, I'm sensitive, it's because I care too much, right?"

She pushed open the car door and walked away.

"Xiao Zhai." Ning Yuan quickly got out of the car and called her name.

There happened to be a bus parked in front of her, so she stepped up.

Ning Yuan returned to the car in a hurry, and wanted to chase after him. At this time, the green light at the intersection was already flashing, and the bus speeded up to take advantage of the few seconds of the yellow light and rushed past.

His car didn't catch up and stopped there.

Take the mobile phone and call Xiao Zhai.

But she didn't answer.

Sitting on the bus, she turned her head and looked behind her. His car gradually disappeared from sight, and tears fell drop by drop.

The phone rang.

I thought it was from Ning Yuan, so I wanted to hang up, but when I was about to slide, I found out that it was from Han Feifei.

She answered the phone quickly.

"Xiao Zhai, I have a surprise for you. I just got off the plane. Are you free tomorrow? Let's meet and chat. I saw that your live broadcast room said that the live broadcast was suspended, so I voluntarily resigned and came to meet you Starting a business, I am not impulsive, I am very serious."

On the phone, Han Feifei said a lot in one breath.

Xiao Zhai choked with sobs, "I have time now, I had an argument with Ning Yuan, now I'm on the bus, I'll come to you..."

"Don't cry, Xiao Zhai, let's meet in the hotel last time." Han Feifei comforted.

"Well, I'll get off at the next stop and take a taxi there." Xiao Zhai raised his hand to wipe away his tears, walked to the door and waited.

Inside the hotel room.

Han Feifei took Xiao Zhai to sit down, at this time Xiao Zhai had turned off her mobile phone and was crying.

He also told Han Feifei what happened.

Han Feifei listened, and then analyzed, "That Li Ziyou really doesn't look so innocent, she even asked your boyfriend to help in the middle of the night, and she has always been very weak, I have to admit that she has given full play to the tenderness of a woman Well done, you are no match for her."

"You don't give me advice, and you keep praising her, are you still my friend?" Xiao Zhai wiped his tears with a tissue, and the more he thought about it, the more sad he became.

"Then let me ask you, did that woman confess to your boyfriend?"

Kotaku shook his head.

"So is she having an affair with your boyfriend?"

Xiao Zhai shook his head, and then added, "Looking at WeChat, she looks good at chatting, maybe she will be ambiguous soon."

"So you have no evidence at all now. In fact, nothing happened between the two of them, and Ning Yuan has already blocked her in front of you. In fact, he has done a good enough job, but the phone has not been blocked yet. It makes you feel like he gave Li Ziyou a glimmer of hope." Han Feifei drank her saliva while talking.

Listening to Han Feifei's words, Xiao Zhai felt that there was some truth, and gradually stopped crying, "You said it as if I was making trouble for no reason."

"As a woman, of course I understand how you feel, but Li Ziyou looks even more innocent and pitiful when you make such a fuss." Han Feifei sighed, "But it's good if you make a fuss like this, it's a reminder to Ning Yuan."

Xiao Zhai looked at the phone with red eyes, "Tell me, should I turn it on?"

"Open it when you're angry. He might be looking for you everywhere. Don't worry about it." Han Feifei said.

"Who said my anger is gone, it's gone." She turned on her phone with a duplicity.

(End of this chapter)

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