Chapter 64

I patted off the rust on the book with my hand, then took a closer look at it, and there were three words "Tao Te Ching" written on it.

And when I carefully observed the line of small characters under the three big characters of the Tao Te Ching, I became excited instantly and almost didn't jump up.

The words "Lao Tzu", "Gift" and "Yin Xi" are written on it.

Your sister, isn't this Yin Xi the patriarch of Lou Guan Tao?According to the records in "Lou Guan Dao Fa", when Lao Tzu rode a green ox to the west of Hangu Pass, he copied a copy of "Tao Te Ching" by himself and gave it as a gift to Yin Xi, the order of Hangu Pass at that time.

After reading the "Tao Te Ching", Yin Xi became enlightened and finally founded Lou Guan Dao and became a great master of a generation.

The "Tao Te Ching" is specifically written in the following way: "Tao Te Ching" represents "benevolence". It exudes a peaceful atmosphere at all times, and it is specially used to suppress ghosts who have accumulated grievances for thousands of years.

I rubbed against your sister, this thing is a treasure, it can suppress ghosts who have accumulated grievances for thousands of years, and now my combat power has risen several levels properly, which has also led to several fights in the future. This "Tao Te Ching" has been revived with full blood.

Lu Yixing didn't know the real usefulness of the Tao Te Ching, and thought it was just a bad book. He was a little disappointed, but the little mouse pointed at the word 'continue'.

Lu Yixing was instantly excited. It seems that there are still good things down there, otherwise how could this little mouse let them continue.

He grabbed the shovel and began to dig.

I don't care about Lu Yixing, I'm so happy holding this treasure.

After digging for a long time, but did not find any treasures, Lu Yixing was a little exhausted, and asked out of breath: "Little mouse, did you remember wrongly, why is there no treasure?"

Then the little mouse started writing on the ground again.Soon, the words "playing with you" appeared in our sight shockingly.

"Your sister, you are playing with me." Lu Yixing became angry instantly, and ran up screaming.

But that little mouse would find a place to hide, and hurriedly got into my trouser leg. Lu Yixing was about to slap my thigh with a shovel, but I stopped him: "You will pay for your life if you slap me to death!" !"

After reburying the pole, Lu Yixing and I went back to our respective houses, and the little mouse followed me back as a matter of course.

I built a nest for the little mouse under the bed, then made a plate of fried steamed buns and put it down, and then fell asleep soundly.

I am really tired, and I have to take a good rest, otherwise I am really worried that I will be too tired to get up tomorrow.

Early the next morning, I got up in a hurry, and the first thing I did was to see if the little mouse was still there.

What made me laugh out loud was that the little mouse was licking its tail with two paws at this moment, its expression was quite ecstasy. Evil, actually tainted with this bad habit of human beings.

I looked at this little mouse dumbfounded, and really didn't know what to say.

The little mouse also slowly opened its eyes. When it found me, it jumped up in shock, then turned around and continued to pretend to be asleep.

Your sister, this is a cute little mouse, I think if you give this kind of little mouse to Wenwen, Wenwen will definitely like it very much, haha.

After all, we just lost one of her cats, and she shouldn't blame us for making it up to her with this cute mouse.After thinking of this, I went happily to Wenwen's house immediately.

Originally, I thought that the old bastard would intimidate the two of us, and dare not speak ill of us in front of Wenwen, but I still underestimated the courage of this old bastard.

When I came to Wenwen's home, Wenwen was keeping a filial piety for her grandma.After Wen Wen saw me, she shook her head and sighed with disappointment, and then went into the room unexpectedly.

My heart skipped a beat, and I wondered if that old bastard really spoke ill of us in front of Wenwen?
No, you have to explain it clearly to him.

I ran up in a hurry, but before I got close, Father Wen stopped me all of a sudden: "Get out!"

"Old bastard, are you talking nonsense in front of Wenwen?" I gritted my teeth and cursed.

"Say it, what's the matter. Wenwen doesn't want to see you now, if you have self-knowledge, get out, or don't blame me for being rude to you."

I smiled coldly: "Okay, I'll go, but you will regret what happened today."

After I finished speaking, I turned around and left without looking back. Before I turned around, I saw a trace of fear flashing across this guy's face, obviously frightened by my words.

In fact, just now I was just bragging about defeating the fire, and I didn't really think about what retribution this kid would really suffer.

Not a while after I left, Lu Yixing found me in a hurry, and looked at me panting: "Why did you go, did you go to Wenwen to ask for credit?"

I smiled and nodded: "Yes, Wenwen thanked me well just now."

"I'll go, you didn't mention me?"

I smiled and shook my head: "I'm so sorry, just now when Wenwen hugged me, I got too excited and accidentally forgot about you."

"Let me go, you are too wicked, you." Lu Yixing screamed, and ran away in a panic.

I yelled: "I said, bastard, why are you going?"

"Oh my god, I have to go to Wenwen to explain clearly, what happened yesterday is also due to me..."

Saying that, Lu Yixing ran away like a fool.

Seeing Lu Yixing running away, I smiled bitterly helplessly, and thought to myself, don't blame my buddy for being cruel, I really can't swallow this bad breath, if you can explain it clearly, then naturally everyone will be happy, the two of us are still happy. You can win Wenwen's heart and get rid of the crime.

As for Papa Wen, of course he 'regrets what happened today'.

If you don't understand, at most it's my fate, it's okay, it's just a matter of face.

So I waited on the spot, and after waiting for a while, Lu Yixing came back. I clearly saw that Lu Yixing's clothes were torn, and there were even several bruises on his face. Redness and swelling.

I hurriedly asked nervously, "Lu Zi, what's wrong with you?"

Lu Yixing wiped the sweat off his face, and cursed: "Bastard bastard, how dare you say that I XXOO'd that old woman, I hate your sister, it's really disgusting."

I felt dizzy for a while, so Father Wen must have told Wen Wen about us like this, right?If this is the case, buddy, I am really more wronged than Dou E.

"So what's going on with you?" I asked.

"I can't let them put the shit bowl on me at will, so my buddy scolded you for being paralyzed and talking nonsense, and then that **** got entangled with the villagers and started beating me, shit, fortunately I was smart and held the ween Dad just beat me hard, even though I was hurt, but Dad Wen was not badly injured."

As he said that, he showed me his results. He actually took out a large handful of black hairs from his pocket.

"How did you pull out so much hair?" I asked in amazement.

"It's not hair." Lu Yixing said casually.

"Isn't it the hair?" I instantly felt a pain in my ass. Except for the hair, the rest of the hair can produce such long black hair. This buddy is really... I have to give in to him.

"Hey, the duck with its mouth is flying again." Lu Yixing sighed with a disappointed expression on his face: "Could it be that I am really a culprit, doomed to never get a wife for the rest of my life?"

"Forget it, it's useless to talk about it now. Do you think you can still save Wenwen? What's the top priority now? Do you have any plans? What are you going to do in the future?"

Lu Zi is obviously not ready to give up this 'marriage' with Wenwen just like this... Although this marriage is only his marriage, in fact, I'm sure that Wenwen can't have feelings for this dude.

But I don't want to hurt him. Sometimes pretending to be confused is also a kind of fulfillment for others.

"I think Wenwen is just too sad, that's why she trusts her father in a daze. I guess when Wenwen wakes up a little bit, and I explain it to her, Wenwen will definitely believe me."

Seeing that Lu Yixing was still full of hope, I didn't say any more shocking words.

I remember that a famous person said: If a person lives without a goal, he is no different from a walking dead.

At least now Lu Yixing still has a goal, that is to pursue Wenwen, but what is my goal?I was silent for a long time, and felt that my life seemed meaningless. After studying for so many years, I didn't have a goal, and I just ate and waited to die all day long.

Am I the legendary walking dead?Or the second season of The Walking Dead?
I thought about it for a long time, but I didn't come up with a clue. I thought to your sister, am I really a walking dead?Seeing Lu Yixing pondering how to pursue Wenwen, my heart became more and more anxious.

I have been sad for a long time, and I don't know whether it is because of Wenwen's misunderstanding, or because I have no purpose in life.

After much deliberation, I finally figured it out. Damn, I was panicked because I was so desperate to do good things but ended up with a bad reputation!

I'm so aggrieved that I want to cry. Tell me about my rotten life. I worked so hard to do things for others, such as slaying demons and killing demons. In the end, I was called a XXOO old lady. I'll go, let's put this matter aside No one can bear it.

I am very envious of Lu Yixing right now, this brainless bastard doesn’t have such rich thoughts as me, people are now simply thinking about how to solve misunderstandings, how to pursue Wenwen, maybe right now they are looking forward to the future What about the good life?

Really smart people have a lot of troubles.

After I was in a daze for a long time, a phone call finally rescued me from the daze. I took out the phone and took a look, and found that it was the coach of the driving school.

(End of this chapter)

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