Chapter 193
"Brother Yi, I don't touch it at all, isn't it all for you!"

"If you don't want it, don't force it. Besides, I don't want to work with this kind of person!" After saying that, Zhang Yi turned around and was about to leave.

"Don't go!" Ma Ye finally noticed Zhang Yi at this time, strolled over, looked left and right around Zhang Yi up and down, left and right.

"Damn it, I think I've seen you before! Where did I see you?" As he spoke, Ma Ye scratched his head, guessing that this kid didn't have a good memory.

"Murong Medical Center." Zhang Yi said impatiently.

Master Ma slapped his head and said, "Damn it, I remembered, Murong Medical Center. We just met a few days ago! Why do you want me?"

"It's all right now." Zhang Yi said, and was about to go out.

"It's okay, that won't work, you have nothing to do with me, but I have something to do with you now!" As he said, Ma Ye suddenly rushed up from behind Zhang Yi, his palms became claws, and when he came up, he punched a black tiger out of his heart.

This move is very fast, different from ordinary people's routines, from top to bottom, attack at the right time!Zhang Yi quickly turned around, stretched out his hand, and tapped his palm on the other's wrist, taking off Master Ma's strength.

For a moment, Master Ma felt that his wrist was sore and he couldn't use his strength. At this moment, Zhang Yi grabbed Master Ma's palm and said, "Old man, have you taken too many drugs? Your moves are too soft!"

As he said that, he raised his hand and almost pushed Ma Ye somersault.

"Look, how did you say that? How did you get into a fight, you two, don't worry, don't worry, we are here to talk, not to fight." Guan Hao hurriedly persuaded the fight.

But Ma Ye's fighting spirit was jumped up, he stood up straight, twisted his shoulders, and suddenly, an internal force burst out from his body.

He smiled evilly and said: "Boy, I haven't met an opponent for a long time. I saw your evil spirit before. Today, I just want to repair you!"

As he said that, Ma Ye shrugged his shoulders and walked towards Zhang Yi, and the internal strength of this body radiated out.According to Zhang Yi's visual inspection, the opponent's power should be higher than his own. Just now, the opponent didn't use his internal force. What he didn't expect was that after his internal force burst out, his strength was so amazing!
However, Zhang Yi doesn't love him either. If you come out to mess around, if you don't have some real skills, no one will convince you!

"Old man, you want to fight, right? You're not interested. Stay away from me!"

"This is my home, I can do whatever I want!" As he said that, the old man rushed towards Zhang Yi, with a set of extremely aggressive fire-type internal forces hanging on his body, and rushed towards Zhang Yi, Zhang Yi Yi felt a gust of wind, and immediately after, his own face was hit in a circle, the pain was burning, and his whole body also flew out, hitting the wall!
Zhang Yi used to beat others like this, but he didn't expect to be beaten by others now!

He was just about to arouse his inner strength, but at the same time as the inner strength was aroused, that violent aura also burst out.

Master Ma saw the black and purple gas on Zhang Yi's body clearly, and said with his mouth twisted: "Damn, you are such a demon, I don't think I will deal with you!"

As he said that, Master Ma rushed to Zhang Yi again, this time even more fierce and arrogant, like the iron sand palm in the earth magic!
This is a technique of traditional martial arts in this Huaxia country, and the palm of the iron sand determines the universe.

At this time, Zhang Yi's violent spirit also burst out at the same time, and with a savage charge, Zhang Yi's body slammed into the opponent's iron sand palm.

There was a loud "touch".

Master Ma was sent flying out, Zhang Yi only took two steps back!
Ma Ye fell to the ground, very shocked, and Zhang Yi also rushed to the shock, because his savage collision just now belonged to a set of tricks combined with his own internal strength and violent energy, simple but invincible!
The body is like a cannonball wearing a golden helmet and iron armor. All the spells of the whole series are attached to the body, and it can explode with powerful force to attack others!This part-time job is invincible!

After Zhang Yi's move, he was excited inside. According to the rules, he was not satisfied. Seeing that the old man dared to stand up, he used another savage move.

Ma Ye couldn't defend against him, Zhang Yi rushed over so fast that he could hardly see it with the naked eye, and was directly knocked out by Zhang Yi together, the old man's whole body hit the window, and the glass shattered, if Guan Hao hadn't rushed over to grab the old man in time If so, it is estimated that the old man can fall directly along the window.

Ma Ye was lying on his own sofa, panting heavily, his buttocks were pierced by glass and bleeding.

He glanced at Zhang Yi and said, "Damn it, you're awesome, you're so awesome, why are you looking for me!"

"You are not easy anymore, you are the first person who can hit me in the face in such a long time!" Zhang Yi said.

"Stop talking nonsense, who the hell are you? When I saw you in the Murong Medical Center, I thought you were not a good person. You are full of evil energy." Ma Ye said.

"I don't even know why the energy in my body exists. Maybe it's innate. Hey, why am I telling you this? Let's go." Saying that, Zhang Yi turned to leave.

"Wait, do you know the people from Murong Medical Center?"

"What's wrong?" Zhang Yi asked.

"Do me a favor." Master Ma didn't see anything, after the fight, it was as if nothing had happened, and he asked Zhang Yi for help.

"Say." Zhang Yi is not a small-bellied person either, both of them have a heroic demeanor.Fighting back to fighting, but when talking about things, it is another state.

"I want to get rid of drugs now, and I need herbal medicine from him. The things from him are not available in the market, so no matter how much it costs, I want to get some herbal medicine to get rid of this drug addiction in my body!"

"That's it, I can help you, but last time you said you wanted to find the fairy grass of the eighteenth level of spiritual veins, my senior sister will definitely not give it to you!" Zhang Yi said.

"What, the doctor in the medical center is your senior sister, it seems that you are not a bad person."

"Why am I a bad person? You just rely on the energy in my body to call me a bad person. Don't you judge people by their appearance! If you really judge people by their appearance, you are more like a bad person than me!" Zhang Yi said.

Ma Ye suddenly smiled, very innocently, like a child, although he is so old, but his character is indeed like a child, it seems that Wu Chi is like this.

"In the past, I listened to other people's nonsense and took drugs in order to practice martial arts. A drug addict can really increase the strength in my body, but later I found that what drugs gave me was just an illusion. My energy did not Strengthen. After I embarked on the road of spiritual practice, I realized that some herbs with spiritual veins can help me quit my drug addiction. But I couldn’t find such herbs with spiritual veins until I I heard that your senior sister has it, and I know it must be a lot of money, so I sell it as a pawn, just like changing a tree to satisfy my drug addiction."

"I'll give you one for nothing." Zhang Yi said generously...

(End of this chapter)

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