Chapter 105

"Fang Zhuo, who are these two children?"

After Li Fangzhuo and Yan Kai broke off diplomatic relations, the two families had no contact with each other, so she didn't ask about the Yan family's affairs, and the twins were rarely exposed, so naturally, she didn't know each other.

"Auntie, good morning," Zhi Yang turned around, looked at Mrs. Li, and gave a big smile.

"Auntie?" Mrs. Li was surprised, and then immediately smiled. Children love to tell the truth, calling her auntie means she is still young, "I am a grandma, be good, you can't call me auntie."

"Oh, it's grandma." Yan Xing was also surprised, "Is it brother Nian'er's grandma?"

Li Fangzhuo smiled, "My mother is the most useful of these words, and she likes people to praise her for being young." Then he said to Yan Xing, "Yes, it is my brother's grandma, and also your grandma."

"Hello grandma."

"What a good little baby, she looks very familiar."

Mrs. Li looked the twins up and down, smiled and said, "Mom, who do you think they are?"

"I guess," Yan Xing turned around, looked at her and smiled, with those eyebrows, that smile, "Oh my god, are they Yan Kai's children?"

"Yes, it is indeed Yan Kai's child."

"That's my father's name," Yan Xing said proudly.

"Fang Zhuo, why are they here?" Mrs. Li was particularly shocked. She only knew that her daughter-in-law had a good relationship with Jin Tianya, but in recent years, no one from the Yan family had ever entered their house, including Jin Tianya.

"Isn't it great for children to play together?" Li Fangzhuo said with a smile, "There are too many children, so it's easy to raise, don't make a fuss, go wash and change clothes, mom, you are still wearing pajamas. Dad is back today, you Don't dress up well."

"Oh, that's it." Mrs. Li smiled, happy like a child, "It's great for children to play together, and I have company. I'll go get ready."

With that said, she quickly ran back to the bedroom.

Li Fangzhuo and Wang Niannian smiled, Li Fangzhuo's mother was always a child character, especially in front of Li Fangzhuo's father, many times, Fang Zhuo said, he felt that he was a father, and his mother became a daughter. Nian Nian also has a deep understanding of this point.

Tian Ya woke up, she was the only one in the room.

"What about Yan Kai, why isn't he here?"

She was surprised. She was worried that I would escape yesterday, but now she ran away by herself. Humph, Tian Ya got up, touched his mobile phone, and checked the time. It was 11:23, "Oh my god, did I sleep until noon? Why didn't I Someone called me?"

Turning her eyes, she saw a note on the table, where she put her mobile phone, so she immediately took it, such strong handwriting, it was Yan Kai's.

"Tianya, I have something urgent, go back first, you wake up, contact Liang, you go back immediately. Your bag was left in the hospital last night, I sent someone to get it back for you, on the sofa, don't forget, especially The mobile phone will delay the big event, my husband."

"What's urgent? Humph, pretend you are, anyway, you are in an urgent matter, what does it matter to me? I can go back whenever I want."

Having said that, when she thought that the twins were still with Wang Niannian, she didn't feel very good. Niannian still had a one-year-old child to take care of, which was already busy enough for her.

Tian Ya called Liang Zhu, and he said that he had been waiting downstairs, that he would book a ticket and come up immediately.

I contacted Zeng Zimo and Yan Ziyu, told her that she would go back immediately, and stopped going to the hospital. After all, she couldn't help, and her presence here was not conducive to Luo Qi's recuperation.

Along the way, Tian Ya was unhappy because Yan Kai actually left him for a so-called urgent matter and left.Yesterday, when he suddenly appeared, she was both surprised and delighted. She felt that he came for her and cared about her, but unexpectedly, when he woke up, the fire of hope was completely extinguished, as if it had never been burned. .

She wants to see how urgent the matter is.

"Did Yan Kai say anything about it?"

"No, no, the young master just said, if there is something urgent, I'll go back with you."

"Even you didn't say that?"


"What's his hurry? When did he leave?"

"Ten twenty, together with Liu Hai, it should be here by now."

"Cut, it's a matter of urgency."

Liang Zhu still wanted to say something, but in the end, he still didn't speak. Yan Kai confessed that he was not allowed to mention this matter to Tian Ya, at least, now is not the time to talk.

Tian Ya was flipping through the magazine, but mentally scolded Yan Kai for the Three Character Classic, and vowed not to let him see the twins again, not even a single glance, she hated his deception and use.

If she still had hope in her heart when she saw him last night, then she doesn't need it now.

Liang Zhu kept looking at the watch on his wrist, praying that it would go faster. Only if he walked fast, it meant that the destination was approaching. He was feeling uncomfortable now, and he didn't know what was going on there. He couldn't even find someone to talk to. impossible.

"Liang!" Tian Ya still couldn't hold back, he still wanted to ask.

"Young grandma."

"When Yan Kai left, didn't he say anything else?"


"Not a single word?"


"Oh, I see, so what do you think will happen?"

"I also don't know, because the young master didn't say anything."

"Then who did he answer the phone?"

Liang Zhu shook his head and said, "I don't know, because the young master has been with you before, and he only came to me after answering the phone."

"Then who took my bag?"

"The young master asked me to take it."

"How did he know that my bag was left in the hospital?"

"Oh, that's right, Mr. Zeng called him."

"Mr. Zeng called him?"

Tian Ya thought, what does this Zeng Zimo mean? Will he and Yan Kai communicate proactively?

"Yes, Mr. Zeng said, your cell phone kept ringing, only then did you realize that you forgot your bag, and then, and then told the young master, the young master asked me to pick it up."

Tian Ya wanted to pick up his mobile phone, and suddenly realized that he couldn't turn it on on the plane, "Oh, my phone keeps ringing, who is calling?"

"I don't know. Then, after getting off the plane, it's not too late to see, right? Anyway, we're already on our way."

"Well, you're right."

At 02:30 in the afternoon, Tian Ya got off the plane, and immediately contacted Wang Niannian, saying that she would pick up the twins and go home in a while, but the beam on the side was slumped, and she didn't say a word, only Tian Ya's voice raised a lot, with disbelief, " What did you say, Nian Nian? Say it again, I didn’t understand you, you said you were in the hospital? Who were you looking after... No, Nian Nian, how could it be possible? When I left, I was fine..."

(End of this chapter)

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