Chapter 665 Invitation (3)

Located in the very center of Qitian City, its geographical location is superior, the location is prosperous, and the buildings are magnificent, which is incomparable in the entire Qitian City.This building is the largest restaurant in Qitian City, with a total of [-] floors. You can pick stars with your hands, which is the long story here.

Now the top ten families are gathered here.

For today's banquet, the top ten families discussed many times for the first time, and finally settled here.At the same time, all the high-level celebrities in Qitian City were invited to participate in this dinner.And tonight was a plot against the Chen family.

In other words.

Regardless of whether the Chen family comes or not, he will directly step into the trap prepared for them by the top ten families.If they could, they would even make the Chen family never recover!

Besides Shen Yi, Chen Han also planned to bring Qin Yu along.

Since the top ten families wanted to slap the Chen family in the face, Chen Han would not be so stupid, so he stretched out his face for them to slap.There was a price to pay... So Chen Han planned to bring the thirteen Martial Emperors who followed from the Qin family to the Tongtian Tower.

Since we are going to a banquet tonight, we must bring at least one or two gifts.At least that's what Qin Yu thought. Hermit families also needed to communicate with each other, so every time they attended this kind of banquet, they usually brought very important things with them.But Chen Han didn't intend to do that...

Because for the top ten families, what they want is the Chen family's elixir garden, and they don't care about your little things at all, so even if they take them, they are just asking for fun, and let others take them for nothing. cheap.

As for the time for the banquet, although it had been stated in the invitation, Chen Han had no intention of going so early at all.

If you go early, you will have to endure the humiliation of the top ten families for a long time, and it is better not to wait until they are all here.

That night.

Night gradually fell on Qitian City, and most of Qitian City was covered by darkness.

However, there is still a lot of traffic in front of the gate of Tongtian Tower, and there are still people coming and going here.

Today's Tongtian Building has already been taken down by the top ten families, and the members of the top ten families are also on the top floor of Tongtian Building... There is also a group of people gathered at the gate, just waiting at the gate of Tongtian Building, Looking forward to the arrival of Chen Han and others.

"Aren't the Chen family afraid?"

"It should be, or else the banquet is about to start, but they have never been able to show up!"

"Hmph, it's good to be afraid. Whether they come today or not, they can't escape the fate of being humiliated!"

"Yeah, if they come, they will definitely not be able to escape our humiliation. If they don't come, then the entire high society in Qitian City will reject the Chen family. Then no matter what happens in the future, the Chen family's position in Qitian City will be very important." It's quite embarrassing!"


Just as everyone was talking, someone suddenly shouted.

For a moment, everyone's eyes turned to the far corner of the street. In the distance, there were already more than ten people walking slowly towards here.

"they are?"

"The young man walking in the front is Chen Han, and the two people behind... one of them is Shen Yi, the alchemist of the entire Chen family. The other one... I don't know him, but according to the information, his name should be Qin Yu."

"Then who are those thirteen people following Chen Han?"

"I don't know, I didn't get any news."

"Hmph, it seems that the Chen family is afraid, that's why they brought so many people."

"Haha, now that I know I'm afraid, so what. It's too late...I bet they can't even get in through the door to the sky tower!"

While everyone was talking, Chen Han and the others were almost at the gate of Tongtian Tower.

At this moment, Chen Han also saw the dozen or so people gathered in front of Tongtian Tower.

"Master, what do these people want to do?" Shen Yi asked.

"Master, these guys seem to be looking bad, they should be coming towards us. We have to be more careful... This should be a little aggressive!" Qin Yu said.

"Hmph, the soldiers are here to cover up the water and the soil, so am I still afraid that these people will fail?" Chen Han looked at these people with disdain, and couldn't help but sneer. "If they rushed to the gate of Tongtianlou, I would take this restaurant unceremoniously. I heard... this Tongtianlou has a joint stock of ten families. I believe it is impossible for them So stupid..."

The footsteps of the crowd did not stop for a moment, and they quickly arrived at the gate of Tongtian Tower.

But immediately.

A burly man quickly took a step forward, blocking the way of everyone. "Please stay!"


Chen Han narrowed his eyes and looked at the strong man.

This strong man is a master carefully selected by the top ten families, and possesses the strength of Wuzun realm.They originally planned to let this strong man leave everyone else outside the door...only let Chen Han and Shen Yi go in.Being stared at by Chen Han, the strong man was startled, his whole body trembled like a lightning strike, and he kept stepping back.

"What are you doing?" Qin Yu stepped forward and asked coldly.

"Sorry, you don't have an invitation card, so you can't enter. Unless..." the strong man said. "Unless you all pass the test!"


Everyone's eyes could not help but follow the eyes of this strong man. There was a huge stone with the height of two people placed at the entrance of Tongtian Building.The whole body of this boulder is black and its surface is smooth. With just one glance, everyone immediately understood a lot.

In many families, this rock exists.

This rock is called a force-measuring stone, and the force-measuring stone will respond only when the strength of the fist reaches a certain level.The stronger the fist, the lighter the color of the stone.The so-called passing the test means that the force stone needs to change color.

After finishing speaking, the strong man glanced at the crowd and asked slowly. "Which one of you will come first... You can only enter if the color of this force-measuring stone turns orange. Even if it's close, you can't enter!"

The brawny man clenched his fists and looked at Chen Han coldly, his eyes full of mockery and disdain.

From their point of view, Chen Han is probably the only one who can pass the test, and everyone else has to stay outside the Tongtian Building... If more than a dozen people come and only one person passes the test in the end, it would be a big loss people!

(End of this chapter)

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