One Piece playing card emperor

Chapter 94 Luffy who has been blamed

Chapter 94 Luffy who has been blamed

[The following content is excessive in the original plot of Little Garden, those who are familiar with it can skip directly to the dividing line at the end of the chapter]
The former giant soldier pirate group can be described as a moment of glory.

All giants are born warriors, so they can be regarded as invincible.

The two captains, Aoki Tori and Red Oni Broki, are both great pirates with a bounty of [-] million Baileys.

And they are on the rise, this bounty will definitely increase as they advance.

However, because of a child's unintentional words, the two brothers who were as close as brothers fought for it for a full 100 years.

Just like the hunting competition between Zoro and Sanji, Dongli and Dongli each hunted a sea king, but they both thought that theirs was bigger and longer, and they decided to use a duel to separate the two. win or lose.

In the name of the god of Elbaf.

A full 100 years have passed since the fight between the two evenly matched opponents.There have been more than [-] duels, all of which ended in a draw.

In the 100 years of fighting, they have encountered too many pirates who have just embarked on a great voyage.

Even Roger, the One Piece, has seen it.

Of course, there are some people with ulterior motives among them, but they have all become a pile of dead bones in their cave.

Until this day, they ushered in the members of the Straw Hat Pirates.

During the hunting process, Broki met Nami and Usopp who were staying on the boat, and luckily got some wine.Although he is a pirate, Broki won't take things for nothing, and it just so happens that he hunted a dinosaur again.

You must know that these dinosaurs would run away when they saw them from a long distance in normal times, and they were very difficult to catch.

Most importantly, their flesh is very firm.

So he planned to give back to Nami, and the two ate grilled dinosaur meat.

But well.
Obviously, the two of them, who were not very courageous, took Broki's feedback as a dislike for being too thin and wanted to gain weight before eating.

The two even escaped.

However, the fighting power of the two is too weak, and there are beasts everywhere on this ancient island, and they were the two rescued by Broki.

On the other hand, Luffy, who is "highly skilled and bold", got along very happily after meeting the red ghost Dongli.

Hmm. From Lan Ye's point of view, this is a manifestation of "a calf is not afraid of tigers at birth" and "heartless and courageous".

Anyway, Luffy and Dongli got along very happily.

For Dong Li's friendly invitation to eat grilled dinosaur meat, he was not afraid at all, and he agreed very simply - or in other words, as long as it was meat, he couldn't refuse.

After all, there is no one who can be caught in a trap by a piece of barbecue.

On the contrary, Wei Weihe who was following her was scared to death, and she was worried about Luffy for a long time, but in the end, Luffy's belly was round because he didn't eat his fart, and she and her two almost had a heart attack.

As for Zoro and Sanji, they had a great time hunting on the island.

Even Tyrannosaurus Rex is no match for them.

Moreover, they are not interested in tigers, leopards, lions, etc., and only choose big dinosaurs to kill, because they don't want to be inferior to each other in this hunting competition.

Don't steam the steamed buns to fight for breath.

In this seemingly 'harmonious' atmosphere, the volcano erupted again.

The representative is that the bell rang at the end of the match between Sanji and Zoro. After a comparison, the two of them refused to accept the other. You said my prey was long, and I said your prey was all bones. Meat.In the end, the two agreed to go out hunting again and start over again.

It also represents the duel between the two giants, Dongli and Broki, sounding the battle horn.

The battle between the giants really opened up and closed, and the long-term intense movement even opened up a flat terrain in the center of the island.

Nami, Usopp, Luffy, and Weiwei were fortunate enough to watch, which was an eye-opener.

Although the battle was fierce, the two were evenly matched, and unless there were some external factors, it was absolutely impossible to determine the outcome.

The 73467th battle still ended in a draw.

After the battle, the two who had been fighting to death before could still chat for a while, and Broki gave half of the fine wine he got from Nami to Dong Li.

It can be seen from this that the two are still full of love, but each is too competitive, and they are unwilling to pull down and admit that they are not as good as the other.

Just like Sanji and Zoro.

"What! Does it take a year for the record pointer to be fully stored?" Weiwei was so surprised that she soared: "On such a dangerous island, even if we live for a year, it will be my country when the time comes."

Thinking of this, Weiwei couldn't help but collapse.

If I wait a year to go to Alabasta, the day lily will be cold by then, so I should go somewhere.

"Basically, roughly." Dong Li suddenly let out a strange laugh, "I have an eternity pointer in my hand, which points to my hometown, Elbaf, what about you kid, do you want to grab it and try it? "

"No!" Luffy refused without hesitation. "I'm not going there."

"Basically, roughly, what a funny kid~"

Dong Li laughed, and casually swallowed the fine wine that Broki gave him.

There is no way, their giant bodies are too big, and they are a hundred meters away when they are adults. The wine in this barrel is also a lot for normal people, and it is only the size of a wine glass to them.

Therefore, it is very heroic for giants to eat meat and drink alcohol.

But he didn't want to, it was this boldness that actually hurt him.

A muffled sound came from Dong Li's stomach, he opened his mouth uncontrollably and spat out a mouthful of blood, he knelt on the ground with his hands on his chest, whistling like an old bellows.

That was the sound of him panting violently.

He must have suffered serious internal injuries.

This sudden change really caught Lu Fei and Weiwei by surprise, and they didn't understand what was going on at all.

"It's wine. The wine exploded from his stomach." Weiwei was the first to realize, "It must be another giant who put the explosives."

As a princess, she still knows the dirty tricks of intrigue, so she guessed like this as a matter of course.

This pissed off Luffy.

"Hundan! They have been fighting for 100 years. They have already done this kind of thing. Why do we need to wait until now?"

As a single-celled man, he is quite envious of the 100-year battle between Dongli and Broki.

It can be said that this is a unique romance between men and men.

He didn't allow Weiwei to belittle this friendship like this.

Weiwei felt that it must be so.

While Lu Fei and Wei Wei were arguing, Dong Li finally recovered from the pain.

After that, he stared at Lu Fei and Weiwei who were still arguing with red eyes.

It is naturally impossible for Broki to use this method against him.

If Luffy and the others peeped at the heads of the two of them no matter for the bounty or the glory of hunting giants, then it would be normal to use this method.

Ever since, Luffy took the blame directly.

No matter how much Luffy explained, Dongli still believed that this was their trick.

In the past 100 years, they have not encountered.

It's just that I didn't expect that today it would be a trick.

Inevitably, Luffy can only speak with his fists.

100 years is too long, so long that Dongli's giant sword is no longer sharp.

Without mastering the armed domineering, any blunt weapon attack is ineffective for Luffy.

He is a rubber man, not afraid of being squeezed.

On the other hand, Dongli, he was already seriously injured internally, and now he was fighting with Luffy again. It won't be long before Luffy needs to be ruthless, and he himself is a little bit unable to hold on.

Unfortunately, at this time, the volcano erupted again.

It was the one that was agreed to be the signal for the duel.

It was completely unexpected that it would erupt twice in one day.

It was rare for Luffy to remember this time. The man's promise signal was very firmly in front of Dongli.

"I will never let you pass! Dragging your seriously injured body to a duel, how can there be any fairness in this?"

As a warrior of Elbaf, Dong Li's insistence on the holy duel is incomprehensible to ordinary people - even if he is injured, he will only choose to die in a glorious duel instead of avoiding like a rat.

This is the persistence of a soldier.

But Luffy is also a stubborn person. He decided that the duel was unfair, so he resolutely stopped this battle.

The two who refused to give in to each other naturally fought together again.

Seeing that the duel signal has been sent out for a long time, Dong Li was stopped here by Luffy, it can be said that he was very anxious.

But in the face of the rubber man Luffy, it is really difficult for him to defeat him without a sharp weapon.

However, it is indeed difficult to defeat, but ... he does not need to defeat Luffy.

All he wanted was to carry out the promise he had made as a soldier, and to fight as promised.

Therefore, Dongli smashed his "home", that is, the Neptune skeleton in the hunting competition with Broki, on Luffy's body, and firmly suppressed his lower body in place.

Anyway, he is a rubber man, and this kind of squeezing will not cause any problems.

After solving the difficult Luffy, Dongli immediately set off to fulfill the agreement and continue Elbaf's most sacred duel.

Dongli, who suffered serious internal injuries and fought with Luffy, was naturally fighting against Broki, who was recharging his energy.

It's okay to fight though.

Dong Li's goal is simple, to survive this duel and buy a certain amount of time to go back to recuperate.

It's a pity that Mr. 3, the man behind the unfairness of this duel, won't let Dongli succeed.

A layer of smooth candles just right at Dong Li's feet.

Dongli stepped on the slippery candle, and immediately became unstable. In addition to the accumulation of injuries in his body, he was unable to resist the attack. He was knocked off the long sword on the spot, and then Broki slammed his ax on his shoulder. .

This blow happened to hit Dongli's main artery. Although the hundred-year-old battle ax was no longer sharp, the powerful blow was still three-pointed into the flesh, and it hit the nerve directly, making him In a coma on the spot.

But in Brockey's view, that means he has truly won this battle!

After hundreds of years of fighting and 73467 duels, he finally won the 73468th duel!
This made him burst into tears.

I don't know whether it is the joy of victory or the sadness of the death of a friend.

It's a pity that he was not emotionally excited for a long time, but he found that he was wrapped around his thigh by a large spread of candles, and then he was glued to the ground with his whole body.

The behind-the-scenes Mr. 3 brought Miss. Golden Week, and Miss. Valentine's Day, who had escaped before, appeared on the stage. Zoro, Nami, and Weiwei were also tied to his side.

It is not known how the three of them were kidnapped.

"Time Hollows Out My Heart" rewards 500 starting coins.

 Ladies and gentlemen, don’t talk about Wasted Blue Water. This chapter was originally planned to be about [-] words and five chapters, but after thinking about it with the conscience of running away from home, Wasted Lan decided to merge it into one chapter.

  How about it, the conscience that ran away from home has returned home, right?

  Would you please give me some recommendation tickets to keep my conscience at home, or if he runs away from home again.

(End of this chapter)

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