Chapter 487 Golden Tsunami (Subscribe)

three days.

Tezolo only gave Luffy and the others three days to prepare for the 3000 million Bailey's gambling debt, and our poor Sauron was still made into a statue pendant and stood in the center of the square for public display.

It is imperative to raise money to redeem people.

Except that Sky Island and his party were close to this number, where did Luffy and the others come into contact with so many Baileys?


If they had found Qian Huizi in advance, not only would they have paid back the money, but they would have been richer.

and also.

Luffy is now a big pirate with a bounty of 3 million Baileys, he can't afford this or that alone!
How can the captain take it out to pay off the debt?

The so-called car must have a road to the front of the mountain.

Through Nami's little friend Karina, Luffy and others saw the hope of repaying the debt and even making a fortune - robbing Tezolo's vault.

As a man who controls one-fifth of the world's currency in circulation, his treasury can be regarded as the "richest" treasury in the world, and countless people peep into it.

Karina is one of them. In order to gain Tezolo's trust, she even lurked beside Tezolo for several years as a singer.

Among the details, Lan Ye didn't pay too much attention to this. He only cared about when they wanted to attack, and sent thirty men to follow them in turn 24 hours a day.

On the penultimate day of the countdown, that is, the day after Luffy and others owed money, Luffy and his party officially started to act.

For this reason, Anilu's face turned dark.

He made a bet with Chieko that Luffy and the others would wait until the last day before doing anything.

Obviously, Ai Nilu lost. The bet was that he would wash Qian Huizi's socks for a month. This bet was proposed by Lan Ye.

He still likes to cheat Enilo.

Imagine that Enilo, who claims to be the god of thunder, washes socks for a little girl with a dark face. Even though it won't smell bad, that scene is enough for Chieko to happily draw a sketch.

Enilu is also a person who can afford to lose. He gritted his teeth and stared out of the window full of anger. After a while, there will be free sandbags for him to vent his anger.

Luffy and others acted according to the plan, and the person in charge of following them reported the progress of several people one after another.

The room Lan Ye chose was across the river from the Entertainment City, and he could vaguely see Frankie and Luffy one behind the other. Climb up along the leather sticks one by one, while not forgetting to pull out the used leather sticks and throw them to Luffy.

After such a cycle, the two safely arrived at the vent and entered the entertainment city.

Robin immediately sent a message in the combat group:
【Robin: Xia Ji, it's up to you. 】

[Xia Ji: Received. 】

It was almost a second from the opposite side. Not long after the reply, there was a loud noise from outside, followed by a lot of panic sounds. The pedestrians on the road all looked in the direction of the port with horror, and then ran away.

What did they see?
In fact, it's not a rare thing, it's just purple smoke all over the sky.

The reason why everyone is discolored by it is nothing more than that the purple smoke is somewhat special, but any life swallowed by it will fall limply to the ground, and then be killed by a group of people in chemical protective suits and gas masks. , Step forward one by one and tie up all those who have a certain combat power.

If you encounter some vicious pirates, you will be executed on the spot.

There are also battles taking place in the purple smog. This low concentration of poisonous smog can only weaken the real strong, but cannot make them lose their resistance.

In the panic, there were so few strong people who did not choose to escape, but went upstream to find the source of the purple smoke, and prepared to solve the problem from the source.

After all, there are still very few lone rangers in the sea. Their partners are lying in the purple smoke, and there is no way they can escape them.

Part of it was because he was angry. He was enjoying himself on the Grand Desoro. How could he be harmed by innocent people?
It can only be said that this part of the 'strong' is courageous.


They are not strong enough.


They did go to the source and found the real culprits—Xia Ji who released the poisonous mist on the port, and Drago, who fanned the wind to spread the poisonous mist.


How about that?

They can't do anything.

Kosha was in charge, holding back all the so-called "strong men" who tried to come forward. He didn't rely on his strong body or other things.

Whoever dares to come up will slow down his actions with a breath of icy air. Coupled with the weakening of the poisonous mist itself, he will not be able to exert [-]% of his combat power. Naturally, Kou Sha is prepared and will not be affected by the poisonous mist at all.

Under the ebb and flow, he was really the one who completed the task of guarding the gate.

Sabo was a bit bored behind him, the opponent was unexpectedly weak, and he had no chance to make a move at all.

Their tasks are basically stable.

The purple poisonous mist came and went quickly.

After cleaning the entire Desoro Grande and clearing all weaklings out of the field first, Drago stopped his ability and stopped blowing the purple smoke with the strong wind. He and Sabo quickly jumped onto a fast boat behind them, Flee from the scene quickly.

Yes, flee the scene.

When Sabo was evacuating, he did not forget to tell Kosha, who killed Zhenghuan, to run faster himself.

When Kosha heard someone calling him, he looked back subconsciously, just in time to see Xia Ji pulling the zipper on her back, which was the rhythm of getting ready to take off her tights.

Although Xia Ji has had children, she can serve as an 'agent' who can seduce others with her body. Her beauty is also undoubted. Not only is she in her thirties, she is not old, but she has added a lot of maturity.

A man who really understands is absolutely unable to refuse Xia Ji's charm.


But Kou Sha didn't even bother to stay and take a look, and started running wildly on all four legs, wishing for four more legs.

Behind him, there was only lavender smoke at first, but without the dilution from the strong wind of Dorag, the color began to gradually change to dark purple. The more clothes Xia Ji took off, the more it was like being splashed with ink , rapidly turning purple-black.

The few 'strong men' who were knocked down by Kou Sha and stayed where they were were all bleed from seven orifices in a short while, and died completely.


The purple-black smoke enveloped the entire port and all the ships, forming a dead zone that completely cut off everyone's retreat.

Without a boat, if the crew on the Grand Desolo chooses to jump into the sea, either they have the ability to walk on the sea like Kuzan and Lan Ye, or they are fools.

This is there?

The second half of the great route - the new world.

Jumping into the sea here, without the shelter of a ship, is the luckiest thing to have escaped death.

Not to mention.

Drago, who has just left the port in a hurry, has just sailed out of the Grand Desolo, and a spinnaker is there to meet the two of them. The two of them jumped on the spinnaker by stepping on the "moon steps", and the clippers were gone. With the strong wind blown by Dorag, they retreated for more than a kilometer again, and ships could be vaguely seen side by side, spreading towards the darkness at intervals of [-] meters.

This is the true mission of the Revolutionary Army - to prevent even a single person from escaping the Grand Desolo.

This place has been blocked by them with an 'electromagnetic jammer'. As long as no one can escape, the location of the Grand Desolo will become another 'ghost ship legend'.

As for the two people's "moon steps" where did they learn
Can Lan Ye be as stingy as the navy?

With Rayleigh as the master, Luffy, Lan Ye (mirror image clone), and Minov as apprentices, the other six naval styles except the iron block have been packaged by Lan Ye and sent to the Revolutionary Army.

Otherwise, why would Doragken give up so many benefits?
In addition to the debt two years ago and having a common goal, this "gift" friendship also contributed a lot.

The Sixth Form of the Navy itself is just a skill, as long as the physical fitness meets the training requirements, it can be quickly mastered - the premise is that there is a corresponding talent.

For example, Sanji, who resolutely refuses to fight with his hands, he has learned 'Moonbu', 'Arashi', and 'Shaved', but he doesn't even get started with pointing guns.

Sauron is even more extreme. After learning the 'moon steps' and 'shaving', he didn't even look at the rest at all. According to him, the power of 'Lanjiao' and 'Fingergun' is not as good as his sword energy. .

What, what if he doesn't have a knife?
Sauron: "Where the sword is there, the sword is dead. When the time comes, will these little tricks be good?"


Look at what people say, how domineering.

Why was he locked in a cage in Fishman Island?

If it's a 'lan foot', it's just a matter of kicking a few times, so it's not necessary for others to rescue it.

In addition to Sauron, there is also a more tragic person - Brooke.

He couldn't practice the Sixth Form of the Navy, because he only had bones and no muscles left, and he couldn't perform many explosive skills.

Frankie is the same, although it is not impossible to learn, but he is following the technological route and does not practice physical skills.

You know, even Usopp. Oh, and his abs haven't 'melted' together yet, let's use another example.

You know, even Nami has learned to draw on paper anyway.

Don't gossip.

Kosha at the other end ran wildly under the pursuit of the poisonous mist, and finally he was not included in the poisonous mist. The wolf's mouth was wide open and its tongue was turned backwards. A small machine with a strange structure was hooked out and thrown on the ground, and then recovered The main body, Chiguo, stood on the spot, looking at the purple-black smoke behind him with lingering fear.

It's just a little bit close, if you are involved in this level of poisonous fog, even with Edison's special 'anti-virus respirator', I'm afraid it will be choking.

Looking at the device he threw on the ground, Kosha shook his head regretfully.

It's a pity that such a good thing is a one-off.

Before he could sigh, a mocking voice came from behind:

"Kou Sha, even if we haven't met for more than half a year, you won't be welcome?"

It was the voice of the blue night.

Kosha was roaring in his heart, was that what he wanted to run away?Who made me a beast, ah no, after turning into a beast, my body size has skyrocketed so much, I can't keep my clothes good at all!
I was forced too hard by Xia Ji's poisonous mist just now, so I didn't dare to pick up the spare clothes in place
He didn't dare to turn around, if Lan Ye was there, Robin and Yi Lusi would most likely be there too.

Looking around to see if there was any cover, his expression suddenly changed, and he grabbed a cloak with his backhand.

"Thank you, President Lanye." Kou Sha dared to turn around after wrapping up his windbreaker.

What greeted him was Lan Ye, Robin, Yi Lusi, Qian Huizi, and the mobile phone cameras of the four of them! ! !

Kosa: ".What the hell! Are you all taking pictures?"

Kosha is desperate in his heart. I'm throwing my head and blood for the organization. You leaders are just waiting to see the jokes of your subordinates?

"No, not all of them are taking pictures." Unexpectedly, it was Chieko who said 'comforting', "I'm taking video."

"That's right, not everyone is taking pictures." Robin smiled gently, "I'm on a video call with Weiwei."

Koza: "."


Flip the table!

Don't think that you are all leaders, that those who are stronger than me, and those who are weaker than me have a backing, you can be fine, you can indeed do whatever you want.

Tightening the windbreaker on his body, Kosha said in grief and indignation:

"President Lan Ye, are you sure you want to see me here? The mission you are responsible for is the key. Is it really okay to be so leisurely?!"

Lan Ye shrugged indifferently, stuffed the phone into the 'dimension space', and said:
"Didn't you notice that there are two people missing? I also have people under me now, why do I have to do it myself."

Kosha glanced around, only to realize that Enilo and Minov were missing.

I was embarrassed by the camera before, so I didn't notice this.

"Alright, Kou Sha, are you going to stay here and continue watching the show, or go to support Xiong?" Lan Ye asked.

Before Koza could answer, a large number of water sprays were sprayed out from the fountain of the Grand Desoro. These were originally used by Tezolo to spray golden sprays and lay out golden powder to control the human body, but now it was spraying sea water.

The golden powder will be washed out when the sea water is splashed on the floor and unconscious people.

Followed by.

Headed by Nami, the partners who had been away for two days escaped from the entertainment city one after another. Before saying hello, the captain of everyone, Luffy, fell from the sky—he was ejected by the big fountain.

Luffy is not capable now, soaking in the sea water is extremely free, stepping on the "moon steps" and landing handsomely, it is rare that he did not embarrass himself.

"Hi—Long time no see, Lan Ye." Lu Fei greeted with a grin, without asking the reason why Lan Ye disappeared for two days.

He is so big-hearted.

Others are not so easy to let Lan Ye go, Nami rushed to him first, and glared:
"Where have you been these two days? Even if you have some plans, at least report that you are safe!"

"That's right, it's very worrying to suddenly disappear without a word." Usopp rarely complained.

"I'm not worried, I won't die anyway." Sanji was full of confidence in Lan Ye, "By the way, what about the green-haired statue hanging in the square?"

After all, it is a good friend and a quilt, and they all know how to care about others.

There are too many questions, and Lan Ye is still thinking about which one to answer first, when Sauron's impatient voice sounded:

"Hey, hey, perverted cook, it's not good to speak ill of people behind their backs!"

As the voice fell, Sauron, who was picking his teeth with a toothpick, slowly entered everyone's sight from the darkness.

He was starved for two days. When the plan started, the members of 'Huaxia' who had been waiting for a long time had already poured a bucket of seawater down to rescue him, and then a lot of food and gas masks were presented.

Guarantee his recovery of combat power in a short time.

In terms of protecting his teammates, Lanye still did a good job.

Seeing Sauron's safe return, Sanji heaved a sigh of relief, and then became very angry. The guy who was made into a green-haired statue called him a 'sex cook' just now? !

I can't bear it!

Just about to reply, the 'tsunami' at the scene interrupted him.

A golden 'tsunami'! ——

"Dark Flame Sauce" rewards 500 starting coins.

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(End of this chapter)

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