Chapter 422 The Evil Capitalist (Subscribe)

Advance to the isolated island outside the city.

Lan Ye watched a Neptune leave. Its mission was to escort a person from the calm to the Navy headquarters.

"Is there really no problem?" Minov rarely took the initiative to ask behind him, "Even if it is a Neptune, it may not be safe in the windless zone, right?"

"Haha, it doesn't matter, there is another opponent that Xiaohong can't beat." Lan Ye waved his hand indifferently, "How is your hand?"

"Well, able to fight."

"That's good."

Lan Ye nodded, thought for a while, and then told Enilo:
"Then, I'll be counting on you next, Enilo, Luffy should be arriving soon, I'll go to the destination and stand by, let's contact by phone."

"It's long-winded! Leave three days' food, no one cares where you go." Ai Nilu said that people can leave, but the food stays.

Lan Ye was not annoyed, and took out enough food for the two of Minov for five days, and then went to the small island and jumped into the sea.

Lan Ye, who entered the sea, did not use the repulsive force to open the protective cover, but put on an underwater breathing device, and then hunted and killed sea fish that were about the same size as her, and then used the 'transformation technique' Disguised as the sea fish, he swam slowly towards the city.

There is no straight line to the destination, and the sea fish disguised by Lan Ye wanders in front of some sea beasts, just like a sheep dangling in front of jackals, isn't this the ration delivered to the door?

No matter how hard the sea beast whose appetite has been aroused, there is always such a gap between the sea fish and the ration. It sees that the ration is in front of it, but it can't eat it, so it said angrily.

Under the deliberate guidance of Lan Ye, sea beasts and sea fish started a drama called "prey game" under the calm seabed. Under the threat of "life and death", the panicked sea fish accidentally got into the seabed of the city. The drainage channel will not attract the attention of the city's monitoring room.

after all.

It's just a fish, although it's about the size of a person, but with this head, it's a fish fry at the low end of the food chain in the windless zone where sea kings are rampant.

Every time their jailers went out to hunt, the lowest targets were ferocious sea beasts. Occasionally, they could hunt some sea kings and come back to fight the tooth sacrifice.

In order to prevent the submarine drainage channel from being blocked, the monitoring personnel still notified them to open the drainage system to flush out the 'mistaken' sea fish.


In the undersea drainage channel invisible to the monitoring room, the hunted 'sea fish' did not sneak into the propulsion city along the undersea drainage channel, but turned a corner and entered an undercurrent channel. Structural problems, not half a drop of water enters this undercurrent channel.

of course.

Before entering the undercurrent channel, Lan Ye conveniently threw the sea fish that was hunted by him in the dimensional space out of the channel.


In the monitoring room of Jinjin City, he was relieved when he saw that the sea water was washed out, and then he was suffocated by the sea beast who was unwilling to stay outside the passage.

As for the poor sea fish?
They can see similar things a dozen or twenty times a month, no matter how 'kind' people are, they have long since become numb.

After successfully fooling the monitoring room of the advancing city, Lan Ye twisted and twisted along the undercurrent channel, touched a water outlet familiarly, and then got in without hesitation.

The place behind the water outlet is not any place in the sense of advancing the city, but the unique LV5.5 floor.

Maybe some people don't understand the structure of the city and don't understand what the so-called LV5.5 means.

The prison cell in Jinjin City has seven floors in the obvious sense.

The first floor of the sea is a normal prison at the same level as the sea. The crimes of the prisoners imprisoned here are not too serious. For example, the clown Bucky is imprisoned on this floor.

LV1 Red Lotus Hell, criminals with a bounty of over one million, has a forest with leaves like knives, and the criminals who are chased will be scratched all over their bodies.

LV2 Warcraft Hell, where various ferocious demonic beasts are placed, the prisoners on this floor will sooner or later become food for the beasts, and MR.3 is imprisoned on this floor.

In LV3 Hunger Hell, the prisoners on this floor are basically not given any food or heat. MR.2 Von Klein was imprisoned on this floor.

LV4 Scorching Hell, the office of Magellan, director of the large prison, is very hot, like a huge iron pot, full of boiling pools of blood and sea of ​​fire. Prisoners are scorched to be sterilized on this floor before entering prison.

LV5 Extremely Cold Hell. The prisoners on this floor are all pirates with a bounty of over [-] million. The prisoners on this floor are kept in an environment lower than that of the large ice bank, and their bodies will be severely frostbited until they die.

In the LV6 Infinite Hell, those who enter are some extraordinary people. In the original book, the surviving Crocodile, Shichibukai Jinpei, and later the black beard and black pirates are all here.

Ace was also detained here. Originally, he should have been escorted to the Navy Headquarters, but at Hancock's request, he would be escorted away after meeting Hancock.

And LV5.5 is located in the interlayer between LV5 and LV6. It belongs to the impossible "shemale paradise". The reason why there is a "shemale" in the name is because the master of this paradise, Ivankov ' is a shemale through and through
This shemale is amazing. As a hormonal fruit, he can switch between male and female arbitrarily, and guarantees that the lordosis and the back are so warped that Sanji doubts his life.

Oh, it's worth mentioning that the king of the monsters in the kingdom of the monsters that Sanji was 'assigned' to is Ivankov himself.

Oh, and it is worth mentioning that Ivankov himself is one of the cadres of the Revolutionary Army, the veteran cadre who first fought with Dorag.

Passing through the water outlet, the first thing Lan Ye saw was a big-headed baby.

He is Ivankov, full name Ambrio Ivankov.

Ivankov is very tall, with a big head, he has a huge face, an unusually large dark purple explosion that can hide people, long and thick eyelashes, light blue eye shadow and purple lip gloss, The clothes are also quite weird and appropriate to the 'shemale' setting, with grid stockings and capes, tight and ultra-low-cut jumpsuits, revealing a large skull tattoo on the abdominal muscles.

According to Lan Ye's words, it can be summed up in one word - hot eyes!


Everyone's aesthetics are different, same-sex is true love, maybe Ivankov did it for someone? Well, as Ivankov's entrepreneurial partner, Dorag, I don't know what is going on here Isn't there some ulterior secret?

"Hey, Lan Ye BOY, you are finally here." Ivankov seemed no stranger to Lan Ye, "Is Luffy BOY here? I really look forward to seeing him!"

Hugging Ivankov without hesitation, Lan Ye replied with a smile:
"Luffy hasn't come yet. I'm just here to take a seat. My companions are watching outside. After the bait is taken away, it should be time for us to do it."

(PS: About Ace being taken away in the previous article, it is a plot error. Ace should be taken away after seeing Snake Princess, and he missed it perfectly with Luffy.)
"Hey Luffy BOY hasn't come yet, it's okay, we're having a pre-battle banquet, do you want Blue Night BOY to come together?"

"my pleasure."

"Haha, this time I have to introduce it to my subordinates. I am offering a reward of 15 billion to the revolutionary army. Oh, Blue Night BOY, you are also a pirate now. This is a 'super villain' enough to be imprisoned in LV6. "

"It's all a false name, just a false name."

"Don't be so humble, Lan Ye BOY. Back then, Drago was not as strong as you at your age."

"Huh? Is that so? By the way, Ivan, how is your relationship with Dorag?"

"Relationship? Which aspect are you talking about? Partner or comrade-in-arms?"

"Is there another layer?"

"Oh! You said that. Lan Ye BOY, you are very curious. Do you want to try it yourself? Ambrio female hormone!"

Blue Night: 【ミД彡】

Looking at the protruding Ivankov in front of him, Lan Ye said that he was cowardly, the kind who ran away.


When Ai Nilu worked hard to follow, our Lan Ye and the Shemale King started a carnival journey in LV5.5, with fine wine, food, and beautiful women.

of course.

It is up to you to identify the specific gender of this 'beauty'.

This is the evil 'capitalist'!

(End of this chapter)

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