Chapter 150
Manman admires Mrs. Wen very much.She didn't preach, she just silently put everything she wanted to tell her into her own story, like a trickle, poured into Manman.

It seems that the husband and wife situation between Mr. Wen and Mrs. Wen is similar to that of Manman and Chen Yunzheng. To put it bluntly, Manman and Chen Yunzheng have feelings first, and they occupy the right time and place than Mr. Wen and Mrs. Wen. convenient.

What Man Man and Chen Yun are lacking is harmony.

And Mrs. Wen also said that compared with the life she wants to live, the gossip and rumors of the world are really not that important.It doesn't matter that the so-called "worldly people" are Chen Yunzheng's relatives.

Manman also understands this truth.She wanted to spend her whole life with Chen Yunzheng, not with Master Chen and his wife.Chen Yunzheng is not the eldest son, if the husband and wife are willing to detach themselves and leave behind the Chen family's wealth, they can leave the Chen family and set up their own family.

No matter how dissatisfied Mr. and Mrs. Chen were, no matter how many complaints they complained, they would not be able to affect the lives of Chen Yunzheng and Manman.If they were more ruthless and went home every few years, there would be almost no conflicts between the so-called mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.Even if they didn't recognize Manman, as long as Manman and Chen Yunzheng had a child, it was after all the flesh and blood of the Chen family, and Master Chen couldn't deny it.

One year, two years, three years, five years, ten years, eight years, but in the end, wouldn't Manman's child have to be included in the Chen family tree?
In this world, there are only willful children, and I have never heard of parents who can control their children.

So in the end, what Manman felt the most was: Chen Yunzheng is the best.

He is not very old, how could he think of so many twists and turns, he just fabricated such a decent identity for himself, and it is so suitable, this identity is like tailor-made for her by God. .

It just so happens that Mr. Wen and Mrs. Wen are the most amiable and kind old people. It just so happens that they lost their daughter who is also named Man Jieer. It just so happens that they are Chen Yunzheng's mentors.

If Manman hadn't known what Chen Yunzheng had done all along, she would have wondered if he had been following Mr. Wen and Mrs. Wen four years ago.

What's more, I don't know how he persuaded Mrs. Wen. She just worked so hard to be his lobbyist. There was not a single sentence that did not praise him in the open or in the dark. Give him a good word for him in his position.

In just one month, it is like flowing water, like a shooting star, passing by in the blink of an eye.

On May 27, Mrs. Wen and Manman stayed up all night, lying on their respective couches, whispering to each other.Mostly talking about her family chores over the years.

Manman didn't dare to neglect, and listened very seriously.

It sounds trivial, but in fact every word and every sentence is the truth.Life seems simple, but one link is another, and many small difficulties constitute the ups and downs of life.Those who have no experience, those with simple life experience, those with a direct mind and no scheming, are really easy to stumble in the small traps of life.

If you can't figure it out, get impulsive, and fail to solve it, you will hurt both the other party and yourself, and maybe the relationship between the husband and wife will be completely damaged, and there will be no love left - even the gods and couples will have to change. Resentment among adults.

Manman is not a little girl, Mrs. Wen's so-called "Forbearance Book", she doesn't sound so contradictory now.In fact, getting along with a husband and wife is like dancing. When one person moves forward, the other has to take a step back. When one person is fast, the other has to keep up with the pace. , inevitably out of step.

Didn't everyone say that if the enemy invaded from the outside, it would not be so easy for a country and a family to perish in less than 80 or [-] years. The so-called centipedes are dead but not stiff, but if a country and a family are rotting from the inside Get up, there is no need for foreign enemies to invade, and you will finish tossing yourself first.

So is marriage.

If you want to prevent outsiders from getting involved, you have to be fully prepared.This defense is not to prevent the other party from having any contact with the opposite sex, but to make their own relationship stronger and not allow outsiders to intervene.

Saying so, wanting to think so, it is difficult to do it.Manman also understands, she understands even more, the marriage between her and Chen Yunzheng seems to be smooth sailing now, but in fact there are still many problems between her and Chen Yunzheng, but they are all hidden under whitewashing.There is no trigger point, so there is no explosion, but it does not mean that it will never explode.

She also understands that Mr. Chen and his wife are still kept in the dark, and when it is revealed that Chen Yun is marrying her privately, Mr. Chen may not be able to create any monsters to make her hard to guard against.

She also understands that the relationship between them is still in the honeymoon period.I have really experienced the torment of life, maybe who will be defeated by life first.Once a certain person loses first, the relationship and marriage that the two have worked so hard to build will easily collapse.Once it collapses, it is not necessarily who is injured by the smashing, or even a fatal disaster, and it is impossible to get up again for a lifetime.

So amidst the emotions about the past, the apprehension about the present, and the fear about the future, Manman spent the last sleepless night before getting married.

Mrs. Wen told her again and again: "Go to sleep, take a good rest, don't be sluggish tomorrow, it will be a joke." But no one was sleepy, Mrs. Wen was uncharacteristically reluctant to part, as if marrying Manman tonight, It will be difficult to see her again in the future.

In the end, Manman was really tired, and she just squinted her eyes on the couch for half an hour, then she was woken up by Mrs. Wen, and said apologetically, "It's time, it's time to dress up."

Manman sat on a chair in a daze, and was pushed around to get dressed, combed her hair, and put on makeup. She was completely a puppet at the mercy of others.Even at this moment, she still felt a little dazed: Is the marriage real this time (right)?
Amidst the sound of firecrackers, the sound of drums, and the sound of blessings, she was carried out of Wen's yard excitedly and nervously by Xi Niang.Chen Yunzheng, dressed in a scarlet wedding gown and riding a tall horse, welcomed her into the wedding sedan chair beamingly.

Going around and around, it seems that she has gone through a reincarnation, no matter which origin she started from, she circled back again.

In her heart, Manman has regarded this yard as her home.There are no powerful Mr. and Mrs. Chen here, only Chen Yunzheng who treats her sincerely.There is no unequal oppression or bullying here, only the little things she and Chen Yunzheng have lived through.

Here is the witness of her change of attitude towards him, and here is also the starting point of their new life in the future.

There are not only her deep feelings about life and death, but also her new understanding of the meaning of life.She has deep feelings for this place, and it has given her unlimited expectations.

Manman actually felt an indescribable excitement, but at the same time, the excitement was deep-seated grief.Such complicated emotions confused her.

Chen Yunzheng seemed to have seen through her mind, afraid that she would hesitate and be timid, and soon approached under the swarm of the crowd, and firmly held Manman's hand.

The hustle and bustle of the surrounding world gradually faded away, Manman only felt Chen Yunzheng's breath and his warmth, curled the corners of her lips, and smiled slightly.

So be it.He chose her, and she also chose him. From now on, we will hold hands together, love each other forever, and grow old forever.

When the two paid their respects, Manman rejoiced in her heart.Fortunately, Chen Yunzheng made the decision for her to ask her to worship Mr. Wen and Mrs. Wen as her parents, otherwise, when the master of ceremonies yelled "Second obeisance to the high hall", who would the two of them worship?

Even if the two of them can ignore it, but without the presence of elders, such a marriage is always a bit unorthodox, more like a joke and a farce.

The ancient ceremony has its own sacred and solemn aspect, and also has its own reasons for its inheritance.With the approval and blessing of their parents and elders, the younger generation can be considered as a real husband and wife.

There were many visitors, most of them were neighbors and classmates of Chen Yunzheng.

Everyone is not without discussion.

I don't know much about Chen Yunzheng, but I also know that his parents are strong and strong, and the son's marriage is such a big event, but none of the senior members of Chen's parents showed up?
Curiosity is at work, and it is inevitable that some people gather to whisper.Because there is no one to solve the confusion, some gossipers irresponsibly use their imaginations to make things up out of thin air.

Not only were they puzzled, but Manman was also very surprised. She had a question in her mind all the time, but she didn't have a chance to ask it.Since she moved to Mr. Wen's house, although Chen Yunzheng would come to meet her occasionally, but compared to the time when she was together day and night, she was still a lot stranger.

There are always thousands of words between the two, and there are many trivial things to discuss, but they actually met, but with only a few words, apart from simply caring about each other's health, food, clothing, housing and transportation, there is no chance to express their hearts.

This fresh sense of strangeness made Manman miss Chen Yunzheng in a different way in his heart.

When no one was around, she felt ashamed herself.It's only been a month since we've been separated, why does she miss him so much that he doesn't think about food and drink, and doesn't sleep at night?Obviously knowing that they will live together soon, maybe they will have to hold hands against each other in the remaining decades, and there will be times when the two hate each other, but they just can't help thinking about him, wishing they could be together in no time. one place.

When I get busy, I often have a smile on my lips, and my heart beats uncontrollably when I think of him, and I feel very warm just thinking about him like this.When I am free, I think about it even more. Without him, I feel that this world is so empty and huge, and no amount of things can fill it.But his heart is so small, he only pretends to be full, and he has no energy and mind to do other things.

Therefore, we can finally meet to alleviate the lovesickness. Manman doesn't want to say anything, just want to hold hands, face to face, stay with him quietly, don't say anything, don't do anything, If you don't think about anything, you already feel that your heart is full. How can there be a gap in those mundane affairs?
(End of this chapter)

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