Chapter 123 Spring
The snow is getting bigger and bigger, one after another, one after another, and the whole world is gradually dyed into gray and white from top to bottom.

Manman stood on the path in the middle of the garden, looking up at the sky.The soft snowflakes fell on her face, and quickly turned into a small drop of water, which was a little cold and a little itchy.

Chen Yunzheng was standing not far from her, with a very relaxed expression, but stiff hands and feet, staring at Manman with an imperceptible guard.He had to make sure that if Manman slipped and slipped, he could support her at the first moment.

There was a wistful smile on Manman's round face.

Chen Yun just looked at it and slid down.Every time he saw Manman can't help showing this kind of smile, he felt nervous.

Manman said she was afraid, but in fact Chen Yunzheng was not afraid.

He is also afraid of losing his present happiness.

Really light and soft like a dream, unreal like a dream.Everyone knows that happiness cannot last forever, otherwise it would not be called happiness, so Chen Yunzheng is actually more panicked than Manman, losing her and losing happiness.

But no matter how afraid he was, he would never express his anxiety.Manman is already under enough pressure, and it's too late for him to relieve her, so how could he put his own pressure on her?
He is very afraid, but he will try his best to hold on to happiness for a longer, longer time.He doesn't believe that happiness is given by anyone, but he has to beware that happiness will be destroyed at any time, such as father, mother, and two elder brothers.

So he sent Dong Yun away as soon as he came back.

He didn't bother to listen to Bai Shu's private complaint.If you think about it with your toes, you can also think of their tricks.Chen Yunzheng just thought it was ridiculous, why did they only stare at him as a man?

This world is so big, there are more men who are richer than him, better looking than him, more powerful than him, more gentle and affectionate than him, why do these women's eyes light up when they see him, like hungry wolves seeing fat? Same?
Probably everyone is like this, the more you post it, the more you hate it.Chen Yunzheng now gets goosebumps whenever he sees a woman sticking to his body.

Of course he understands that people like Dongyun, including the former Qiutang Qiuyun, are not only interested in his people, but in the changes in status and status he can bring to them, as well as the guarantee of their future life.

But Chen Yunzheng was unwilling.

He was willing to support his wife and children, but he never thought of expressing himself by the number of women he raised.He doesn't need anyone to acknowledge his wealth, ability, and self-esteem, all he needs is a woman.

Sorry, he has already found that woman.

It's not that those women don't understand that once they have feelings for someone, even if the feelings are just the servant of the master, they will also have feelings of rejection and exclusiveness.Therefore, in the backyard of the inner house, women's competition for favor and jealousy is an eternal topic.But they still pushed forward one after another to squeeze next to a man, and even took pride in squeezing to this man's side to monopolize him.

He also has a monopolizing mentality and a repelling mentality, and now he hopes that he is the only one in Manman's eyes.

As Chen Yun grew older, he also felt that his original promise was so naive and ridiculous.Even if he can promise to be steadfast, he really doesn't know if he will change in the future.

The age gap is an indelible fact, and it is also an out-and-out fact that people will grow old.Not only Manman will grow old, he will also grow old.

What has changed is the human heart and feelings.Maybe one day, Manman will like him, fall in love with him, but maybe as time goes by, she may no longer like him and no longer love him.It's all possible.

In the same way, so did he.

They are not formed yet, and they are not mature enough. They have experienced little, and there is a lot of room for change.Maybe Manman will become a narrow-minded, nagging, petty, jealous and suspicious little shrew.As for himself, he may become a corrupt official who only knows how to eat, drink and play, is good at calculating, doesn't think about the people, and only knows how to enjoy himself.

Those loyal loves are not without, but they often glow with divine brilliance when encountering catastrophe, like him and Manman, like countless couples in the world, maybe the so-called love will be wasted in daily trivial life and quarrels .

Chen Yun is not worrying about what will become of himself, he just wants to be able to love Manman hard at the moment, and at the same time experience her love for him.

Even if one day love dies, both he and she have worked hard, so there will be no regrets.

Chen Yun was calling in a low voice: "Manman——"

Manman hummed, turned to look at him, and said, "What?"

"It's so beautiful." Chen Yunzheng stared at her affectionately, and praised her without hesitation.

Manman's eyes lit up, and said: "You also think this snow scene is beautiful, don't you? It would be great if you could stay."

Chen Yunzheng smiled slightly, and said, "What's so difficult about it, I'll draw it for you."

Manman only blinked, and said with a sly smile: "You draw yours, I'll play with mine."

Tian Ding went to prepare pens, ink, paper and inkstones, while Tian Xi went to set up a brazier in the pavilion and warmed a pot of wine.Chen Yun was going in first, seeing that Manman didn't intend to follow in, so he followed her and poured a small glass of wine to warm himself up.

Manman also knows how to pay attention to her body, she only walks slowly in the snow, picking up a snowflake or two from time to time.Occasionally sighed, occasionally raised eyebrows and smiled, and finally looked at the plum blossoms in full bloom in the snow, and told Tianxi: "Tianxi, go and break the plum blossoms, turn around and insert them in the house, once the heating is on, the whole room is filled with the fragrance of plum blossoms. "

Tian Xi answered with a smile, turned around and left.

Chen Yunzheng came down and stretched out his hand: "Come in when you've had enough fun, don't freeze your body."

Manman's hand was cold, while his was warm. When they touched each other, both of them shivered. Manman smiled, raised her hand to his cheek, and teased him: "Is it ice?"

She knew that he was kind to her, so good that it almost had no limit, so intentionally or not, she always wanted to test how far he could tolerate her.

Chen Yunzheng naturally didn't care about such innocuous things, he just gently took Manman's hand, wrapped it in his palm, and dragged her into the pavilion.

The partition of the pavilion had been closed long ago, and although a window was still open, cold wind would blow in from time to time, but there were braziers around the four corners, so it wasn't that cold.

Manman untied the cloak by herself, sat on the padded stone pier, and took the warm water from Tianding.

Chen Yunzheng was already laying out the drawing paper. Manman saw that he was serious and seemed to be really going to paint, so she asked him: "What are you going to paint? Although this garden is not big, it is not small. You will never put everything in the garden. Are you going to draw it all?"

Without raising his head, Chen Yun only answered two words: "Spring scenery."

Manman sat back a little bored, and said, "Oh, you want to paint plum blossoms? This is really behind closed doors. You should stand under the plum blossom tree in the snow, that's called painting."

Chen Yun raised his eyebrows and squinted at her, saying: "Don't talk nonsense if you don't understand, what is working behind closed doors, it's called being confident."

He felt uncomfortable if he didn't hurt her eight times a day.Manman is angry, he always has words, and no matter what she says, he can get all dirty water back.Manman snorted and told Tianding: "Bring Master Liu's most beloved piano..."

Tian Ding and Tian Xi are the names given by Chen Yunzheng. Manman thinks it is too straightforward, and she can’t say it, but let her think, it’s just some reds, and the names of Hua’er and Duo’er may not mean anything Xinyi simply followed Chen Yunzheng to mess around, and when they came and went, the two people's names were called.

Everyone in the courtyard felt that the names of these two girls were festive.

Manman is not good at playing the qin, what she learned is still under the tutelage of Chen Yunzheng, and she has left it behind in the past few years, and her skills are even more barren. On the contrary, Chen Yunzheng has a collection of the best Jiaoweiqin. After several years of studying, she often visited famous teachers. When Manman was bored, it was he who played the piano to relieve her boredom.

Manman wanted to disturb him with her unfamiliar piano skills at this time, and her intentions were self-evident.

Chen Yunzheng has nothing to do.

Tian Ding has always known that Liu Ye has a good temper, especially when facing Miss Su, he is unprincipled and indulgent, so he immediately went away with a smile.

Manman also felt that she was quite boring.The more I live, the more I go back. I am obviously more than ten years older than him, but the more arrogant I am in front of him, I have the illusion that I am actually weak and small.

It is said that she is not proud of being favored, even she herself does not believe it.

Life is so short, and the happy time is also elusive, so let's drink today and get drunk today. Who knows what tomorrow will be like after today?

Manman sat in a corner and played the piano earnestly.

The sound of the piano is not very beautiful, but the advantage is that she is very serious.With firm and bright eyes and bright red lips, she seems to have immersed herself in her own world.

Chen Yunzheng raised his head occasionally, and when his eyes fell on her serious and stubborn face, he couldn't help showing a smile.Whenever he looked at her, he thought she was beautiful.

He is delighted to have her beauty, but also greedy for her beauty, and wants to keep her beauty even more.

The breeze blew her clothes, adding a bit of tenderness to her.A strand of broken hair was swirling mischievously around her temples, making Chen Yun's heart itch when he saw it.He suddenly put down his pen and strode over.Pressing down on the piano with one hand, the other hand has already supported the back of Manman's head, leaning over and kissing Manman's lips forcefully, swallowing her sweetness and surprise.

Manman thumped him: "I hate it, you sneaked up on me again and scared me."

Chen Yun was stroking Manman's blushing eyebrows with his hands, and said with a light smile, "It's not that I want to sneak up on you, it's because you are so beautiful, it makes my heart itch." He called her name softly, and hugged her to sit In her arms, she murmured: "Manman, I miss you, and you, do you miss me?"

Manman's ears were burning hot, and he pushed him, "What are you thinking? I'm annoying you before it's too late, dodge, someone is watching. Aren't you painting? Finished?"

Chen Yun was hugging her tightly, and said: "The spring scenery is so intoxicating, I don't have the mood to draw anymore."

Manman, however, only stared at the plum blossom that Tianxi picked up, and said: "The beauty of spring is intoxicating, and the beauty of spring can also deceive people. You'd better not———"

 I don't know how to write about the relationship between the two.Hmm, I'm thinking, is it two chapters combined into one chapter, or five points plus updates?
(End of this chapter)

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