Chapter 532 How Miracles Happened 1
Zhu Di's reaction was very similar to Haozi Squid's three idiots. Yu Xiaofan was very relieved, and another die-hard follower, "Don't worry, the poison won't kill you! It will be very helpful for your study during this period!"

"Of course I believe in the boss!" Only 10 minutes later, Judy suddenly touched his head with one hand and propped the desk with the other, muttering, "Boss, what's going on, why do I suddenly feel that my brain is very heavy, and my eyelids are too heavy? It seems that I can't open it!"

Yu Xiaofan took the opportunity to tease him again, "I asked you just now, if you were given poison, would you be afraid, now are you afraid?"

A moment of astonishment flashed in Zhu Di's eyes, and he recovered quickly, and said firmly, "Boss will never harm me! I believe in Boss!" As soon as he finished speaking, Judy fainted and fell to the office. on the table.

Mu Qingqing was a little worried, "Is he all right?"

"Don't worry, this is just a side effect of the elixir. It is estimated that this feeling will take a long time to sleep. Let's quickly circle all the key knowledge of the exam, so that he can save more time. I guess this kid's basic knowledge is definitely poor, otherwise he will It is impossible to pass the eighth exam and not even one of the second exams."

"I think so too!" Mu Qingqing laughed.

The two sat in their respective seats, and their division of labor was very clear. Yu Xiaofan was in charge of mathematics, physics and chemistry, which were more logical subjects, while Mu Qingqing was in charge of Chinese and English, which required memorization and understanding more.

This time, Judy really slept for a whole morning before waking up slowly.Upon waking up, Judy immediately noticed a change in himself. Even when he woke up early in the morning, his mind was not particularly clear, and he always felt that he didn't sleep well.

And this time, Judy felt as if she had slept for a century, and her brain was very clear and refreshing.Looking at the phone, Judy was startled, "Boss, why is it 12:30! It's half an hour after lunch, have you eaten yet?"

Yu Xiaofan didn't raise his head, he was still looking at the textbook, with the signature pen in his hand marking the important points in the book, "Of course we've eaten, do I look like the kind of person who would treat himself badly and starve himself?"

Judy was upset now, and murmured in a low voice, "You go to eat, why didn't you wake me up? I'm starving to death now!"

Yu Xiaofan didn't feel ashamed at all for not waking up Judy, "Why did we wake you up? You slept so soundly, how could we bear it?"

"Then you can also bring me something to eat!"

"You're so picky, the ghost knows what kind of food you like to eat, and it's even worse if you bring it back cold, maybe you don't even want to eat a bite."

Zhu Di looked downcastly at Yu Xiaofan who was still bowing his head, well, what the boss said was indeed quite reasonable, and he didn't want to continue arguing with him, so he had to go to the school cafeteria alone.

On the way, Judy ran into some classmates. It was no surprise that these boys couldn't help covering their mouths and laughing when they saw Judy.Suddenly, Judy's anger rose into his chest, "Why are you laughing? What's so funny?"

"Haha, Zhu Bajie, we thought that your title of Zhu Bajie was firmly on your head. How can you say that this year you have to pass the exam even if you have one of the three. I didn't expect you to die like this. It’s the students who are repeat students who give you extra lessons, aren’t you afraid that the more you learn, the more you will fall back? You are planning to be the rhythm of Zhu Jiuji and Zhu Shiji!”

Sure enough, making a fuss about this matter, Judy glared at them fiercely, "So what if I die! I have the capital to die, do you have the capital? If you don't pass the exam this year, maybe you will directly Are you mad? I have such a good mentality, even if I am eighty years old, I still have a good mentality!"

Seeing that Zhu Di looked like a dead pig who was not afraid of boiling water, these classmates were unwilling to argue with him again.After all, there was not much food left in the cafeteria at this time, and if they kept bickering, they would not even be able to drink soup.

Judy was full of anger, and didn't have much thought about eating.After taking a few casual bites of food, he returned to the small office.Seeing that Zhu Di came back so soon, Yu Xiaofan finally raised his head and said with a smile, "Did you come back after a full stomach?"

"Damn it! These bastards dare to pee on my head! Curse me to go to the ninth and tenth classes! Boss, you can't be angry!"

"Don't be angry!" Yu Xiaofan said lightly, "What they said is obviously impossible to come true, so why should you be angry with them! But this is also good, you will be more motivated to read. Now you take this book and mark me out Take a look at the key points, and then I will check how much you remember in half an hour?"

Judy obviously didn't dare to believe his ears, "Boss, you're right, half an hour? It's not bad if I can remember a common sense in half an hour!"

"You doubt that you can do it! You can't doubt your boss's ability! I said half an hour is half an hour to memorize the formulas and knowledge points of this book! Not more than one minute!"

After finishing speaking, Yu Xiaofan handed the math textbook for the first semester of the first year of high school to Zhu Di.Zhu Di accepted it helplessly, well, since the boss is so strong, he can only follow suit, but he just hopes that the boss will not swell him up in half an hour.

Zhu Di opened the math textbook, and the knowledge points drawn by Yu Xiaofan were still a little novel to him, which shows how poor his basic knowledge is.

After a while, Judy noticed something was wrong.Before he memorized these formulas, he could not remember them clearly when he closed the textbook, but now it is different, those formulas and knowledge points seem to be engraved in his mind, and those knowledge points still appear before his eyes after closing the book.

Judy thought it was because she turned her grief and anger into motivation, so she deliberately read the knowledge points in the back, and then went back and tried to memorize the previous formulas, and it still appeared in front of her eyes verbatim.

Judy was overjoyed and wanted to share his amazing discovery with the boss.Seeing that Yu Xiaofan was still seriously reading the key points of the painting and calligraphy, Zhu Di decided not to tell him for the time being, he only had half an hour, and this math textbook was a bit thick.

Half an hour passed, Zhu Di finally closed the textbook, and Yu Xiaofan's voice came over, "Half an hour is up! I'll test you now!"

Judy handed over the book consciously. In fact, after he made an amazing discovery just now, he did not deliberately memorize the knowledge points behind. Instead, he carefully read each knowledge point and formula twice and then turned a page. He also wondered if he really had an amazing memory.

Yu Xiaofan took the textbook, randomly checked some formulas and knowledge points, and Judy could recite them all verbatim. Judy couldn't help but want to share this amazing discovery with Yu Xiaofan, "Boss, I found that I now have Unforgettable memory!"

(End of this chapter)

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