Chapter 430 What Strange Thing Lives In The Black Pit

The village chief's expression became even uglier. Last time when he presided over the burial of the chubby grandpa, there was no such a big pit here at all, that is to say, this pit was formed only recently.

Uncle Wang stood next to the village chief and whispered, "Village chief, let's quickly choose a place to bury Little Fatty Grandpa, and then take care of the pit."

The village head also agrees with Uncle Wang's point of view, but he is a little embarrassed. Every time he is buried, he needs to choose a good place.Originally, it was thought that as long as the coffin was replaced, it would still be buried in situ, but now something has changed.

At this time, Xiaopang finally stopped crying and stood up from the grave. After all, he is a college student and his brain is not stupid. After seeing what was wrong here, he hurriedly said to the village chief, "Village chief, it's okay, you can help me again." Let my grandpa choose a place, I believe his old man also believes in your vision."

With Xiaopang's words, the village chief no longer looked forward and backward. After all, he was still a person who knew Fengshui. After looking around, he asked people to dig a big hole again at the place he chose, and put the little fat grandpa Get settled again.

Now, everyone looked at the big pit and got into trouble.They still couldn't figure out why the coffin that the chubby grandpa had before seemed to be soaked in water, since there was obviously no water in the pit.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Yu Xiaofan squeezed inside again, and was about to poke his head into the black pit to find out, but the village chief immediately stopped him, "Xiaofan, be careful, it's dangerous!"

Yu Xiaofan glanced at the village chief with a grin, "Village chief, it's okay, there are no monsters in broad daylight."

The village head didn't think so, "There must be something wrong with such a big pit suddenly appearing here, we'd better pay attention, it's better to be careful!"

"Who has a rope?" Yu Xiaofan asked, he wanted to find a rope and put it down to find out, to test how deep this black pit was and what was underneath.

Someone enthusiastically handed Yu Xiaofan the rope that was tied to the new coffin, Yu Xiaofan shook his head, "It's too short, I need a longer one."

"Sorry, this is already the longest."

Yu Xiaofan suddenly turned around and walked out of the crowd, but they didn't have any, so he had to take a bundle out of the space, but there were so many people here, he couldn't be foolish and just expose his portable space like this.

Yu Xiaofan walked to an empty place, pretended to squat down and then stood up, quickly took out a bundle of long ropes in the space, and then returned to the crowd with a big bundle of long ropes on his back, "My dear friends, let me Jean, I have found the long rope."

Uncle Wang and everyone looked at Yu Xiaofan curiously, "We don't even have such a complete rope in our village, how could you have one?"

Yu Xiaofan thought about it, and immediately looked at everyone with a sincere expression, "I picked it up over there, and I don't know where it came from. Did someone buy a rope in the county town, but ended up forgetting it there?" Take it home?"

This is a large place where people are buried. Who would come here if they have nothing to do?And you won't pass by here when you come back from the county to purchase!
After all, Yu Xiaofan was an investor in their village, and it was inconvenient for them to ask too many details, so they had to keep silent.

Seeing that everyone finally stopped asking questions, Yu Xiaofan quickly put down the rope he was carrying, tore off the label, found the head end, and then began to put the rope into the black pit.

Yu Xiaofan's actions immediately attracted the attention of all the villagers. In fact, everyone was very curious about what was in this black pit.The diameter of the rope that Yu Xiaofan put down was one centimeter, neither thick nor thin. This bundle of rope was almost 200 meters long in total.

The eyes of the villagers were full of anticipation. They were already extremely curious about what was in this black pit.

Until the 200 meters of rope were all laid out, it seemed that there was still no end, and now even Yu Xiaofan was not calm.In his consciousness, it is impossible to have a 200-meter-deep pit. If it is that deep, then it's okay.

Just as Yu Xiaofan was about to pull up the lowered rope and take a good look at what was stained on the rope, so as to determine what was underneath.Suddenly the last piece of rope and the rope holder in Yu Xiaofan's hand was pulled by something.

All the villagers who noticed this detail involuntarily took a few steps back, and Yu Xiaofan was also frightened.Yu Xiaofan pointed to the black pit, looking like a village chief asking questions.

The village chief didn't speak, but shook his head in confusion.He also saw it just now, the rope was pulled by something inside, and he really didn't know what it was.

Yu Xiaofan saw that the most respected village head in the village didn't know what it was, so no one really knew what it was.Yu Xiaofan tugged the rope again, wanting to test whether that guy just now would still pull the rope.

Sure enough, as if responding to Yu Xiaofan, the guy in the pit also pulled the rope again.

Now, all the villagers saw it clearly, and everyone except the village head took a few steps back.

Yu Xiaofan was suddenly very interested in the guys in the cave, and quickly looked at Uncle Wang, "Uncle Wang, can you help me go to the village and find some flashlights, I want to go down to the cave to see what the guys are inside.

Uncle Wang's entire expression changed, and he quickly comforted him, "Are you crazy? What should you do if the guys inside are aggressive?"

The village chief also persuaded, "Yes, you can't take risks out of temporary curiosity. Our village also hopes that you can help solve the water problem. You must not be in any danger."

The village chief was embarrassed to say it, he didn't want Yu Xiaofan to burp here.

Seeing that everyone opposed him, Yu Xiaofan had no choice but to let go, and the rope was quickly sucked in by the black hole.Looking at this black hole, Yu Xiaofan suddenly felt that this really looked like a black hole in the universe.

But Yu Xiaofan doesn't really think it's a black hole, because a black hole sucks things in and won't come out again.But this black pit obviously still has activities with him, more like a living and intelligent thing playing some tricks.

Even Xiaopang came over to persuade him, "Xiaofan, let's go back first, I always think this place is weird."

"Okay, let's go back!" Yu Xiaofan couldn't bear so many people comforting him, so he could only promise them to go back first.

After returning home, everyone agreed tacitly on the road and did not mention the black pit just now. When Yu Xiaofan returned to Xiaopang's house, he immediately pulled Mu Qingqing to a secluded place and described to her the strange things that happened just now.

"Is there such a thing?" Mu Qingqing also immediately became interested. She didn't go to the place where the chubby grandpa was buried, mainly because the feudal thinking here was too serious, and she felt that girls should not go to that kind of place.

(End of this chapter)

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