Chapter 151 Your Spring Has Come "Changed"

Su Qi woke up the next day and it was already high in the sun. When Al came with the porridge, Su Qi was typing. He replied to the editor's message in the morning and looked at the saved manuscripts in the computer. He saved the manuscripts because he squandered too many manuscripts yesterday. Not much left!
"Let's take a day off today. Originally, the matter was resolved and I had to go to the company to pick up new activities. Judging by your condition, it seems that you should take a day off!" Yesterday, there was a whole day of trouble. If there was no Frost, I am afraid that the Suqi incident would have developed into two. Harmonious relations between countries!
"Well, okay!" Su Qi casually asked while eating porridge. "Did the Disciplinary Committee accept an interesting variety show?"

The Commission for Discipline Inspection is still under al's name, but the agent who actually brought him has changed.

"Well, that variety show still lacks one person, why do you want to participate?" Al nodded, looking at Su Qi's pretty profile.

Su Qi has debuted for so long, and she hasn't even taken over variety shows. The ratings of variety shows have almost surpassed TV dramas in the past few years, which has also caused the center of gravity of the entire entertainment circle to shift.

According to Suqi's personality, al can imagine the popularity brought by Suqi's participation in variety shows. Suqi is really too dazzling. Whether it is in TV dramas or on the stage, such a person is the focus of everyone.

"No, but if possible, I hope I can go and see him, after all, he is a junior?" Of course, I am also curious about the finale of Mr. Lorelid's game?
Although Su Qi has no idea about participating in this game, but this play, if possible...does he want to watch it himself?

"I'm not in charge of the Disciplinary Committee now. It's transferred to Zhou Ming. By the way, the company has been in trouble these days. You'd better pay attention to safety. Sometimes I won't be by your side all the time!" Now Su Qihuo Well, naturally, as Su Qi's manager, she is also busy. She has put aside a lot of work to accompany her to Country A. Now that Su Qi has finished her breakfast, and she has talked to Su Qi about something, she is going to the company to deal with it. !

"This is the endorsement I received before, the French "romantic" perfume series, and these are three scripts. Take a look. I read it in country a and think the plot is good. You pick one, and it's all male. Choose well!"

Su Qi became popular very quickly, because with the movie "Crisis Code" and the TV series "Youth", Su Qi quickly upgraded to the ranks of traffic niches, and with the Bryce concert, Su Qi is now in the Huaxia can be said to be in a mess.

"Okay, thank you Al!" The porridge in his mouth tasted very bland, and Su Qi ate it tasteless, a little unhappy, and he just thanked Al politely when he heard Al's words.

Al looked at Su Qi's pitiful appearance, softened his mind, and said in a gentle voice: "Fengxian Hotel opened a few days ago, and I will take you there to eat at night, don't waste it, and finish the porridge for breakfast!"

"Thank you al~" Su Qi slightly bent his mouth, looked at Al and said with a smile, Al couldn't hold back the bright and seductive smile, and only sighed for Su Qi's unbelievable appearance.

Then the company called, and Al left in a hurry.

Su Qi looked at the half-drunk porridge in front of him. There were some shrimps in the porridge. After leaving, feeling less hungry, I quickly settled the leftover porridge!

Of course, in Su Qi's dictionary, the solution is to throw it away!
Su Qi ate and drank enough, turned on the computer, and was about to continue his code word career, but Al's words flashed in his mind!

The company has a little situation, need to be careful?
Su Qi squinted her eyes, and after opening Weibo, she realized that things were not just a little problem as Al said.

Su Qi's company - two lives were lost!

Looking at the red-marked news on Weibo and the fire symbol on the search list, Su Qi frowned slightly.

"Two appalling murders occurred in Xingyu Entertainment, and the death conditions of the deceased were extremely horrific! "

"What on earth did Xingyu Entertainment do to cause two murders! "

"Xingyu's high-level internal organs were skillfully poached, and then the complete internal organs appeared in the refrigerator of the artificial restaurant. What is going on? "

The two cases of "Xingyu Entertainment" were defined by the police as being committed by the same person, so who on earth used such cruel means to cruelly treat the victim! "

"C City Police Please Seriously Protect the Safety of Our Citizens! "

——It’s really disgusting. Why is the entertainment industry so disgusting now? Li Ru was engaged in those disgusting things before, and then the entertainment agent Ying Jie was dismembered. Is the entertainment industry going crazy this year?

——The police in City C are too hot. These are two cases, two in a row, three days apart. My god, the police are all shit. Is it going to be blocked?

——The corpse dismemberment case has not been solved, and such a thing has happened again, can you police be of any use!

——It's too scary, the murderer hasn't been caught yet, there are so many people in Xingyu now, I hope my idol will be fine!
——I hope Suqi is doing well, I just returned to my country, don't go to the company to beg you to hide in the villa! T_T
——Upstairs, shut up and stop cursing Susu like that, OK?

——My brother Xingyu is still in Xingyu Oh, I'm so worried, Xingyu should go bankrupt, this is so frightening, husband, I'm afraid!
——Wife Yueyue promised me to leave the company quickly and change to another company. This is too scary, and our fans can bear the breach of contract fee for you!

——Cherish life, stay away from Xingyu!

Su Qi's eyes narrowed slightly, and the comments on the Internet were extremely fierce. Although Xingyu's company is not big, it has cultivated a few traffic stars after all. Now that this happened, all fans came out to worry about their idols!

There were also several waves of fan messages in Su Qi's private messages, because there were too many messages, Su Qi didn't read them, but continued to find a few mosaic pictures on the Internet to watch.

The picture has been coded, so it is not very clear to see, there is a pool of blood on the ground, and the body has been mosaiced.

The victims in the two pictures both put on a pose, with their limbs spread out and their eyes open, as if they were expressing a feeling of "welcome back" from a distance.

Su Qi had a strange idea in his heart, then a smile appeared on his face, he turned off the computer, and turned to get the script left by Al.

A thing that looks scary but is extremely naive and stupid. If I hadn't guessed, there would be new news tonight?

Su Qi looked at the script, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, the three scripts left by Al had their own characteristics, but Su Qi only had one favorite, but this one was different from the other two, Su Qi liked it This one needs an audition, and if you decide to act in the other two, you can reply to the director!
What Su Qi likes is the second script, the first and the third are both love idol dramas, the male protagonist is set to be beautiful in a prosperous age, but the male protagonist of the second book is a modern darkened male protagonist .

 Yes, that’s right, you’ve been waiting for this day. The great, kind, cute, witty, beautiful and talented Zhe Qi will be updated, and he will keep adding updates for a long time in the future!
(End of this chapter)

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