Value peace

Chapter 203

Chapter 203 The aftermath is not over ([-])

"Jealous!" Gu Xiyan was very surprised, but she didn't dare to show it when Qi Maosheng showed her breasts to her.So she paused, first helped Qi Maosheng pull up his hair, and then said softly: "Why are you jealous of Qi Xiao?"

It may be that during the narration with Gu Xiyan, Qi Maosheng also gradually sorted out his thoughts, and there was a bit of sadness in his voice.

"It turns out that we are the same... We are both bastards, with a cheerful personality, very loved by brothers, and very free and easy in doing things... I married a woman from Xizhao, and he married a wife from Gaochang... But I, But he has become depressed, but he is the same as ten years ago, always so cheerful and free and easy, whether it is uncles, brothers or colleagues, they all like him...willing to get close to's not like seeing me, no matter what, I still feel a little trembling ...Sometimes I can't help but think, if Qi Xiao inherits the title, will she do better than me..."

In the eyes of others, Qi Xiao is pitiful enough, but Qi Maosheng is jealous of him... Gu Xiyan really can't laugh or cry.

But her heart is soft.

Gu Xiyan lowered her head and kissed Qi Maosheng's temples: "Fool Maosheng, why do you have to be treated as a brother!"

Qi Maosheng raised his head, turned his face sideways, and looked at Xiyan who was helping him comb his hair in surprise.

Gu Xiyan smiled and said: "Your thinking is too strong."

Qi Maosheng raised his eyebrows.

"In public and private, you are their superior, and in private, you are their brother. However, these two identities are always opposite, and it is impossible to have a unified time. Because there is a management and being managed between the superior and the subordinate. What maintains this relationship is rank and majesty. But between brothers, they are equal, and what maintains them is humility and friendship... Tell me, how can these two equal emotions exist at the same time. "

Qi Maosheng stared at Gu Xiyan in a daze.

Gu Xiyan smiled indifferently, and continued: "Let's take the matter of you going to drink flower wine together this time. Let's talk freely together and have fun casually. If it's Qi Xiao, Of course there is nothing wrong with that. But if it is you, it will be different. Think about it, when drinking, it is peaceful and happy. When you wake up tomorrow, look at this person again. It turns out that behind the wise and powerful is this face , It’s not so bad, it was the same as me yesterday, everyone held a woman’s hand together... After a long time, what prestige will you have in front of your subordinates, and what position will you have in front of your relatives? Words... Sometimes, public and private affairs cannot be clearly separated. You have to make a choice, choose to be a good boss based on business affairs, or choose to be a good brother based on personal affairs. If you think business affairs are more important, Then you can only keep a certain distance from your brothers; if you choose to be a good brother, then there is nothing wrong with spending a lot of money and having fun with them..."

Qi Maosheng was confused: "But Qi Xiao and the others..."

"Why did he go to drink flower wine with his brother? Why didn't he invite his subordinates in the military camp to drink flower wine together?" Gu Xiyan interrupted him with a smile, "Because they are the same people, people of the same class ...they drink together, it will only deepen the affection between each other..."

Qi Maosheng was silent, but there was a thoughtful look on his face.

Gu Xiyan knew that her words had worked.She smiled faintly, poured some hot water into the bathtub, and took a handkerchief to bathe him.

"If you really want to have fun with everyone, you can go climbing or riding a horse. Whatever you choose, don't choose to find a woman to drink with... Alcohol is the most troublesome thing. Isn't there a saying that is called 'Drinking loses morality'? Drinking a little wine at home, what's the matter, is also in front of the family, and others don't know. But outside, it's different... Didn't you say it yourself, the most afraid of imitating others, Bad reputation..."

She spoke softly, and waited for Qi Maosheng to put on his clothes, and the two of them got on the kang.

Gu Xiyan called Cuiyu again, and asked the kitchen to pour warm water into a bowl of honey water to sober Qi Maosheng up, while she spread Qi Maosheng's wet hair and twisted it with a handkerchief.

"Are the girls in Dianchuntang pretty?" Gu Xiyan asked casually.

Qi Maosheng was still immersed in Gu Xiyan's words just now.

This is a new concept for him.In the past, his father always told him to treat his subordinates like brothers, so that talents could be retained.But today, Xiyan said something different... Thinking about it carefully, it does make sense.Being too close to the brothers, even if I am doing things justly, there are still people who have doubts, especially those from poor families who have been promoted through the accumulation of military achievements. There is always some suspicion. A large part of the conflict between Qi Xiao and Gong Tao is not Is that where it came from...

He was a little absent-minded: "It's so-so!"

"What kind of general method?" Gu Xiyan looked very interested.

Qi Maosheng casually picked up a book from the Duobaoge grid, and said: "The dancers are all about the same size, with gorgeous makeup, they all look the same, and it's impossible to tell who is who. ...Called a few top cards to serve, the fourth uncle seems to be quite familiar, and one of them said that she is Qingguan, but I think she seems to be quite relaxed..." Just as she was talking, Cuiyu Bring honey water in.

The small white bone china bowl contained golden brown soup, which was very beautiful.

Gu Xiyan handed the small bowl to Qi Maosheng: "Sober up!"

Qi Maosheng looked at the bowl for a long time, and said, "Why do you need honey water? Why don't you make hangover soup!"

It's getting late, and even woke up the people in the small kitchen... Gu Xiyan said casually: "It's my secret recipe, made with honey water as the main ingredient, it's specially for sobering up, you'll know after drinking it !"

Qi Maosheng knew that Gu Xiyan had always had some weird ways of eating, so he drank it all without asking any more questions.

Cuiyu put away the bowl and went out, Gu Xiyan continued to talk to Qi Maosheng while twisting her hair with a handkerchief.

"Is there anyone who looks very flirtatious..."

"It's very cute?" Qi Maosheng recalled, "It seems that there is no such thing!"

"Then how do you drink flower wine?" Gu Xiyan asked curiously.

"Just drink like that!" Qi Mao replied naturally.

"It won't be just you sitting, and then they toast you... There must be some programs! For example, take a dice and roll the size, and whoever is younger will have to drink..."

"You still know this!" Qi Maosheng laughed, "Who told you that!"

"I need someone to tell you this! Drinking flower wine, drinking flower wine, as the name suggests!" Gu Xiyan pulled his sleeve and acted like a baby, "Tell me, how do you all play?"

"I didn't play anything!" Qi Maosheng said, "Fourth Uncle and the others all have acquaintances, only I went there for the first time, so I asked two of them to sit next to me, and one of them was the top card...I sang wine with Qi Qu, The two of them were pouring wine for us or something..."

Gu Xiyan covered her mouth and smiled: "Then which one of you likes playing with those ladies the most?"

Qi Maosheng pondered and said, "Let's get together! We were only halfway through the drink, and he got up with that woman half pushing and half pushing... Fourth Uncle may have been just flirting with that woman because I was there..."

"What about the third uncle?" Gu Xiyan's eyes shifted, "The third uncle is not sitting there properly, is he?"

"Qi Xiao!" Qi Maosheng said disapprovingly, "How is that possible? Wouldn't it be a joke to sit there stupidly on such an occasion... Qi Xiao and I each hugged a lady and drank a few cups of wine, Then I came back, and Qi Xiao continued to hang out with them there..."

"You hugged one too?" Gu Xiyan's smile froze, "Is she pretty?"

"Oh," Qi Maosheng said, "it's the top Qing guard... who looks...has long nails, dyed with a kind of pink nails... makes people uncomfortable..."

You can even see what color of nail polish someone is wearing... It's uncomfortable, whether it's uncomfortable to see it, or it's uncomfortable to hold it... Gu Xiyan felt a fire in her heart.

Speaking of which, Qi Maosheng remembered the scene at that time.

Wan Li is not enthusiastic enough, he finds it boring, Wan Rui is not reserved enough, he finds it boring...

He muttered in his heart, but a strange feeling rose in his heart.

It seems... neither the left nor the right...

Qi Maosheng raised his head and looked at Gu Xiyan in surprise.

Xiyan's complexion, why is it so bad... Could it be that the wine has not sobered up yet, but she insisted on washing him up...

He couldn't help whispering: "Xiyan, do you have a headache..."

As for Gu Xiyan, she didn't expect Qi Maosheng to spoil other people's interest with a stern face when he went to that occasion, nor was she so naive as to think that those women wouldn't flatter him in front of him... But she didn't expect that , Qi Maosheng would go to hug other women instead of tactfully refusing... The more she thought about it, the more her heart burned, and seeing Qi Maosheng take it for granted, her heart burned even more. He kicked Qi Maosheng fiercely: "You bastard... I thought you were just going to have a look, but you actually hugged the little girl... You bastard..." As she spoke, her heart ached, and the tears stopped Know why it fell off.

Qi Maosheng turned around and sat on the edge of the kang. He was about to put on his shoes and go down to ask Cuiyu to make a bowl of sober soup when he was suddenly kicked by Gu Xiyan from the side, his center of gravity was unstable, and he staggered and fell off the kang.

Fortunately, he was agile and quickly gained a firm footing without hitting anything.

"What's wrong with you?" Qi Maosheng frowned puzzled.

Well said, why is it kicking people and crying.

"You still ask me what's wrong?" Gu Xiyan held back her tears and glared at Qi Maosheng angrily, "I just went away with my relatives for a day. How about you? I went to a brothel, drank flower wine, and Cuddling with other women... you still ask me what's wrong?"

(End of this chapter)

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