Value peace

Chapter 161

Chapter 161
Fang Shaoqin entered the second door with some trepidation.

In the morning of spring, the air is still a bit cold, the sky looks like a white belly, and there are several magnificent brilliance blooming eagerly at the intersection of the sky.

The small courtyard is quiet, the towering tree on the left has spit out green buds, but the pergola on the right has not moved yet, the three main rooms facing south and north are in the east, and the west is connected with two dark rooms. The strange pattern between.It was already spring, and there was still a blue dorome curtain for winter on the door.There are two girls aged fifteen or six on the left and one on the right, neatly dressed in indigo blue jackets, combing their hair in a double ring bun, they look ordinary, but when they turn their faces, they are real beauties.

When they came, the family had already told her about the affairs of Duke Yan's mansion. Now Mrs. Gu, the new wife of Duke Yan Qi Hao, is his aunt and cousin. It is said that she is only 16 years old, younger than her. One year old, this maid is presumably the Wei family's dowry girl.

Behind her was her adoptive mother, Nanny Shi, who had been with her since she was a child. When she saw her girl's hands clenched tightly, she knew that she was a little nervous, so she hurried forward and whispered into her ear: " Girl, you are from Xizhao..."

Fang Shaoqin smiled wryly.

Others don't know, but she knows it in her heart.

Gaochang, such an important position, the empress dowager's ancestors gave it to the Qi family, and it was hereditary to replace her... If there is no other way, how could you make such a bad move... I just hope that my belly can live up to it, as my ancestors confessed when I came here If he can give birth to a son like he said, otherwise... this Gaochang, even if he gave it to the Qi family for nothing... he himself is Xizhao's sinner!

The little girl standing in front of the curtain over there had already seen her, said something to the curtain in a low voice, and a tall woman came out.

Wearing an autumn-colored jacket with a bun tied up in a bun, revealing a face as fair as the moon.

She showed a kind smile from a distance: "It's Miss Fang, I'm Aunt Duan in Madam's room, Madam is waiting for the girl!"

The nanny who can be called "aunt" is usually a figure that the masters should respect.

Fang Shaoqin and the people behind her bowed their knees to salute Duanniang. Fang Shaoqin called out "Auntie Duan" when she got up, and then looked at Duanniang carefully, keeping this person in her heart.

Duanniang returned the gift, and Yanhong, who was standing outside to welcome the guests, raised the curtain for Fang Shaoqin and the others.

Fang Shaoqin and his party entered the room, and a gust of heat rushed over.

It was already April, and I didn't expect that there was still a fire wall burning in the house.

Fang Shaoqin, who had lived in the south for a long time, couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Regardless of Gu Xiyan's current rank or Xizhao's noble family rules, not everyone brought by Fang Shaoqin can follow her to see Mrs. Jingsui.So Duanniang ordered the maid: "Xingyu, make tea for the nuns and sisters."

Xingyu responded crisply, and served the hot tea that had been prepared to the people around Fang Shaoqin.

Fang Shaoqin was slightly taken aback.She didn't expect that this Mr. Gu, whom she had never met, would be so polite to her.

She calmed down slightly, and entered the inner room with Duan Niang with a smile that was neither arrogant nor humble.

Gu Xiyan was sitting on the concubine Xiang's couch in the living room of the inner room, when she saw a beautiful girl walking in, she knew it was Fang Shaoqin, she stood up with a sweet smile on her face.

"Is it Miss Fang? You have worked hard along the way!"

Fang Shaoqin stepped forward quickly, and bent his knees seven or eight steps away from Gu Xiyan, saying, "Fang Shaoqin greets Mrs. Jingsui!" A little sound came out, although the voice was clear and gentle, but the voice line was a little tight.

Gu Xiyan suddenly thought of the scene when she saw Liu Meier for the first time.

They are all women who have received very strict lady education.

The smile on her face was not only sweet, but also kind.

Nanny Shi, who followed Fang Shaoqin, couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when she followed Fang Shaoqin to greet Gu Xiyan.

Mrs. Gu, the wife of Lord Yan, doesn't seem to be that kind of tricky person.

The girl married under such circumstances, so she hopes to be loved by Qi Hao and his wife... After all, Qi Hao is still the head of the Qi family now!
Fang Shaoqin stood up gracefully, stood still with her hands down, waiting for Gu Xiyan to speak.

Gu Xiyan asked Mo Ju to move the embroidered pier to sit for her, and Cuiyu served her tea.

During the action, Fang Shaoqin quickly cast a glance at Gu Xiyan from the corner of his eyes.

She was slightly startled, and the hand holding the cover cup couldn't help trembling, making a crisp sound of touching porcelain.

Qi Hao's Xu Xian, Mrs. Gu, was wearing a thin real red jacket embroidered with the pattern of flying butterflies, and a dark green eight-panel skirt underneath, which looked extremely curvy and soft. If he hadn't known it in advance, No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like it's only fifteen or six years old.

Like all those gentry women from prominent families who have not experienced the hardships of life, she has fair skin, delicate appearance, and exquisite facial features. Calm like a quiet young woman.Calmness and enthusiasm, two completely opposite emotions, but harmoniously appearing in her eyes, not only impressive, but also gives people a very strange feeling, as if, like the woman in front of you, her The body is here, but the soul seems to fly freely without restraint.

It was not at all as described in Mrs. Xu's letter. Mrs. Gu was chosen as Qi Hao's wife by chance only because of her good looks.

These thoughts flashed by, and when Fang Shaoqin made a slight sound of touching porcelain, she heard a vague sigh, with a little pity and a little bit of reluctance.She felt that the sigh was too abrupt, and when she wanted to listen carefully again, Mrs. Gu had already asked her about her daily life in the past few days.

Fang Shaoqin did hear correctly, that sigh came from Gu Xiyan's mouth.

As Qi Maosheng said, the girl sent by the Fang family is not only beautiful, but also intelligent.She is like a willow growing in the spring breeze, seemingly pliable, but with tenacity and enthusiasm for life, and when you inadvertently, her watery eyes will flash with insight into the world and full of wisdom.

Gu Xiyan sighed in her heart.

If there was no scene in Dexin Courtyard, Qi Yuzhi and Fang Shaoqin could be called a pair of lovers in appearance, background and even temperament!
Thinking of the predicament Fang Shaoqin was about to face, Gu Xiyan's heart softened a little.

She looked at Fang Shaoqin with a smile, and talked to Fang Shaoqin with a kind of concern like treating a friend.

"Grandpa heard that the Fang family was willing to marry the girl, and was happy for several days. The weather in Yan is freezing, and you grew up in the south of the Yangtze River. There must be many unsatisfactory aspects of life." Speaking of this, She cast her eyes on Nanny Shi, "Mommy is the adoptive mother of the girl, and she accompanied the girl from a long distance. Speaking of which, she is just like her mother. The girl is young and thin-skinned, so what's inconvenient?" , you just tell me, you can't wrong her."

Both Fang Shaoqin and Nanny Shi were taken aback, especially Nanny Shi, who didn't expect Gu Xiyan to say such words to praise herself, so she hurriedly stepped forward respectfully and knelt down: "Your servant must be careful to tell Madam Teach me, take good care of our girl!" Fang Shaoqin also said: "Thank you Madam for your concern! Along the way, thanks to Master Qi's care, everything is fine!"

"That's good!" Gu Xiyan signaled Cuiyu to help Nanny Shi up, and said, "Who is here to send the kiss?"

Fang Shaoqin said unhurriedly: "It's my cousin Fang Shaosi and cousin Feng Tianxiang."

Feng Tianxiang?

Gu Xiyan was slightly taken aback.

Did it really make me guess right!

She couldn't help but looked at Fang Shaoqin carefully again, but it was a pity that the girl was wearing a veiled hat at that time, and after a few years, it was really difficult to find the shadow of that year on her.

Gu Xiyan pretended to be pondering: "Feng, does it have anything to do with Mr. Feng of Liang Ting's Governor's Mansion?"

Fang Shaoqin said with a smile: "Feng Tianxiang is the son of Feng Qingyun, the governor of Liang Ting."

Gu Xiyan couldn't help laughing.She said: "I didn't expect that your family and the Feng family are also relatives!"

"My father used to work under Mr. Feng, and my mother was weak. Thanks to Mrs. Feng's care, and Mrs. Feng's natal Song family was of the same clan as my mother, so I recognized my aunt." Fang Shaoqin explained.

Gu Xiyan nodded with a smile.

Fang Shaoqin looked at Gu Xiyan's sly smile, and suddenly thought of the day when she heard the news of the marriage, her mother cried aggrievedly, but she heard that the one who was going to marry was Qi Yuzhi, the handsome young man she met in Qixia Temple The boundless joy welling up in my heart.

A cloud of clouds could not help rising from her face.

* * * * * *
Gu Xiyan left Fang Shaoqin for breakfast, but Fang Shaoqin politely declined and agreed.

At that time, food was scarce, and it was a very grand etiquette to keep others for dinner, and there was even a saying "a meal is a grace".

Gu Xiyan didn't know what Fang Shaoqin liked to eat, and the breakfast arrangements were spring pancakes and white porridge.

She can allow Qi Maosheng to eat where she sleeps, but it doesn't mean that she can also allow others to sit on her bed.Therefore, breakfast is eaten in the main room.

Spring pancakes are noodles wrapped in stuffing.

There are no less than twenty kinds of fillings on the palm-sized white fine porcelain plate, and a small bamboo basket is placed in the east and west corners of the square table, in which are thin pancakes that have been baked.What kind of stuffing do you want to eat, order a plate, and the dish next to it will be wrapped for you and placed in the small plate in front of you.

Fang Shaoqin looked at Gu Xiyan with some emotion.

To think of such a thoughtful way to entertain guests, now it seems that it is not such a simple person.

The two ate in silence, and both found that the other's eating posture was elegant, his manner was calm, and he was like everyone else.

For some reason, the two looked at each other and smiled.

Those unfamiliarity and estrangement seem to have become much calmer in this smile.

After breakfast, Gu Xiyan was a little out of manner, and sent her to the second gate too politely before returning.

That afternoon, Fang Shaoqin would leave for Yongzhou, and when Gu Xiyan would go back would depend on Qi Maosheng's "illness".

In the evening, Qi Maosheng read the spy information sideways, and Gu Xiyan couldn't read the book anymore after reading a few pages. She lay on Qi Maosheng's shoulder and whispered to him: "Maosheng, let me tell you, that Fang Shaoqin is really with Qi Yuzhi." Elder sister who found the quarrel in Qixia Temple, tell me, is this a coincidental marriage... If not... I really hope they can live happily."

In fact, she really wanted to say, "It would be great if there was no Wei Shiying in the middle", but then she realized that Mrs. Wei had personally planned this matter, and it was related to Ye Zisu's reputation, so she couldn't help swallowing it.

Qi Maosheng was looking at something very seriously, when he heard what Gu Xiyan said in his ear, he took the time to cheer up and let out a "huh".

Seeing him like that, Gu Xiyan didn't listen to him at all, she couldn't help but sat up straight, and leaned against the pillow at the side unhappily.

(Add one update around 18:[-])
(End of this chapter)

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