Value peace

Chapter 141 Spring Blossoms

Chapter 141 Spring Blossoms ([-])

The sound of firecrackers became louder and denser, interspersed with noisy voices, some people were singing and drinking: "The sedan chair has arrived!"

Immediately after the sedan chair leaned forward, someone lifted the curtain of the sedan chair, and two women helped Gu Xiyan out, one on the left and the other on the right, and then threw things at her.

It was too dark to see what was being sprinkled, and there was a red carpet under my feet, as if I couldn't see the end at a glance.

Gu Xiyan anxiously walked forward with the person who supported her, stepped over one threshold after another, and then stood in a hall.

You can only see countless pairs of shoes on the left and right, of all kinds, including court boots, fairy shoes, and soap boots... But you can't hear noisy conversation, the hall is quiet, and you can only feel people's breathing Voice.

The sound of firecrackers gradually subsided. Amidst the singing of "one bow to the heaven and earth, two bows to the high hall, husband and wife bow to each other", Gu Xiyan knelt down and got up at the gesture of the woman beside her, got up and knelt down again, and then someone threw the red The silk and satin stuffed into her hands, the concierge shouted "Licheng", and only then did the people in the hall begin to hear the rustling of skirts and the occasional humming of whispers.

Gu Xiyan held the red silk tightly in her hand, and walked straight forward following it with the support of the women on the left and right.

Going out of the hall, onto the veranda, and then across the high threshold, the smooth Jinman bricks under your feet, the temperature around you also increased, the satin in your hand was suddenly torn off, Gu Xiyan Shocked, he hurriedly bent down to pick up the satin, when his hand was suddenly held.

There were a few low snickers beside him.

Under the red sleeves is wheat-colored skin, with firm palms, thick knuckles, warm and powerful.

That was Maosheng's hand.

He took her by the hand and walked into the inner room step by step.

Stepping onto the foot of the couch and sitting on the kang, the red hood was lifted off.

Gu Xiyan raised her head.

Qi Maosheng, who was wearing a groom's gown, held her hand tightly and was looking at her with a smile. His eyes were as bright as the sun, and they were full of joy.

The corners of Gu Xiyan's mouth curled up involuntarily.

Someone beside him said in a low voice, "Master, you need to use a stick..."

Qi Maosheng didn't pay attention at all, his eyes were locked on Gu Xiyan's body, and he said in a low voice: "Bring the wine!"

A woman next to him murmured, "Master, haven't you settled the tent yet?"

Qi Maosheng frowned, and said impatiently: "Then cast the tent!"

Gu Xiyan couldn't help but laughed softly.

A woman timidly picked up a tray and threw dates, chestnuts, peanuts and other things on Gu Xiyan and Qi Maosheng, and chanted "sprinkle a date, get a small, sprinkle a millet, get a A girl, a handful of chestnuts and a handful of dates, the little ones will follow the big ones" and other auspicious words.

Gu Xiyan combed the high temples that represent a woman, and her black hair was full of gold ornaments. The woman who dressed her thought her face was too pale, so she put rouge on her forehead and cheeks, and thought her lips were too plump. Filled with white powder, it turned into a small cherry mouth, making her look like a clay doll without a soul.

But when she smiled lowly, there was joy in her eyes, with a hint of playfulness.

Qi Maosheng was suddenly moved, he seemed to see a different Gu Xiyan, through those thick makeup, through those gorgeous accessories, there was something in her eyes that made him use Emotions that words cannot describe.Cheerful, tolerant, doting...all the good things that make him feel appropriate are revealed from those eyes.

In an instant, his heart was filled to the brim.

He reached out, wanting to touch those beautiful, soulful eyes.

However, Mammy reminded me in a low voice: "Master, you can't take it!"

Qi Maosheng's mind was concentrated, and only then did he realize that there was a peanut falling between the gold ornaments on Gu Xiyan's head.

Presumably, when the nanny saw Qi Maosheng stretching out his hand, she thought he was going to remove the thing from Gu Xiyan's head, so she sounded a reminder.The nanny explained: "Huahua Tada gave birth to both a boy and a daughter. This is an auspicious thing. Please don't take it down."

When Gu Xiyan listened, her eyes curled up with a smile.

Qi Maosheng felt that this nanny was really good at talking, so he glanced at the peanut in his hair and said, "Hey, why is there only one peanut."

The women in the room all laughed secretly.

Gu Xiyan could only lower her head.

It's... so embarrassing!
It's not that this guy has never been married, so he can't be normal!

Hearing Qi Maosheng's words, the mother became more courageous, and said with a smile, "Master, it's time to have a cup of wine."

Someone brought the tray in front of them.

On the tray is a gourd that is divided into two parts. The mouth of the gourd is tied with a red thread, and it contains wine.

At the gesture of a woman, the two drank wine while holding each other.

Gu Xiyan's throat was hot, but the woman took the gourds containing wine from the two of them and threw them under the bed, and someone shouted: "Oh, one up and one down, one up and one down."

Qi Maosheng was surprised when he heard this, and even lowered his head to look at it: "Xi Yan, it's really up and down."

Gu Xiyan was at a loss and didn't know what to say.

A woman whispered softly in her ear: "Madam, it's good luck!"

Gu Xiyan still didn't think it was a big deal, but when she heard the words that men look up to women, she thought it was one of the feudal thoughts that men are superior to women.She once heard from a colleague that there is a custom in her hometown that when a man and a woman have sex for the first time on the wedding night, the man’s shoes are put on top of the woman’s shoes, which means that the man can control the woman. class meaning.

This is probably the same!
Qi Maosheng still had a calm look on his face, but his eyes burst out with joy, and the nuns who served beside him were all winking. Seeing this, someone laughed and said, "Master, you'd better go and come back quickly." Well, my wife hasn't eaten yet!"

It was only then that Gu Xiyan discovered that the new house was the one she lived in in Hongtai.There was a table of banquets outside, and the pot of green plants half the height of a person was still squatting lushly there, as if she had never left.

She immediately felt a sense of relief.

Qi Maosheng smiled, and squeezed Gu Xiyan's hand: "I'll go to the front to accompany the guests, don't follow those dead rules, if you're tired, go to bed first."

Gu Xiyan smiled and nodded.

Qi Maosheng squeezed Gu Xiyan's hand again before leaving.

After he left, the nuns invited Gu Xiyan to the table, accompanied by several gorgeously dressed women, who each introduced themselves to her as their wives, and one of them was Gong Tao's wife, Mrs. Han.

Gu Xiyan smiled and nodded with everyone, but her gaze was on Han Shi from time to time.

Mrs. Han's appearance is very ordinary, her dress is neither too luxurious nor shabby. At the age of 34 or [-], he looks a few years older than Gong Tao.

Gu Xiyan was a little surprised, she didn't expect Gong Tao with such elegant appearance to have such a wife.

Everyone just ate something symbolically and left one after another. Only Gong Tao's wife, Mrs. Han, was left in the room.

Han ordered the people to withdraw from the banquet, and ordered some snacks to be placed on the tea table between the Taishi chairs in the bedroom, and then asked people to put a wooden bucket about the height of a person in the corner between the big kang and the Taishi chairs.

Gu Xiyan looked at the barrel curiously.

Mrs. Han opened the lid of the wooden barrel and said with a smile: "The hot water is warmed by a charcoal stove here. The Duke is going out to socialize today. I'm afraid he wants to drink some wine. He will drink it in the middle of the night. At that time, the wife will also drink some wine." Good to serve."

Gu Xiyan couldn't help but look at her with admiration, and asked her to get someone to fetch a basin of water for her to wash her face.

Han Shi was slightly startled, hesitated for a moment, and asked someone to bring her a basin of water.

When Gu Xiyan washed everything off her face, Han Shi was startled again.

She never thought that Qi Hao would marry such a young girl.

Gu Xiyan also saw the surprise on her face, but she didn't know why she was surprised, and politely asked Han Shi a few words, "Why are you here", "When did you come here", "How many children are there in the family" and so on. The common saying, Han took a chance and left.

Only Gu Xiyan and the two dowry girls of the Wei family were left in the room.One is Cuiyu and the other is Yanhong.Both of them are fifteen or sixteen years old. Not to mention their beautiful looks, they are thin-skinned and tender. When you stretch out your fingers, you can see that they have not been touched by Yangchun water. They are not inferior to her hands. There is nothing wrong with them. like a servant.To be honest, Gu Xiyan was really embarrassed to tell them what to do, so she asked Cuiyu to call Duan Yingluo.

Cuiyu hesitated for a moment before turning around and calling Duan Yingluo.

After a while, Duan Yingluo came, Gu Xiyan let Cuiyu and Yanhong go down, and asked Duan Yingluo to bring the package she had prepared earlier.

Duan Yingluo responded and left, and soon came back with a blue cloth bundle.

Gu Xiyan blushed and asked Duan Yingluo to go to rest first, and then changed her clothes in the room.

This is specially prepared by her for the wedding night, similar to sexy underwear, but it is not so revealing, it's not that she doesn't want to, but this dress was made with Liu Meier's help, and she dare not let her make it too revealing.

Although there was a fire wall in the room, it was still very cold after taking off her clothes. Gu Xiyan changed into her clothes tremblingly, and then took a photo in front of the measuring mirror.

The chest was wrapped in water-blue silk, which made her skin more translucent, and the high-waisted pomegranate skirt of the same color outlined her exquisite curves as it swung from side to side.

Gu Xiyan pursed her lips in satisfaction.

The blood rushed up immediately, deepening the color of her lips, and adding a touch of beauty to her face.

But before she took a second look carefully, goose bumps appeared on her body.

The weather is too cold.

Gu Xiyan thought for a while, but decided to jump onto the kang.

The medical conditions in this era are very poor. A diarrhea almost killed her. She doesn't want to catch a cold again.

The quilts and mattresses are all new, fluffy and soft, with a faint fragrance of jasmine.The feeling of dryness and cleanliness makes people feel warm from the bottom of their hearts.After a few days of traveling day and night, Gu Xiyan's body was already exhausted, but she just thought of getting married, so she supported her vigorously.When she touched the pillow, she immediately felt a little drowsy.

Shaking her head, Gu Xiyan tried her best to keep herself awake.

Today was her wedding night, and she had put a lot of thought into making a pajamas, so she couldn't just waste it under the quilt.

She still remembers Liu Meier's red cheeks when she was making clothes... and the whisper she whispered in her ear, "You will also make one when the time comes, but your temperament is too soft, so make a pink one", Liu Meier's face Immediately, it was as red as the red standing desk lamp at the corner of the Kang, showing a bit of shyness...

Gu Xiyan's vision began to blur.

This fellow Qi Maosheng, lied to himself... Well, let's see how he confesses today...

Thinking of this, Gu Xiyan's body couldn't help but feel hot, the feeling of dizziness became stronger, and her eyelids drooped involuntarily...

(There is another update at seven or eight o'clock in the evening)
(End of this chapter)

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