Value peace

Chapter 119 Catching Wind and Shadow

Chapter 119

"Bah, bah, bah!" Nanny Liu was very emotional, spitting on the ground like a village woman, "It's all these people from Xizhao talking nonsense. Aunt Gao has been in Qi Mansion for almost 50 years , has served three generations of masters, starting from the old man, the big and small wives and concubines in this family have given birth, and which one is not Aunt Gao who is by her side to take care of her. Thinking about Mrs. Xu, she is still the wife bestowed by the previous emperor, the one who gave birth to the uncle At that time, wasn’t Miss Gao the one who picked up the baby? Why did she come to Mrs. Ye’s place, she was so delicate, she talked about it in front of the master, and she had to have her wet nurse to serve her... The master put the words to the front, and later Yan Mrs. Ye is in charge of the Duke's Mansion, and Mrs. Ye is in charge of the family. Now Mrs. Ye insists on not letting Aunt Gao take care of things. How can she lose face by refusing Mrs. Ye's words, so she has to temporarily transfer Aunt Gao to Suanmiao Hutong to take care of the third master's house Mrs. Zheng... Tell me, if something goes wrong, how can you use Aunt Gao as an excuse!"

Speaking of this, she became even angrier: "That shit nanny who returned Mrs. Ye, she is so good, how can she not know when Mrs. Ye was pregnant, she is so good, how could she cause Mrs. Ye to have a blood collapse after giving birth, She is so good, why is it that Mrs. Wei secretly picked up Aunt Gao to bring Mrs. Ye back with her life... Pooh, she will talk about being happy, if she really does something, she can't accomplish anything... No Speaking of other things, let’s say that He Yingchun, who came from Xizhao to host the small kitchen of Dexinyuan, didn’t understand anything, and dared to cook, chicken and celery were put into the dish, and a lot of garlic was thrown into the dog meat, and the rice was cooked. When I add bees in..."

Gu Xiyan remembered the principle of avoiding food.

Cold sweat broke out on her forehead.

"I once said a few words, and Nanny Yi invited me to discipline me. I only drank a cup of tea there, and when I came back, I vomited and had diarrhea. I almost collapsed. If Madam Wei hadn't helped me After talking a few words, I died a long time ago... Now that I know what I am, I am asked to go to Peanut Alley to make medicinal food. I am pissed. Craftsmanship to serve those people..."

Since he knows how to make medicinal food, he knows a little about pharmacology.When the matter came to this point, she still dared to "say a few words". I really didn't know whether to sweat her recklessness or to congratulate her on her great fortune.

"Peanut Alley, where Qi Yuzhi lives?" Gu Xiyan asked puzzled.

After scolding and cursing, she became angry, Mammy Liu's tone became better, and she said angrily, "Well, it's the place where Young Master Qi lives. That's not a good master to serve you, he's always acting weird..."

Qi Yuzhi, strange yin and yang?

Such a sunny boy.

Gu Xiyan couldn't help laughing.

Mother Liu thought that Gu Xiyan didn't believe her, so she argued: "You little girl, what do you know? He is in his early twenties this year, and he doesn't marry a wife, and he doesn't accept people from the house... Mrs. Xu, for this matter, I'm almost dying of anxiety! Every now and then, I hold a flower party in Jixian Yuan, and bring all the prominent girls from Yandi to the mansion to play..."

Speaking of this, she glanced at Gu Xiyan with a smile that was not a smile: "Madam Wei is also in a hurry, and from time to time she invites a girl from her natal family to accompany her..."

ah!Why did the subject change, and it turned to her.

Gu Xiyan coughed unnaturally.

Grandma Liu laughed: "Follow me and learn the medicinal food well, and make it for our grandpa in the future!"

Gu Xiyan could only look left and right: "Well, Miss Liu is still waiting to embroider with me, I won't come tomorrow!"

Grandma Liu laughed out loud.

At this time, how come the mouth is not crooked at all, and the eyes are not slanted at all!
Even so, when Gu Xiyan went back to the house and carefully analyzed Liu Mama's words, she felt that her idea of ​​"making it for our father in the future" was really good, so the next day, Gu Xiyan I still went to the small kitchen, and followed her to learn a oxtail ginseng fruit soup with Liu mama's teasing smile. It is said that it can benefit qi and blood, strengthen muscles and bones, nourish the virtuous and strengthen the spleen and stomach... All in all, it is a very suitable one. Medication for men.

Now, every morning, she learns how to make medicinal food with Liu Mama, and at noon, she learns embroidery with Liu Meier. When doing these two things, she never idles, chatting about the parents.

Once she asked Nanny Liu: "Why do you and Nanny Wang cook in the same style in this mansion?"

Grandma Liu said proudly: "Because only I and Grandma Wang came here from Wei's house in Dongxi with my wife in this mansion. What we cook is authentic Dongxi cuisine."

Gu Xiyan joked with her: "Then you must not be as skilled as Wang Momo, otherwise, why did Madam leave Wang Momo in Huaiyuan and send you to serve Aunt Shui?"

The corner of Liu Mama's mouth curled up slightly, and she said coldly: "What Aunt Shui, she is just a girl with a bit of a reputation next to Madam. If Madam hadn't opened her mouth, how could I serve her..." Having said that, She paused, "You little girls, I tell you that you don't understand." After finishing speaking, she turned her head and said something else. No matter how Gu Xiyan asked, Mammy Liu stopped talking about such things. up.

Gu Xiyan had no choice but to change the subject: "You have stayed in the small kitchen in the outer courtyard, and served the Lord's food, do you know, Lord, what is his favorite food?"

When Qi Maosheng was mentioned, Mammy Liu beamed and smiled: "Our master has a good temper and is never picky about food. He eats whatever you do." After speaking, she blinked at Gu Xiyan ambiguously, embarrassed Gu Xiyan had goose bumps all over her body.She couldn't help muttering: "Then why are you crying, maybe that guy likes to eat big white steamed buns with pickles..."

Nanny Liu didn't hear clearly for a while, and asked, "What did you say? What did you say?"

Gu Xiyan rolled her eyes and said, "I said, since that's the case, what's the point of learning such a complicated health-preserving soup? Why don't you just make pork belly stewed vermicelli, pork belly stewed cabbage, pork belly stewed radish... It's nutritious and delicious."

"You bloody girl," Liu Momo was upset and ignored her for a long time.

Fortunately, Nanny Liu's anger came and went quickly.

The next day, Gu Xiyan talked about Qi Han's death from what Qi Han liked to eat.

After all, he has been serving him for many years, so how can he not have any feelings.

Mother Liu wiped her tears: "...after lying on the bed for so many years, the ginseng fruit flowed like water for him to use, and in the end... the old Duke took his ranking when he was alive, so The funeral was also quiet. Master buried him next to Aunt Shui, and erected a small stone monument..."

I mean, why is Qi Xiao the fourth child and is called the third master?
Gu Xiyan asked curiously: "Why did you take away his ranking?"

Grandma Liu shook her head: "I don't know the specifics. It seems that the uncle was still alive at that time, and he said something in front of the old man, so... Although the old man accepted the title later, it was the old man's father." Grandpa decides, and he can't make the decision to write Hanye's ranking on the genealogy..."

Gu Xiyan turned the topic to Qi Shu: "How did the uncle die?"

This may be something that everyone in the Qi family knows, so Liu Mama didn't have any scruples and said: "One year, it was Mrs. Xu's birthday. We set up running water seats in the mansion, and invited theater troupe and juggling troupe to have fun. Because it was winter, the uncle might have caught the cold from playing too late at night, but there were so many people and things going on in those few days, so everyone didn't pay attention. , when the birthday banquet is over, the uncle has already started to have a fever, and it is already too late when the doctor is invited to take a look..."

Compared with Qi Han's situation, Qi Shu's death seems normal!
Gu Xiyan couldn't help sighing: "Then Mrs. Xu must be very sad!"

Nanny Liu nodded, with regret flashing in her eyes: "It's not just sad, it's crazy. After the uncle died, Mrs. Xu blamed this on a concubine in his house, saying that the concubine's behavior was not frugal. , caused the uncle to suffer from the wind and cold, and forced the concubine to hang himself that night..."

Gu Xiyan's eyes flickered: "Then, where is Qi Yuzhi's mother?"

"You said Grandma." Liu Mama said, "As soon as Grandpa died, she also fell ill and went there without surviving the winter. Because of this, Eldest Young Master grew up with Mrs. Xu in the inner courtyard. It's inconvenient, so I divided the government bill and went there."

While the two were doing things, Gu Xiyan turned the topic to Qi Maosheng: "I heard that the master once fed two white tigers in the Chengxi Courtyard, have you seen it?"

Grandma Liu was upset, and said, "Who said that? I went to the Northwest Camp when I was seven years old, and I can count the days at home all year round on the palm of my hand. How can I have time to raise those! They are raised by the third master secretly. Yes, not only tigers, the third master also raised four sea dongqings, two wild dogs, and ate two hundred catties of meat every day. Checked our cook's accounts..."

In other words, Qi Maosheng used the tiger to scare Liu Ruer...

Gu Xi's face was serious.

The busy days flowed like water, and it was the [-]th of the twelfth lunar month in a blink of an eye.

Mrs. Wei asked people from the sewing team to make clothes for Gu Xiyan and Liu Meier.

The woman who came to measure their height was about [-] years old, she was very ordinary-looking, her ten fingers were rough, and the thimble worn on her index finger was embedded in her flesh, and she said some flattering words without telling the truth. people.During the height measurement, Bao Niang accompanied her all the way, pointing and pointing from time to time, and the woman just followed Bao Niang's words all the time.It may be because of the woman's good attitude, or it may be that the compliment reached Baoniang's heart, and finally Baoniang made a decision, and the original plan to make four sets of clothes for Liu Meier and Gu Xiyan suddenly changed to six sets each. I am so happy with that woman.

The next day, Duke Yan's Mansion began to distribute New Year's money to the servants in each house, just like the current New Year's welfare.Despite this, the people in Huaiyuan still maintained that kind of coldness, and everyone got the monthly case without being surprised.As for Nanny Liu who does not belong to Huaiyuan, she was very happy. She told Gu Xiyan: "After the New Year's Eve dinner and greetings to the wives on the New Year's Eve, there will be red envelopes."

Gu Xiyan remembered Qi Maosheng in her heart, and she didn't know when he would come back for the New Year, even if he came back for the New Year, she didn't know if the two of them would have a chance to talk.

I didn't expect Qi Maosheng, who was so indifferent, to be very popular at home.

(End of this chapter)

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