Value peace

Chapter 106 Parents are short-sighted

Chapter 106 Parents' short stories ([-])

Qi Maosheng walked over lightly.

A huge shadow shrouded Gu Xiyan in it.

She raised her head in a little panic, and saw Qi Maosheng's kind and honest smile.

"Maosheng!" Gu Xiyan's eyes were like bright stars.

Qi Maosheng smiled more cordially.

Gu Xiyan's gaze dimmed.

She remembered what Liu Meier had said about Ye Zisu's back sores during her pregnancy not long ago.

Asking, it seems inappropriate; not asking, and a little bit unwilling.

Gu Xiyan pursed the corners of her lips, a little hesitant.

Qi Maosheng's joy dimmed along with Gu Xiyan's gaze.

Xi Yan suddenly became unhappy.

Could it be Meng Lang, who knew that he... lost his mind after falling in love, and blamed him... Meng Lang...

He suddenly thought of the conversation he had with Ding Zhihan not long ago.

She lost her mother since she was young, and was sent to the countryside of Shuzhou at a young age... When she returned to Shengjing, she was forced to marry by Zuo Xiaoyu and Jiang Xingyou, met her, and was wronged again...

His smile froze on his face, he looked around unnaturally, the corners of his eyes were on the embroidery frame in Gu Xiyan's hand, and he hurriedly found a topic: "Are you embroidering?"

His uneasiness fell into Gu Xiyan's eyes.

A little happy, a little restless, a little sad.

I am happy that my emotions can also affect Qi Maosheng; I am uneasy because I listened to Liu Meier's words and gave him a face to see how I am different from those who talk about him behind his back, which made him feel wronged ; What is sour is my doubts about him.Some things, you have heard with your own ears, or even seen with your own eyes, are not necessarily the truth, let alone the groundless suspicion here.

Gu Xiyan felt ashamed, her face turned red, she lowered her head, and said softly, "Have you eaten yet? Get on the kang soon, it's too cold underground."

Like... what the little daughter-in-law said!
Blushing, are you shy?

Because of the relationship between the two?

Qi Maosheng felt as if he had seen through Gu Xiyan's mind, and all the unhappiness just now was thrown out of the blue, and the feeling of honey and sweetness rushed to his heart again yesterday.

Gu Xiyan was also very happy to see Qi Maosheng smiling, like an iceberg melting, and the cold breath on his body warmed up.

Among lovers, who would like a deserted atmosphere.

Gu Xiyan's smile became even brighter, and her bright eyes were as dazzling as crystals.

She hurriedly moved the place for Qi Maosheng to go to the kang.


Looking at that bright smile, Qi Maosheng's mood also improved, and his gaze on Gu Xiyan became more gentle.

As he said, he took off his coat and got on the kang, picked up the embroidery frame that Gu Xiyan left behind: "I just had dinner... What are you embroidering?"

Gu Xiyan glanced at the embroidery frame held by Qi Maosheng, on which were branches drawn by Liu Meier, she laughed and said, "Embroidered branches."

Qi Maosheng picked it up and held it carefully for a while: "Well, it seems to be a spring branch with green buds."

Gu Xiyan said "Yeah", and took a closer look: "Really! You observe very carefully, I haven't found any green buds next to it."

Qi Maosheng turned his head, the orange light coated Gu Xiyan's flawless white face with a layer of golden light, and the fluff on his forehead could be seen.

Like new petals in spring, pink and tender, faint.

How can someone be so beautiful!
As detailed as a flower.

Qi Maosheng looked at Gu Xiyan with a smile, and there was an unmistakable affection in his eyes, which made the shadows left in Gu Xiyan's heart fade away little by little.

"What did you do today?" Qi Maosheng's tone was serious and concerned.

Gu Xiyan smiled softly: "Well, I didn't do anything, I just learned embroidery from Liu Meier."

"Is it fun?" There was a doting in his tone that he didn't realize.

Gu Xiyan smiled brilliantly, and answered irrelevant questions: "Miss Liu is not only beautiful, she is also very good at embroidery, and she is very good at writing and drawing. She taught me a lot today."

Qi Maosheng said nothing, but nodded with a smile on the corner of his mouth: "That's good!"

Gu Xiyan leaned slightly, her pear-like white face was less than an elbow away from Qi Maosheng's shoulder.She smiled delicately: "What have you done today?"

There is a soft, sweet feminine breath on the face.

Qi Maosheng took a deep breath.Feeling calmer than ever before, he couldn't help touching Gu Xiyan's face.

Spring-like warmth lingers on her temples carefully, with unbelievable pity and love.

This kind of warmth makes people nostalgic.

Gu Xiyan gently turned her head to put her cheek on Qi Maosheng's thick palm, and closed her eyes comfortably.

The long eyelashes, like the wings of a butterfly, fluttered gently, with complete trust, and gently fell into the palm of his hand.

With a gentle heart, Qi Maosheng hugged Gu Xiyan, who was dressed like a cotton ball, in his arms.

Gu Xiyan clung softly to Qi Maosheng's arms, her head resting on Qi Maosheng's chin: "What did you do today?"

Qi Maosheng kissed the top of her head lightly: "It's all very boring things."

There is a certainty in controlling everything in the voice, but there is no complaint or frustration caused by complicated affairs.

Gu Xiyan guessed: "But you like it very much?"

Qi Maosheng was slightly startled.

Even his sibling Qi Xiao would look at him with pity after he was busy all day and all night, only Xiyan said "you like it".He pondered for a moment.Yes, he likes it.He likes the brave man who fights bloody battles without fear and no turning back;he likes...

"Xiyan," Qi Maosheng sighed softly, and kissed the corner of her mouth lovingly: "Yes. I like it very much."

"Well," Gu Xiyan hugged Qi Maosheng tightly, pressed her face against his chest, rubbed against him, and said softly, "Poor Maosheng."

In modern times, Qi Maosheng is a workaholic. Others will say that he is working hard to realize his own life value; unfortunately, in this time and space, everyone will only feel his ambition and destructive power.

Qi Maosheng didn't understand why Gu Xiyan said he was pitiful, but he was amused by the pity in her tone.

"Did you know that a lion that has tasted blood will never eat grass."

She originally meant that once Qi Maosheng tasted the taste of victory, he would be hesitant to give up, and always hoped to stand on the top of the world and look down on all living beings...just like the current social elites!
"He's saying something inexplicable again," Qi Maosheng's big hand penetrated into Gu Xiyan's silky smooth black hair, "Is there something on your mind? Do you want to tell me?"

Gu Xiyan was surprised.

"Every time you have something on your mind, just say something that I don't understand." Qi Maosheng exerted a little force, Gu Xiyan followed her gesture and raised her head, and her entire face appeared in front of Qi Maosheng's eyes.With a manly smell, he slowly approached that pretty face warmly, his lips stopped only a fingertip away from her, and the corners of his eyebrows raised slightly, "Why are you uneasy again this time?"

The mood hidden in the dark corner was suddenly stripped away by this man and exposed to bright light.

Gu Xiyan was embarrassed for a moment.

The more you care about a person, the more carefully you will observe a person's words and deeds... Qi Maosheng, such a blunt person, has such delicate thoughts about her.

There was an emotion that filled her heart to the brim.

Qi Maosheng felt Gu Xiyan's uneasiness, and gently kissed the corner of her lips.

Without lust, without confusion.There is only a little comfort, a little encouragement, a little indulgence, and a gentle kiss on the corner of her mouth.

Gu Xiyan's magnificent facial features slowly unfolded, as brilliant as summer flowers in July, as gorgeous as fireworks in the night, making Qi Maosheng dazzled until he lost his mind, and the bright sunlight was as hot as fire.

She leaned into Qi Maosheng's arms again.

Maosheng always gives her hope when she is disappointed!Always give her credit when she doubts.

Gu Xiyan's determination to go to Yongzhou became firmer.

For this man with a warm embrace, it is worth taking risks!
"What did you say in the letter you wrote to Mrs. Wei?"

"Oh!" Qi Maosheng came back to his senses, "What's wrong, but what did someone say?"

How sensitive!

A cunning flashed in Gu Xiyan's eyes: "Oh, it's Miss Liu!"

There was a smile on the corner of Qi Maosheng's mouth, the corners of his eyes and brows did not move, but the arms holding Gu Xiyan tensed up tightly.

"She said..." Gu Xiyan caressed Qi Maosheng's arm intimately.

Qi Maosheng's voice was low and mellow, as beautiful as a dull cello, but as cold as ice: "What did she say?"

Gu Xiyan raised her head and squinted at him, her eyes shifted, charming to the point of glamour.

Qi Maosheng's body reacted uncontrollably, and his breathing became long and heavy.

Gu Xiyan's hand gently stroked his arm, and said slowly: "She said..."

Qi Maosheng held his breath.

"She said Duan Yingluo didn't look like a maid at all." Gu Xiyan spoke quickly and sat up gracefully.

The bright gaze, like the brightest lamp, illuminates the darkest corner of his heart, making it impossible to hide.

Qi Maosheng's hands were sweating profusely.

Xiyan, what do you know?
Gu Xiyan looked at Qi Maosheng with a smile, "So I had to make up a story for her!"

Qi Maosheng's thinking was a little confused: "What story?"

There was a hint of guilt in his tone.

Gu Xiyan giggled.

Qi Maosheng, take me for a fool and see how I deal with you in the future!
With a smile, she told Qi Maosheng again what she said about Duan Yingluo's accident in front of Liu Meier.

Qi Maosheng was stunned, looking at Gu Xiyan with deep eyes.

The dark eyes were shining with a light that Gu Xiyan didn't understand.

Why do you look at her like that?
This guy is too shrewd, does he know that he is teasing him?

Gu Xiyan suppressed the uneasiness in her heart, and said seriously: "So we have to formulate the words well, otherwise, Mrs. Wei thought I was pretending to be a relative of your family..."

Qi Maosheng held Gu Xiyan's hand tightly: "Xiyan, I didn't write anything in the letter."

Gu Xiyan was slightly taken aback.

"It's just that a girl named Duan Yingluo of the Asura Sect brought a girl named Gu Xiyan to me through the relationship of the Asura Sect. She said she was a relative of the Wei family. I will let Liu Meier bring these two girls together. Go back to the Duke of Yan State in Yongzhou and let her deal with it."

What a coincides!

Qi Maosheng smiled and hugged Gu Xiyan tightly.

There was no prior discussion, and the rhetoric of the two coincided with each other.

(End of this chapter)

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