Create the heavens and the world

Chapter 282 Soul Control

Chapter 282 Soul Control
To Zhou Tianci's disappointment, Montenal didn't stop on the first platform, he brought Zhou Tianci and Caron all the way to the second platform.And the second floor platform is also the same as Zhou Tianci guessed, it is full of high gods, but the strength of those high gods varies.The low breath is not as good as Zhou Tianci, and those tall ones are comparable in strength to Kak.

While Zhou Tianci was observing the surroundings, Caron's eyes were also rolling around. He and Zhou Tianci had the same thoughts.

Montenell took Zhou Tianci and Caron all the way to a quaint palace. There were no guards in the palace, but the surroundings were full of oppressive feelings.Looking into the palace, it seems that there is a special light blooming in it. The light is very soft, but when you get close, you can feel the energy in it.

In the center of the light, a person is sitting upright.

"Montonal has met Lord Nathan!" Montale said respectfully to the people in the palace.

"Monnel, you're not on the first floor, what do you want to see me here?" Nathan's voice came.

"My lord, just now the Black Armored Army sent two mid-gods from the Material Plane. According to the Lord's order, I will hand over these two people to your lord." Montenal said slowly.

"I see. If you stay, you can leave." Nathan didn't seem to like Montenal, so he gave the order to evict the guest after saying a few words.

"Yes, my lord." Montenel lowered his head and gritted his teeth.

After Montenal left, Nathan's eyes turned to Zhou Tianci and Caron.The two hurriedly bowed down, not daring to show any emotion.

"This high god named Nathan is much stronger than Kak. Kak is the pinnacle of a four-star demon, so he is at least a five-star devil." The difficulty of escaping from the army is about the same.

"Are you all from the material plane?" Nathan's voice came.

"Yes, my lord!"

"Being able to cultivate to the middle god in the material plane shows that you have good talents. I hope you can give the Lord a surprise. Luo Pu, come in." Nathan's voice was very calm, as if he would not let go of anything The same in my heart.

After a while, a thin red-haired man came in. He was the Rob that Nathan said.

"Before the lord comes back, you follow Luo Pu. If you have anything, you can ask him. However, you are not allowed to walk around in Mount Amo, otherwise the guards will not show mercy." Nathan said a few words, and let Zhou Tianci They left, and afterward, the gates of the palace were closed again, and all was quiet again.

"Master Luo Pu, please take care of me." Zhou Tianci and Karon both looked at Luo Pu.

Luo Pu smiled heartily, and said: "Don't worry, since Lord Nathan entrusted you to me, I will definitely take care of you. Moreover, you all come from the material plane, and when the Lord comes back, you will definitely become members of Mount Amo a member."

Zhou Tianci asked: "Master Luo Pu, why are we always emphasized that we are from the material plane when we come here? Is there anything special about the middle god from the material plane?"

"Yes." Caron touched the horns on his head with a simple and honest face.

Luo Pu said: "There is nothing special about it... However, becoming an intermediate god on the god plane and the material plane are two different concepts. You must have a deep understanding of the difficulty of cultivating on the material plane. In fact , I was also born in the material plane, and I didn’t come to hell until 10 years ago.”

Zhou Tianci and Caron listened carefully without speaking.

"It took me nearly 20 years to cultivate to the middle god in the material plane, but after only 10 years in hell, I changed from the middle god to the upper god." , the upper god has been able to gain a foothold, "In the entire Mount Amo, I can become the upper god in such a short time, and my cultivation speed can be ranked in the top ten!"

Both Zhou Tianci and Caron nodded in agreement. The cultivation conditions in hell are indeed not comparable to those in the material plane.

"It took 10 years to reach the high god, and Luo Pu's talent doesn't seem to be very good. However, he was able to rank in the top ten on Mount Amo." Zhou Tianci thought to himself, "It's not that Luo Pu's talent is too low, but It’s because I’m so talented.”

"Lord Luo Pu, you mean, Lord Rodners has taken a fancy to the talents of us, the middle gods from the Material Plane?" Caron asked in a naive voice.

"Maybe that's the case, but how can I understand the mind of the Lord." Luo Pu was a warm person, and he didn't feel contemptuous because Zhou Tianci and Kalong were middle gods, and answered the questions of the two of them.

Seeing this, Zhou Tianci and Caron had more problems.

"Lord Luo Pu, with your strength, you are already strong enough to survive in hell, so why don't you leave Mount Amo?" Zhou Tianci discussed with Karon, and finally asked a crucial question.

"Leaving Mount Amo?" Luo Pu was stunned for a moment, and immediately, his face was blank.Immediately afterwards, Luo Pu's attitude changed 180 degrees, and the original enthusiasm became cold.The smile on his face also disappeared.

"You want to leave Mount Amo?" Luo Pu had murderous intent in his eyes.

"No, no, we are just middle gods. Isn't it courting death to leave Mount Amo? It is our luck to be able to take shelter in Mount Amo. How could we leave?" Zhou Tianci and Karon shook their heads again and again.

Hearing this, Luo Pu's killing intent slowly calmed down.But after that, he didn't communicate with Zhou Tianci and them again.

"Caron, your guess is right. Luo Pu's reaction is too abnormal. It is entirely possible that he is being controlled!" Zhou Tianci said to Caron through voice transmission.

"I think so too. When Rhodes comes back, we may also be controlled by him. From then on, we will completely obey him. Even if we become a high god, we still can only guard Mount Amo!" Caron was in a bad mood. Zhou Tianci can fully understand.

"What do you think we should do now?" Zhou Tianci asked.

Caron sighed: "I don't know either. From Ropp's reaction, we can see that Rodnas's control is quite strong. We just said a word, and Ropp's personality completely changed. It can change people. This kind of control must fall on the soul. As far as I know, there are many strong men in hell who are proficient in soul power and can control other people's souls, but that is at least the Shura level, and Rhodes has just reached it. The seven-star demon..."

Zhou Tianci looked at Caron in surprise, he didn't talk much to Caron, but every time Caron surprised him.The other party and he are both from the material plane, but Calon knows more about hell, and he can even guess the control method of Rodnas.

"It seems that Caron's background is not small. Even Huo Dan may not know these things, but he is so clear!"

(End of this chapter)

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