I have a paranoid crown prince

Chapter 237 So Scared

Chapter 237 So Scared (2)

The corners of Fu Qi's mouth twitched. He was about to reach out and throw the little boy out, but when his fingers pinched his neck, Fu Qi suddenly stopped.

Thunder, in fact, a long time ago, she was also afraid.

It's just that at that time she could only cry, she could only cry, but she didn't have a hug to rely on.

After all, he didn't throw the child away, Fu Qi hugged the little thing in his arms tightly, tucked the quilt for him, and said in an unfriendly tone, "Only this time."


Fu Qi rubbed his fingers at the side of the bed, and pressed a certain mechanism beside the bed. The wooden house made a slight sound of the mechanism moving, and the deafening thunder miraculously weakened a lot.

Ye Sibai sniffed, hugged Fu Qi's arm with his paw, and rubbed it contentedly.

It was the first time that he was so close to his most hated female devil.

Unexpectedly, her bed was quite warm.

Also, there is a faint grass scent on the body, which is very pleasant.

Ye Sibai groped on Fu Qi's bed, his heart satisfied like never before, he rubbed Fu Qi's arm: "Sister Qi, I want to hear a story."

It's been a long time since children heard bedtime stories.

In the palace before, his mother told him stories every night.

Fu Qi raised his eyebrows, his eyes teasing: "Do you really want to hear it?"

"I want to hear it, I really want to hear it."

Fu Qi raised the corners of his mouth, lowered his voice, and began to tell him a story in a cold tone, "A long time ago, there was an old mountain village. There was a strange old well in the mountain village. It is said that everyone passing by"

The more Ye Sibai listened, the colder his back felt.

Shouldn't bedtime stories be about beautiful princesses and handsome princes?Why are there mountain villages?And old corpses?

"Stop, stop! Don't tell me!" Ye Sibai kicked her lightly with his short legs, twisted his body to resist, "Bad man, I don't listen to ghost stories!! I don't listen to stories anymore, and I won't listen to them in the future!"

Fu Qi patted his little arm, "That's right, manly man, don't listen to children's fairy tales without IQ."

Ye Sibai flattened his mouth in grievance, he simply couldn't define her with the thinking of a normal woman!He obviously looks only sixteen or seventeen years old, but he does things in all sorts of strange ways.

No more words, Ye Sibai still hugged Fu Qi's left arm tightly, accidentally rubbing against the black wristband on her left wrist, Fu Qi frowned slightly, but didn't say anything.

One big and one small hugged and lay down for a while, but they didn't feel sleepy.

After all, Ye Sibai was a child, restless in his bones, he rubbed and groped under Fu Qi's blanket, groping here and there, extremely excited.

After a while, Ye Sibai suddenly asked curiously: "Seventh sister, why do you grow this too? It's bulging, I think many girls have grown it."

Fu Qi:.
Children, do you have a lot of question marks?
This is my chest.

But the other party was only a five-year-old child, and Fu Qi didn't bother to argue with him, so he pushed away his wriggling hands and paws: "You will know later."

Unexpectedly, Ye Sibai's eyes widened suddenly, and he also touched his shriveled chest: "Will I grow two little buns here in the future?"

Fu Qi flickered expressionlessly: "Of course, everyone grows."

Ye Si Bai was very surprised, couldn't help but wanted to touch Fu Qi's "little bun", but was slapped back by Fu Qi.

Ye Sibai snorted softly, rubbed his aching paw, and said in a low voice, "Your buns are so small. When I was in the palace, their buns were all bigger than yours."

(End of this chapter)

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