Your Majesty, please come quickly

Chapter 616 Why not do it?

Chapter 616 Why not do it?
Anyway, the person has already been offended, so just say something straight.

Big deal, she will stay in her own small yard from now on, hiding and not coming out, let's see what she can do.

However, you can't say too much.

At least, she couldn't make He Xinyan feel that Qi Shuya wanted to help her get rid of the crime.

"Of course, you came here not long ago, and you haven't heard what you said before, so it's normal to have a little difference in your judgment."

"But to be honest, I never thought that you didn't mean to cover up He Xinyan. I think you're quite fair about this."

First hit a stick, and then give a sweet date.

It is one thing not to be afraid of offending Qi Shuya, but if she offends Qi Shuya and makes He Xinyan be grateful to her, and finally makes herself hated by both of them, then the loss outweighs the gain.

Anyway, if you praise her a few words, you won't lose anything.As long as you don't admit the crime she gave Ann, that's fine.

"Okay, even if it's like you said, the whole thing was started by He Meiren. But you two really didn't say anything back?"

"Of course, I'm not saying that you have to endure being scolded. But in front of so many people, it's really unseemly for the three of you to bicker."

Qi Shuya was very angry at Xilan's previous words, but they found out the reasons for her and said that she was fair. If she persisted, she would appear petty.

If she wants to sit in the queen's seat, she can't let the emperor feel that she is a person who can't calm down.

Now that Yan Xilan has already taken a step back, she will not care about her for the time being.

A sentence of "improper" should be regarded as a reproach, and it is enough to say it to them.

"Since Shuya has already made up her mind, why don't you just talk about it?" Ling Zimo, who has been under the "threat" of his own wife, really doesn't want to listen to Qi Shuya's nonsense.

He just wanted her to offend He Xinyan quickly, so that he could go back and confess to his wife.

Hearing her cousin tell herself to draw a conclusion, Qi Shuya couldn't help but beam with joy.

It stands to reason that she is a mere fifth-rank concubine, and she is not qualified to make irresponsible remarks in front of high-ranking concubines.

This kind of right to speak is at least qualified for those who are above the concubine position, or those who occupy the position of the master of the sixth house.

The emperor asked her to handle this matter today and asked her to give her opinions. Does that mean...he is investigating her?
Investigate... Does she have the ability to decide things in the harem?Or... to examine whether she has the ability and bearing that a queen should have?

Joy flashed through my heart.

Almost while suppressing the joy in her heart, she immediately said, "He Meiren should be severely punished for her behavior in the harem."

"My concubine suggested that she should be punished for three months and copy the "Women's Commandments" ten times to be vigilant to herself."

"As for Yan Cairen and Mu Changzai, although they are passive, they will lose the royal face by acting like this in public."

"According to my concubine, go back and think about it behind closed doors for two days, and re-read "The Commandments for Women."

The plan Qi Shuya drew up was completely business-like.

Even though Xilan contradicted her just now, she didn't give her more punishment for it.

What she did was to show her generosity like Ling Zimo.

At the same time, Mu Wanzhi's cowardice, Yan Xilan's ignorance, and He Xinyan's outspokenness can also bring out her own perfection.

It is full of benefits, why not do it?
(End of this chapter)

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