Your Majesty, please come quickly

Chapter 311 You want to be beautiful!

Chapter 311 You want to be beautiful!

The same sentence may be interpreted differently by different people.

And Ling Zimo's words just now fell into Xilan's ears, and after passing through her mind, it took another meaning as a matter of course.

She thought he was referring to the incident of "she hugged him tightly while sleeping and tore his clothes off".

In fact, according to her thinking, it is somewhat reasonable.

First of all, everyone in the palace knew that His Majesty the Emperor had a slight obsession with cleanliness, he didn't like to have too much contact with others, even his concubines were no exception.

This point was confirmed by his brother Tang Jin.Tang Jin clearly pointed out that his junior brother was innocent and had never slept with any woman.

Of course, except for her behavior of lying down and sleeping together.

But the fact is undeniable, except for He Xinyan that time, he really never asked anyone to sleep with him.At least, not as far as she knew.

Secondly, from the perspective of the public's way of thinking, he was sleeping soundly, and then she suddenly hugged him, shaking his habit and tearing his clothes.Anyone will be unhappy, right?

So, under his coercion and the condemnation of her own conscience, she obediently admitted her mistake and said, "I'm all to blame for this matter. I'm the one who upset you. I'm sorry."

The person whose expression softened because of her apology, but because of her next words, his expression returned to cold.That stunning face even had a tendency to be covered with ice.

"How about..." After thinking for a while, she said, "Should I sleep on the floor?"

She also raised this opinion last time, but he said no, so she didn't mention it again.But now, things have changed...

At that time, she thought that these actions would not affect his rest, but it turned out that it was only a general situation before.People always have bad luck. For example, she accidentally pressed his arm last night and woke him up...

It's not a problem that it always affects his rest.He has worked very hard during the day, and he must have a good rest at night.

So, she once again put forward this opinion for his sake.

It stands to reason that he would most likely agree to this proposal, after all, his displeasure was not a lie.Even if you disagree, you must still express your attitude lightly like last time.

But his performance was unexpected, even shocking...

"Impossible!" Ling Zimo gritted his teeth, "You insisted on hugging me to sleep, and you ripped off the clothes. You want to leave after taking advantage of it? You have a good idea!"

After finishing speaking, he got out of bed and put on his clothes, and when Xilan was dumbfounded, he finished dressing and washing.

Seeing that she still has no repentance for such a long time, the emperor's domineering temper finally came up.

"Hmph!" After an angry snort, he slammed the door and left.

"Touch!" The sound of the door colliding brought Xilan back to his senses, who was still in shock.God came back, but her mouth, which was opened due to shock, could not be closed for a long time.

The development of the matter seems to have completely deviated from her expectations.Also, what does it mean to "want to leave when the advantage is over"?
She didn't want to leave, if possible, she also wanted to sleep with the beauty every night.But obviously, he is the one who is upset... She is also thinking about him.

"Ling Zimo's heart is the sea needle." This is absolutely true!

He was the one who made fun of her, he was the one who said it was a trivial matter, he was the one who was unhappy, and he was the one who lost his temper!
(End of this chapter)

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