Chapter 55
After kicking down an unknown number of lunatics who coveted the beauty of Xue's sisters, Lie Yang couldn't bear it anymore and led the two of them into a clothing store by the side of the road.

When the three of them came out of the clothing store, the two sisters behind both put on thick hooded cloaks.

Immediately, I felt that the world was much quieter, and Lie Yang really expressed his satisfaction.

Walking down the steps, Lie Yang really raised his head, facing the person across from him.

Lie Yang really opened his eyes and saw the face of the visitor, his pupils shrank, it was him!

That young man, with black hair and snow skin, has an appearance and temperament like ice and snow, even in the street market where people come and go, he can be seen at a glance amidst the glitz and hustle and bustle.

Lie Yang could clearly see that there were a few women around that man quietly looking at him and blushing.

Lie Yang really likes beauties, this is something that the whole Donghua knows.

But this beauty, what Lie Yang is really curious about is not his appearance.Rather, Nanqi's Second Prince, what is the purpose of coming to the Sunset Mountains?
Xiao Qi seemed to sense something, and turned his head to look this way.Lie Yang really looked away before he could see, and turned to greet the Xue sisters to leave, just in time to see Xue Hun's reddish cheeks.

She sneered, and sure enough, no matter what time it is, it is an eternal truth that the world loves beauty.

Xiao Qi looked at the backs of the three leaving in the distance, and frowned slightly. Just now, there was an inexplicable sense of familiarity. Looking carefully, the backs had already disappeared into the vast crowd.

He turned around and left in the opposite direction without hesitation.

Back at the hotel, after Lie Yangzhen left a messenger talisman for the Xue sisters, he let them leave.She has stayed here for a long time, and she has found out all the information that should be inquired, so it is meaningless to stay here any longer.

In the early morning of the next day, Lie Yang really packed up, and after paying the bill at the hotel, he walked into the Sunset Mountain Range.

Not long after she left, a big man squatting at the door of the hotel also quietly left.

"Hey!" The sound of a sharp weapon piercing into flesh.

This is the first monster that Lie Yang has dealt with. The Sunset Mountain Range is indeed a paradise for predators, whether it is for warriors or monsters.

Lie Yang really felt an unspeakable joy. Although her military career in her previous life was short, she fell in love with the feeling of fighting for life and death.

Revisiting it now gave her a long-lost sense of excitement.

After skilled peeling and fire cleaning, a simple grill was ready in less than a quarter of an hour.

What Lie Yangzhen is doing now is a life skill necessary for living in the jungle - barbecue.

Time passed slowly, and when Lie Yang was really roasting the meat, the sun in the sky was only the last bit of warm yellow, fog began to form in the woods, the surroundings gradually darkened, and there were occasional sounds of monsters in the distance. Howl.

The most dangerous night in the Sunset Mountains has arrived.

Lie Yang really ate the last bite of barbecue in his hand, and added a few logs of firewood to the fire. The fire was lit at night, not only to keep warm, but also to effectively prevent some monsters from attacking.

The place where Lie Yangzhen rested tonight was backed by a smooth stone wall. At that time, Lie Yangzhen had carefully selected it for a long time, and finally chose this place.

Because once such a terrain encounters an attack, at least it can avoid the enemy from the front and back.

The accident happened when Lie Yangzhen finished eating the barbecue and went to the stream next to him to clean up.

Some scholars once studied that when a warrior is most relaxed, there is an option of when he is full and full.

At the moment when Lie Yanzhen lowered his head, three black lights struck silently and quickly, pointing directly at Lie Yangzhen's neck, sea of ​​Qi and lower body respectively.

At this time, no matter whether it is retreating or going to the left and right, it just hits the edge of the knife.

Then there is only one place to go forward.

(End of this chapter)

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