Chapter 956 Bless you

Chapter 980 bless you
"What's more, "The Man in the Play" has not yet been released, and the filming has not yet been completed. If the actor of the movie becomes notorious, it will also damage the movie. Your video is not released at this time, so, at present The best way is to announce that I am with your brother." Ji Shuoming analyzed with reason.

"Nangong Mochen, if you love me, just announce it directly with me on Weibo. Not only will it help Xiaobai divert his attention, but it will also tell the world that I am yours." Ji Shuoming sat on the hospital bed with his head sideways facing each other. said the man next to him.

Nangong Mochen was still a little embarrassed and hesitant.

At this time, Ji Shuoming spoke again, "Don't forget, there are too many people chasing me. If you don't have the courage to announce that you are together with me, then I will break up now."

Seeing that Ji Shuoming was already angry, Nangong Mochen had no choice but to compromise.

Nangong Mochen looked fondly at Ji Shuoming on the hospital bed, "Will this wrong you?"

Ji Shuoming shook his head, "I can't always let Xiaobai stand in front of me and bear the abuse for me. I have also left the entertainment industry now, and even if I come back, I will only sing and do nothing."

"Moreover, announcing that I am with you will not only solve Xiaobai's current problem, but also benefit me. After all, I have disclosed my sexual orientation on Weibo a year ago. If I announce that I am with you, those who Netizens and black fans will not continue to blackmail me and deliberately sell rot." Perhaps to dispel Nangong Mochen's concerns, Ji Shuoming explained again.

Nangong Mochen was a little loose, but he still hesitated. He didn't want his sister to be hurt, but he didn't want Ji Shuoming to be abused either.

Even if Ji Shuoming made this request himself, he didn't want to agree.

Seeing that Nangong Mochen was still a little hesitant, Ji Shuoming decided to use strong medicine, "Do you still want to see those people on the Internet put me together with Tang Yujin and Shangguan Yuanfeng, and write fanfics with them?"

"Okay! Announce!" Nangong Mochen said immediately. He blamed himself for missing Ji Shuoming for more than ten years. He was naturally very angry at Tang Yujin and Shangguan Yuanfeng for hurting the person he liked. How could he tolerate it? My lover is tied up with them.

Gu Xiaobai wanted to stop it, but Ji Shuoming resolutely decided what to do.

Ji Shuoming held Nangong Mochen's hand and took a picture, then logged into his Weibo, and began to post such a Weibo——

[Ji Shuoming] I have experienced countless deaths, this time I am the closest to death, thank Xiaobai for always being by my side when I am in crisis, and also thank someone for taking good care of me in the ward for half a month, just like when I was a child, Lighted a ray of light in the dark night, making me feel warm. @南宫门气余生 Let's support and grow old together. //Attach a photo of two people holding hands.

Although Ji Shuoming quit the entertainment circle, his Weibo fans have exceeded 5000 million, and he rarely updates Weibo once. Therefore, his Weibo has always been paid special attention by fans, who want to know his movements as soon as possible.

It has been a few months since the last time he posted on Weibo, and fans have been waiting "unbearable hunger and thirst", so when his Weibo was released, all the fans were shocked and clicked on it one after another. The first time they knew what their idol had posted, what they didn't expect was that what they saw was the idol publicly announcing their love affair.

 The little angel who recommended the ticket will thank you tomorrow. The stupid author has had diarrhea for another day. He still wants to have diarrhea at this time, so he can't continue to watch in the background. Good night everyone.Also pay attention to the body.


(End of this chapter)

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