Chapter 691 Still Injured

Chapter 710 The third is still injured
In other cabins, many people have already felt fear. They are deeply afraid that this is the last time they live in this world, and it is the last moment of their lives. Therefore, at this moment, they send a message to their dearest people Text messages, they began to bid farewell to the world, they waited for death to come.

However... They waited for a long time, but they still haven't waited for the arrival of the god of death!

They are getting more and more restless!

While the passengers on the entire plane were restless, at this time, another voice came from the plane's broadcasting room——

"Gentlemen and ladies, we have been rescued! Just now, Jing Shengchen, the number one power in the imperial capital, and Gu Xiaobai, the international actress grand slam, together defeated the hijackers!"

"Gentlemen and ladies, the plane has set sail normally and is about to arrive at the imperial capital of China. Please maintain a good attitude and welcome the embrace of the motherland!"


The two broadcasts directly reassured the passengers on the plane.

These passengers also breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly sent text messages to tell their families that they were rescued and would soon arrive at the imperial capital.


The passengers on the plane experienced all kinds of emotions from death to new life, from resignation to hope, and so did their family members in Huaguo.

Their children asked for help on Weibo, looking for flight information, and also contacted the airline company.

The airline company also contacted and talked with the people on the plane, and when they learned that the plane had indeed been hijacked, they posted an announcement on Weibo and asked netizens to pray for the safety of the passengers on the plane.

The airline company sent the names and messages of the passengers on the entire flight. At this moment, they don’t care if the privacy is leaked. They hope that everyone can pray and that the relatives of the passengers on the plane can keep in touch with the passengers.

When the list was released, many netizens discovered that there were Jing Shengchen and Gu Xiaobai on the list. When the fans of these two saw it, their hearts were lifted.

Originally, their fans didn't believe it, thinking they had the same name and surname.

.However, the airlines don't know whether it was intentional or unintentional, and whether their purpose is to cause panic?It was indeed Gu Xiaobai and Jing Shengchen who replied directly to the netizens.

The fans of Jing Shengchen and Gu Xiaobai couldn't believe it. They didn't expect their idols to actually be on the plane. was hard for them to accept.

So many people started to retweet and start praying!
This matter is getting bigger and bigger on the Internet!
The homepage of Weibo is reposting the airline's Weibo, and they are all praying for the passengers on the plane.

However, it didn't take long for the airline to post several Weibo posts——

[Airline]: Good news!The passengers on the XXXX flight were all unharmed, they were all rescued, and the people who saved them were the first young master of the imperial capital and Gu Xiaobai.

[Airline]: In a few minutes, the plane will land at the Imperial Capital Airport.


As soon as these two Weibo posts came out, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, as long as everyone was fine, fans of Jing Shengchen and Gu Xiaobai were sincerely proud when they found out that their idol had saved the entire passenger on the plane.

Jing Shengchen is the most powerful young man in the imperial capital, and his strength is obvious to all netizens, but... But, it is hard to believe that such a thin girl like Gu Xiaobai can still defeat the hijacker. .

However, Gu Xiaobai's fans directly found a video of Gu Xiaobai beating up a military training instructor at Imperial University not long ago to prove that she does have this ability.

(End of this chapter)

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