Hidden marriage favor: the queen's wife, want to hug

Chapter 509 Recording Songs [3 More]

Chapter 509 Recording Songs [3 More]

Before Ruo Jingxing opened his mouth, Gu Xiaobai said first, "Where is the exaggeration? Some women are even more vicious, marrying with the child of their first love, let others like to be a father, and even after marriage, they will be patient." Can't stop, hook up three times, hook up four times, and have a basket of lovers."

Murong Sitong was stunned for a moment, not knowing how to answer.

However, she then said with a smile, "I guess that man also has problems, otherwise how could this wife do such a thing."

"It's a woman who doesn't feel ashamed, like a dang/wife." Gu Xiaobai said casually after taking a bite of Jing Shengchen's peeled egg.

Murong Sitong was speechless for a moment.

After Gu Xiaobai finished drinking the millet porridge in the bowl, he washed his face again, and said to Ruo Jingxing and Ji Shuoming, "Have you two finished eating?"

Ruo Jingxing and Ji Shuoming also put down their chopsticks, there are important things to do today.

Gu Xiaobai took Ruojingxing and Ji Shuoming to find Dai Yujun again, this time to record a song, but Jing Shengchen was left at Chu's house by Chu Boyu.

This time, the three of them still walked.

When she came to look for Dai Yujun again, when she reached the door, Gu Xiaobai still stopped, and the miserable scenes of her previous life played back in her mind.

Her heart began to throb, but she still dared not knock on the door that was close at hand with her outstretched hand.

Seeing this, Ji Shuoming knocked on the door himself, looked at Gu Xiaobai with some worry in his eyes and said, "What's wrong?"

Gu Xiaobai shook his head, sorted out his emotions, and said softly, "It's okay."

Soon Dai Yujun came out and opened the door. He was very happy to see Gu Xiaobai and the three of them.

"Xiaobai is here? Have you had breakfast yet?" He stretched out his hand and took Gu Xiaobai's hand, treating her as his own granddaughter and said, "Your grandma cooked soy milk by herself today, you must drink it later. "

He turned his head to Ji Shuoming and Ruo Jingxing and said, "You two want to drink too."

Soon, the three of them came to the room.

The old grandma had already made soy milk, and she made a big bowl for each of the three of them. Even though Gu Xiaobai and the others had just finished breakfast, seeing the old grandma busily busy, she looked at herself lovingly. They also drank soy milk.

After drinking the soy milk, it was time to discuss the lyrics.

Dai Yujun stayed up all night and finally wrote the lyrics. However, he would not tell Gu Xiaobai about staying up all night.

He put the lyrics in front of Gu Xiaobai, smiled, and said, "This is the full version of the lyrics, take a look, is there anything that needs to be changed?"

Gu Xiaobai read it carefully, shook his head, and said, "Grandpa's writing is very good, there is no need to change it."

Dai Yujun smiled, his phoenix eyes were full of pride, he was praised by his elders just like a child.

Gu Xiaobai smiled, "This lyrics should be the most abusive lyrics in the beginning of the year. However, I hope that this lyrics, this song, can become a representative work in the Chinese music scene, let it go out of China, and let the world know about us Huaguo's music is also unique!"

Dai Yujun was very satisfied.

The Huaguo music scene has been in depression for many years. Foreign countries have always looked down on the Huaguo music scene.

Gu Xiaobai wanted to make this song a masterpiece of Huaguo music scene, and he was really happy.

"This song is an ancient style, and the music is naturally integrated into the unique musical instruments of our country, such as guzheng, flute, Xiao, erhu, etc." Gu Xiaobai said solemnly.

(End of this chapter)

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