flower protector

Chapter 982 Rules Appear

Chapter 982 Rules Appear
After listening to Xuan Qing's explanation, Li Tianci understood a little bit, but he could never get a real understanding from the words of the people unless he experienced it himself.

"Then I'm lucky enough to realize that, why did I collect it in such a way in the end, did I directly use the Small World to collect it?" Li Tianci finally asked.

"First of all, you can only comprehend one rule. If you are too greedy, your Lin Hun's body will collapse at the same time. This is absolutely unfeasible. As for the collection problem, you don't have to worry about it. As long as you comprehend the power of the rule, then you can You can take it away in any way, but in fact it is just a copy, the real rules of heaven and earth cannot be taken away by you." Xuan Qing said.

"Copy? I think I understand a little bit!" Li Tianci said after listening to Xuan Qing's words, after pondering for a while.

"It's good if you understand, then go, remember not to be greedy, even if you enter one meter more, you may never get out!" Xuan Qing was more relieved to see Li Tianci like this, and finally gave another stern warning .

"I know Master, but I want to know, is the final result of entering inside absolutely being strangled?" Li Tianci nodded.

"Strangling on the spot is the greatest possibility, and another possibility is to be drawn into the space crack, so that you will drift in the space crack and never find your way back. Of course, there is also an extremely low probability of encountering other space cracks and going to other spaces. It's just that it's impossible to return to the world of comprehension or the earth!" Xuan Qing said.

"How long can a person survive in the space crack?" Li Tianci asked immediately.

"It's hard to say. If you don't encounter the space wind blade, you can live to starve to death or run out of lifespan. If you are unlucky and encounter the space wind blade, you may be strangled on the spot." Xuan Qing said.

"Master knows so clearly?" Li Tianci raised his eyebrows and asked.

"Of course, I have been involved in a space crack before, but I was lucky. I encountered another space crack and returned to the realm of comprehension." Xuan Qing said.

"In this way, all space equipment can be used in it? If I am involved, can the small world be used?" Li Tianci finally asked.

"This... space equipment can be used at will, and the small world should be fine too, but don't be adventurous just because of this!" Xuan Qing would definitely frown if she was outside now, feeling that Li Tianci was a bit adventurous.

"Master I know, I'm just in case, now I'm approaching, and I'm moving within a hundred meters of the edge of the void!" Li Tianci said quickly, although he had a momentary heartbeat, But in order not to put himself in danger, he still dismissed this thought.

Xuan Qing felt that he had already said what he had to say, as for what Li Tianci would do, it was still up to him.

"Xiao Ling, just wait here for me. After all, you can't help me with this matter." Seeing that Xuan Qing had no explanation, Li Tianci said to Zhou Ling with a trace of apology. Zhou Ling may be able to help, but it is not necessary now, Zhou Ling will still be in danger by her side, and I have to be distracted from taking care of her.

"Okay, I'll wait for you here. Don't take risks lightly. If you leave my sight, I will follow you in." Zhou Ling understood the truth very well, knowing that her presence would distract Li Tianci.

Li Tianci nodded, somewhat regretting not keeping Zhou Ling in the small world at that time, but now it is impossible to let her go back, and the space equipment is restricted again here.

After explaining to Zhou Ling, Li Tianci took the Wuyao pill furnace out of the storage bag, thought for a while, and gave Zhou Ling a stack of talismans, telling her to hide her body for protection whenever there was an abnormality here. be yourself.

"Don't worry, basically no one comes here, and I'm not made of mud!" Zhou Ling knew that Li Tianci was worried about her own safety, and felt a little moved and helpless. God-sent, I became a weak person who needs to be protected again, obviously I am a level higher than him!

Li Tianci smiled slightly, and then approached the void with the Wuyao Pill Stove. The closer he got, the more Li Tianci could feel that mysterious sense of crisis.

After hundreds of meters, Li Tianci's body entered the edge of the void. After entering, Li Tianci felt the heaviness of his body. Obviously, the pressure here was different from the outside. Gray air currents blew past him, making Li Tianci feel a sense of heaviness. Tianci felt a tingling pain.

It was only a few meters away, and the edge area was more than 200 meters away. After [-] meters, the sight was a little blurry. The gray foggy sky over there made Li Tianci feel a little daunted, but fortunately, he was not ready to go in.

Continuing forward to the edge of the dense fog, Li Tianci stopped his steps. At this time, he had released the Wuyao Dan furnace and jumped in. The pressure around him made it difficult for him to move. It would be very dangerous to avoid it if there was danger. .

"Now we can only wait here, and I hope we have better luck!" Li Tianci lowered the periphery of the alchemy furnace a little, and sat inside like this, watching forward, praying constantly in his heart.

The gray area ahead is not static, but ever-changing, undercurrents are constantly surging, and from time to time, a flash of lightning-like light flows in it.

Li Tianci stared at those lights and observed. He knew that if the power of rules appeared, those lights would fluctuate in distance, because the power of rules is greater than everything else, and these spatial turbulences would avoid the rules.

Li Tianci couldn't use his perception, so Li Tianci could only stare at him without blinking. After a long time, Li Tianci also felt his eyes a little sore, but he didn't dare to relax in the slightest. Use mental power to contact, and you will swim away soon.

It seems that there is no danger in waiting like this, but in fact Li Tianci can clearly feel that the Wuyao Pill Stove will vibrate every once in a while, proving that he has been attacked, but they are all blocked by the Wuyao Pill Stove. This is also in the edge area. If it is even five meters forward, it will definitely be a different situation. After all, the protection of the Wuyao Dan furnace has a limit.

As time passed, Li Tianci became less focused than before even though he didn't find anything abnormal for a long time. In this way, his eyes could have some rest, and he could even observe more about the nothingness around him. up.

After watching it for a long time, I have been paying attention to the appearance of the power of rules from time to time. Unfortunately, it is really difficult for this power of rules to appear in marginal areas. After waiting for half an hour, the nothingness is still the same, and nothing can be seen abnormal.

Li Tianci was prepared in his heart, so he was not in a hurry. The only person who was a little worried was Zhou Ling outside.

Fortunately, Zhou Ling outside could vaguely see Li Tianci's shadow, otherwise, if ten years were too long, Zhou Ling might really rush in rashly.

An hour passed, and Li Tianci was still sitting upright, two hours, three hours... In a flash, eight hours passed. Although Li Tianci did not lose his patience, he was somewhat discouraged, and he did not know how long he would have to wait like this.

Just when Li Tianci's mood changed, suddenly there was an abnormal change in the void in front of him. The space gap that was originally free and uncertain suddenly separated to the two sides, and even the muddy gray space appeared blank, which made Li Tianci's spirit fierce. Shocked, what I have been waiting for for a long time is finally coming!
Ten seconds later, the blank area expanded to an area of ​​more than ten square meters, and a silver illusory light and shadow swam from a distance, and the blank space in front of him would continue to expand as he continued to think about swimming ahead.

"Come closer, come closer!"

Li Tianci saw that the illusory power of rules was still more than 30 meters away from him, and he kept praying in his heart. This distance was blocked by gray fog. Although his eyesight was very strong, the gray fog in the void seriously affected line of sight.

If this is the beginning of observation, it will definitely affect the effect seriously, and the penetration of spiritual power is required for observation. At such a long distance, the release of spiritual power in the void is also very limited. If you can get closer to about ten meters, it is the best distance.

Originally, it was a great luck to meet the power of rules in the edge area in less than ten hours, but now the prayer did not work in the end. The power of rules began to turn in parallel at a distance of more than 20 meters from the edge area. Swimming to the side, if there is no accident, it will definitely not swim to the edge but swim back to the depths of nothingness.

"No, I can't just give up like this. The distance is only more than ten meters. There shouldn't be a big problem of ten meters!" Li Tianci made a decision after hesitating for just two seconds. He had to advance about 15 meters into the void.

Just do it when you think of it, but before that, Li Tianci still tried to let his mental power connect with the power of the rule, lest it run away before he reached the predetermined position.

Originally, Li Tianci's position was at the edge of the void, and his mental power would be hindered to a certain extent. Fortunately, his mental power was very strong, and the impact was not great when released, but when he penetrated into the real void, Only then did Li Tianci discover that the spiritual power in this gray area was as slow as entering a quagmire. If it was replaced by a normal golden core stage, even those with better mental power would still struggle to move forward.

After Li Tianci felt the hindrance of mental power, he immediately increased the output of mental power. This time, the speed was a little faster. Fortunately, the distance of more than ten meters is not very far, and the distance of more than 30 meters, although the power of rules is swimming, but It is moving sideways, so there is still a little time, as long as you don't turn around and swim back, you will have a chance.

"Don't turn around, it must be effective!" Li Tianci was distracted, he controlled the Lich Pill Furnace to move himself into the void, and prayed, and finally the spiritual power and the power of rules came into contact.

Li Tianci only felt his mental power suddenly shaken, and even the villain of Yuanshen shook, and opened his eyes instantly, a pair of small eyes with yin and yang colors shone brightly, and the output of mental power was increased again!
Li Tianci was also quite shocked in his heart, just a single contact had caused such a huge shock to his mental power.

(End of this chapter)

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