Chapter 511
As night fell, the city of Huining gradually became quiet, only the sound of cold wind and some dogs barking could be heard around the street, as if the whole city had already left, not a single one was left.

"My lord, it's almost time!" Darkwood went out to check the situation for a while, and came back excitedly: "There are not many people in all the streets, and the guards at the gate of the city are only half of the daytime, which is why we left. opportunity.

"Okay!" Yelu Qingcang sat in a wheelchair, looked at the dark night sky with a gloomy expression, and said: "According to the plan, when we leave later, a small group of people will be left to set fire along the way, and burn this city of Huining, so that we can go back to the city of Huining." mess everything up."

"Subordinates understand that the fire oil is ready! My lord, please—"

Anmu bowed down, helped Yelu Qingcang into a wheelchair, and ordered those who set the fire to get ready, and when the fireworks in the eastern suburbs started to set off, they set fires everywhere to create chaos, and took the opportunity to rush out of Huining City.

However, when they were all ready and waiting for the time to come, they suddenly heard the sound of uniform footsteps coming in unison on the street outside in the dark night.

"what's the situation?"

Everyone's hearts were raised immediately, and someone was ordered to go out quietly to investigate.I saw torches lighting up one after another on the street, and groups of black-armored soldiers poured out from the houses on the side of the road, at least thousands of them.They came from all directions and surrounded the mansion. Every soldier held a strange black guy in his arms.

"It's a soldier, how is it possible? Hurry up and retreat into the inner courtyard, hurry up..." This situation frightened most of the people who were about to leave.

At this moment, there was a faint roar, and the sky in the east of Huining City suddenly turned red, and countless extremely gorgeous fireworks exploded on the dark blue sky, dispersing into a dazzling splendor.

At the same time, all the black-armored soldiers on the street moved at the same time. They rushed towards the house shouting in unison. The black guys in their hands emitted strange lights of fire and the sound of exploding firecrackers.Those flames seemed to be invincible, even the thick door panels couldn't stop them a few times. The killers of Baishamen and Yelu Qingcang's people fell down quickly one after another like harvested vegetables in front of them.

"They have firearms in their hands, they must be firearms." Both Anmu and Yelu Qingcang have seen the power of Xiao Qian's firecracker team, and they know that no matter how good their martial arts are, they can only escape when facing such a heaven-defying thing. It is a dead end.

They gave up the idea of ​​breaking out in an instant, and desperately took advantage of the obstacles of the houses and organs to hide in the secret room.

However, the strange thing is that the other party seems to know the secret path mechanism here very well, so he chased after him very quickly, and the mechanism doors were opened within a few breaths of time.

"No, they know the agency, if there is a traitor, there must be a traitor!"

Anmu suddenly realized, he roared, protecting Yelu Qingcang with red eyes, and glared at the rest of the guards angrily at the sudden situation.

Those people were swept away by his hungry wolf-like eyes, and their legs immediately weakened. Someone screamed: "It's not me, I didn't betray the Lord."

There were also people who were silent and stared blankly, as if they were in extreme panic and hadn't reacted yet.

Facing dozens of attacks from the black-armored soldiers outside, some people with trembling legs dropped their weapons and ran out, shouting: "I surrender, I won't fight anymore, please forgive me!" I..."

Morale is frustrated, and the opponent has both weapons and numbers. The current situation is overwhelmingly overwhelming.It's like a pack of wolves preying on a flock of sheep. It's a kind of slaughter without any suspense. Whether it's hiding or hiding, the sheep can't last long.

"My lord, don't worry, my subordinates will swear to protect your safety." Anmu led a group of guards, desperately carrying Yelu Qingcang's wheelchair and ran wildly.

Yelu Qingcang's joy of escaping from Huining City was suddenly crushed into the mud.

Only now did he understand: Xiao Qian didn't move him before because he didn't trust Baishamen or didn't know where he was, but because he was concerned about the people in the city, he deliberately set up this situation.

He is the Zuoxian King of Beirong, and Dayu's eighth son-in-law. No matter what his status is, if he is publicly killed in Huining City, it will probably cause trouble for Xiao Qian.

Transferring the people away in this way and killing him quietly, not only will not accidentally hurt Lao Baixin, but also deliberately conceal the news of his death, and then make a big fuss.

"No, I don't want to die. I shouldn't die. I shouldn't die here!" Seeing the soldiers' attack getting closer and fewer guards around him, Yeluqing was cornered. Cangmu's canthus was about to split, and he roared angrily, "Bring Liu Qianqian here."

"Quickly, pull that woman over."

Liu Qianqian had been held hostage by them for a long time, and was dragged to Yelu Qingcang's side within a few minutes.

She seemed to be terrified, her whole bun fell apart, her face was covered with disheveled hair like a lunatic, and she screamed all the way: "Help me, I am the eldest wife of the palace, the sister-in-law of the son of the world, you can't kill me!" I, help-"

"Dead woman!" Anmu pulled Liu Qianqian, covered her mouth, and pressed a dagger on her neck, and shouted: "The young lady of your palace is in my hands, who dares to kill her?" Get close, and I'll kill her immediately!"

"It's the young lady. The young lady has been missing for a long time, and I didn't expect to be here."

"The son and the concubine have been looking for the young lady."

After seeing clearly that Anmu's hand had indeed caught a woman, many of the black-armored soldiers who had already attacked in front of him chose to stop by coincidence. The two sides formed a confrontational situation.

"Yelu Qingcang, let that woman go, I'll leave you a whole body!" Amidst the silence, just as Yelu Qingcang was considering how to break out with Liu Qianqian as a hostage, Xiao Qian's lazy voice came from outside.


The surrounded black-clothed soldiers took the initiative to slowly make way for the two sides. Under Yelu Qingcang's angry eyes that almost burned people, and under the illumination of countless torches, Xiao Qian was wearing a very brand new and bright royal blue brocade robe. , wearing a snow-white fox fur cloak.The whole person was clean and rich, as if he had just walked out of a banquet in the imperial palace. With leisurely steps, Shi Shiran walked in front of the crowd.

He looked at Yelu Qingcang, who was sitting in a wheelchair, like a lost dog, in a mess.Xiao Qian gracefully raised his hand to support the jade crown on his head, brushed away a strand of hair on his forehead with his fair and slender fingers, and straightened his appearance a bit.

Then his pair of phoenix eyes as deep and black as bright as the stars in the night sky showed a hint of sarcasm, and he pretended to be surprised and said with a half-smile: "Oh, Yelu Qingcang, why is it you? You are a majestic Beirong Zuo Xianwang, noble Why did your eighth son-in-law come to my little city of Huining? I heard that the eighth princess just added a fat boy to you a few days ago, why, have you abandoned your wife and son again?"

(End of this chapter)

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