Chapter 329 End
Dayu's cavalry has always been inferior to Bei Rong's cavalry, but there are exceptions.For example, the Chongzhou cavalry who have been guarding western Liaoning for many years, except that the quality of their horses is not as good as that of the soldiers, the physical fitness and tactics of their soldiers are not inferior to those of the soldiers.

Moreover, it is even more difficult to deal with cavalry who have the will to die. If ordinary cavalry is sent up, it will be a waste of combat power.

Thinking of this, Yelu Qingcang ordered without hesitation to let the phalanx of [-] heavy cavalry fight directly.

General Huang led his men out of the city, and stood guard not far from the city wall, facing the heavy mountain-like heavy cavalry of the Northern Rong who came trampling over.Without fear, they shouted in unison: "Behind us is Chongzhou City, and today our flesh and blood is the city wall. People are in the city, and people are dead and the city is dead!"

"Hehe, the mantis is like a cart, and it is beyond its control."

Looking at the light and simple equipment, the Dayu cavalry was no match for his own heavy cavalry.The leader of the Beirong heavy cavalry sneered contemptuously, then blew the horn and launched an attack.They raised their spears and shouted in unison: "Kill—"

With neat steps, it was as heavy as a steel city wall but quickly pressed over it.

"Kill--" the Han army also shouted, but although they shouted loudly, they hesitated in their steps and did not rush forward very far.

The leader of the soldiers felt that the Han army must be fearful and timid, so he couldn't help attacking faster.Seeing that the distance between the two armies was getting closer, all the heavy cavalry were within the firing range of the artillery vehicles.

"Get ready, let go!" Behind the cannon carriage on the Chongzhou city wall, a row of soldiers with different armors suddenly stood up in unison.They lit the torches at the same time, pulled the cannon carriage, and soon the iron balls dragging sparks roared into the phalanx of the Beirong heavy cavalry, and exploded.

Every iron ball exploded a huge spark, and countless bloody stumps immediately flew up, no matter how strong the armor was, it couldn't stop the power of the explosives.The mountain-like solid phalanx of the Northern Rong heavy cavalry was suddenly bombed and torn apart. The cavalry who had never had such an experience were scared out of their wits and screamed to retreat.

However, due to the heavy equipment and poor maneuverability of the heavy cavalry, it is difficult to turn around flexibly, and they cannot retreat for a while.Some people were even injured and fell off their horses, because the armor was too heavy, and they couldn't even climb up.

"Kill, kill..."

After a round of intensive artillery fire, half of the heavy cavalry was lost, and the remaining half collapsed into formation at all.The Dayu cavalry led by General Huang Lao rushed up immediately, took out the heavy weapons that had been prepared, and completely killed the remaining heavy cavalry.

These heavy weapons are long maces, heavy hammers and giant axes, and even simple stone hammers with wooden handles made temporarily.

These are specially aimed at the heavy cavalry, because the heavy cavalry has heavy armor, and ordinary swords and spears can't hurt them at all.The extended mace can hit the horse's legs and the place under the horse's belly that is not protected by armor, causing the horse to suffer and fall.The heavy hammer and giant ax can knock out the heavy cavalry with a single blow by virtue of their strength.

Their tactic is very effective. As long as the heavy cavalry is hit, there will be no one who will not fall.Seeing that his heavy cavalry was injured, after the initial scare of the Rong people, the light cavalry rushed up like a tide, wanting to support the heavy cavalry.

However, the cannonballs on the city wall seemed to have eyes, chasing after the Beirong cavalry to bombard, and with every loud noise, a piece of cavalry fell down...

The sky gradually darkened, but outside the city of Chongzhou, it became a battlefield of fierce fire.The exploding shells ignited everything that could be burned on the ground, and the smell of blood was mixed with a strong smell of scorching, making the smoked people almost want to vomit.

Relying on the cover of artillery fire, General Huang's men almost wiped out all the heavy cavalry, and there were many light cavalry who rushed up.

"Retreat, retreat..." Watching the cavalry he trained with all his pains die in groups under the terrifying artillery fire.Yeluqing's face was ashen, he was trembling all over, seeing that if he didn't retreat, more cavalry would turn in, he had to roar and demand to retreat...

In the siege of the day and the battle at night, the Beirong people lost more than 1 infantry, more than 2 light cavalry, and [-] heavy cavalry were basically wiped out.

In the face of fierce gunpowder, the cavalry in the cold weapon era is vulnerable!
Half of the 8 horses left in an instant, fearing the power of thunderbolts from the sky.Yelu Qingcang withdrew his troops for more than a hundred li overnight, and retreated another two hundred li the next day until he retreated into a city and dared not come out again.

The Chongzhou defenders also paid the price of nearly 2 casualties.

But if it weren't for the help of Huo Lei Dan, they would all die in battle, and they might not be able to defend the city.

Especially to be able to destroy Yelu Qingcang's invincible trump card relying on heavy cavalry, what an honor this is!

Under the joy of victory, even death is not so sad.

The siege of Liaoxi was resolved in one battle, and the news of Yelu Qingcang's defeat quickly spread throughout the northwest. The soldiers under King Zhenbei who heard it were all shocked!

They had just learned the reason for Yizhou's defeat, and then even Yelu Qingcang was also defeated.Not only was he defeated, but his invincible [-] heavy cavalry was completely annihilated!
Xiao Qian sent 3000 people there, and with something like a thunderbolt from the sky, they killed the heavy cavalry of the Beibei Army like a steel wall.

Xiao Qian actually developed such a magical weapon?With this divine weapon in hand, who can defeat him?

Frightened, the neutral faction who had previously supported King Zhenbei immediately turned around and withdrew from the Zhenbei Army.

After learning about the battle in the Northwest, the emperor was immediately overjoyed.While vigorously rewarding the army and Xiao Qian who participated in the war, he also issued a decree to severely criticize the ambition of Zhenbei King, which brought disaster to the country and the people.

For a while, the people in the northwest were furious, and they all supported Xiao Qian to condemn King Zhenbei.Many people and soldiers took action, some rose up, and some fled directly to Xiao Qian's residence...

King Zhenbei has just started, and the situation is gone.

"My lord, stop. You just taught your son a lesson, and you didn't make a big mistake. At this time, it's still too late to defend yourself."

The Northern Rong could not be counted on, Xiao Qian was so vigorous, the Zhenbei Army had the right time, place and people, and none of them took advantage of it.If you continue to rebel, there will only be a dead end... The generals in the Zhenbei Army were soon discouraged and advised the King of Zhenbei.

King Zhenbei was unwilling, and Xiao Gang was also unwilling. They were so unwilling that they almost vomited blood, but it was useless.Xiao Qian had magic soldiers in his hands, and the [-] defenders could easily defeat the [-] siege army, and even gnawed off Yelu Qingcang's iron cavalry.Regardless of the strength of the army, King Zhenbei knew that he was not as good as Yelu Qingcang. At this time, there was no foreign aid, and there was no support from the people, so there was no chance of winning if he continued.

If there is a truce and a truce, and try to steal the magic weapon, there may be a chance to fight in the future.

However, he wanted to stop the war, but the emperor and Xiao Qian still refused!
Since Yelu Qingcang was so beaten that he didn't dare to come out, he should concentrate on dealing with King Zhenbei!Soon, the emperor mobilized heavy troops to gather at the border of the Zhenbei Prince's Mansion, and demanded that the Zhenbei King and his son Xiao Gang go to Beijing to plead guilty, and at the same time canonize Xiao Qian as the Zhenbei Prince's son.

(End of this chapter)

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